Pekudei: Chapter 4

"These are the accounts of the Tabernacle"


Rabbi Shimon opens by saying that God created this world in the image of the higher one. When He wanted to create the world He looked at the Torah, and He looked at the Holy Name, Yud Hei Vav Hei. He created the world with Chochmah, Tevunah and Da'at, through wisdom, through understanding, and through knowledge. The Tabernacle was built from these as well. We are told that Moses was dumbfounded when told to create the Tabernacle, because he didn't know how until God showed him the spiritual form of each thing; then each of these forms reshaped itself to resemble the imagined form made on earth. Moses saw each of these forms in Malchut, the mirror that does not shine but only reflects, but he grew confused over which image to use, so God told him to use the imaginary image and He would use the spiritual image, thus combining the two. Another explanation for 'the accounts of the Tabernacle' is that the Holy Spirit, in the form of the Tabernacle, was a mirror that reflected to everyone the amount of gold and silver offered by Yisrael. After the work was completed Moses had to count up everything in order to prove his trustworthiness, and even the Other Side was able to find no fault with him. Rabbi Shimon turns to the meaning of 'testimony' in "the Tabernacle of the Testimony," and offers two explanations of why the Levites serve in the Tabernacle. Rabbi Aba introduces a new topic, that time when God will increase peace in the world and the root of the Tree of Life will prevail. We also learn that blessings only exist where they aren't being counted. Rabbi Chizkiyah offers his explanation of the title verse, saying that the 'holy ground' Moses stood on was the Shechinah, and that God made him ruler over Malchut. Whatever Moses decreed God performed. Moses was the voice, Zeir Anpin, that uttered the speech, Malchut, and he inventoried the Tabernacle so it could come out of exile.