Balak: Chapter 44

"And the she-mule saw the angel of Hashem," part two


Rabbi Shimon says that the mission of the angel was intended both to help the she-mule and to punish Bilaam. From the rabbis we learn several meanings of this event and of the ass's deviation from the path of witchcraft. Rabbi Aba talks about the four colors that adorn Malchut when she wants to unite with Zeir Anpin, and about the twelve boundaries. We hear the esoteric description of the rows of towers and the movement of the wheels and the ascension and descent of the crowns. When the mating draws blessings from above those blessings all flow to the children of Yisrael, who send part of them to sustain the other nations. That residue is the meaning of "a path of the vineyards," toward which Bilaam had turned his she-mule. The angel blocked that path to prevent him from drawing energy from there. Rabbi Chiya tells us that the speech of the she-mule made Bilaam realize that his power had been broken, since it was God who made the she-mule speak. Because Bilaam responded to the silly she-mule he showed himself to be a fool.