117. Rabbi Ila'i opened the discussion saying, "You shall be perfect (Heb. tamim). with Hashem your Elohim" (Devarim 18:13). HE ASKS: What is the difference between Tam (lit. 'perfect') and Tamim (lit. 'perfect'). HE RESPONDS: By Abraham, it is written: "Walk before Me, and be perfect (Heb. tamim)" (Beresheet 17:1). By Jacob, who was more perfected, it is written: "And Jacob was a plain (perfect - tam) man" (Beresheet 25:27). Why was he called a perfect man? Since no refuse was left with him, as the uncovering of the membrane at circumcision was performed on him.
118. HE INQUIRES: How did he perform that membrane uncovering and become cleansed from that refuse? HE RESPONDS: That area that strengthens the refuse within - WHICH EXISTS where the membrane is - is an ox, WHICH IS the left image of His throne. FOR IN THE CHARIOT OF THE THRONE ARE THE FACE OF THE LION TO THE RIGHT AND THE FACE OF THE OX TO THE LEFT. That ox is referred to as an ox that has not gored (Heb. tam), since there exists an impression of that Covenant of circumcision in the Chariot of that throne. Therefore, this ox is called an unblemished ox. Jacob is connected with it and with this ox, he has performed the membrane uncovering and has removed the soil of that refuse entirely.
119. In the Baraita of Betzalel, it is written: "And Elohim remembered Rachel" (Beresheet 30:22). HE INQUIRES: About Sarah, it is written "visited," as in: "AND HASHEM VISITED SARAH" (BERESHEET 21:1), but about Rachel, it is written "remembered." Why? HE RESPONDS: "Remember," WHICH IS THE SECRET OF YESOD, is impressed on Jacob, who was a complete Covenant, when Joseph was born. How WAS THIS PERFECT COVENANT ACHIEVED? It is when he took with him the ox that assails the Other Side, WHICH ASSAILS AND DESTROYS THE SOILED REFUSE OF THE OX THAT GORED THRICE THAT DWELLS WITHIN THAT MEMBRANE TO BE REMOVED, AS MENTIONED NEARBY. Therefore, Joseph is referred to as "the firstling of his herd" (Devarim 33:17), meaning the ox's firstborn that Jacob took and that pushed aside that ox OF THE OTHER SIDE, WHICH IS THE OX THAT GORED THRICE.
120. The unblemished (Heb. tam) ox, MEANING "and Jacob was a plain (Heb. tam) man" MEANS a sovereign ruler, the master of the house within which that unblemished ox dwells; THAT IS, MALCHUT FROM WHICH IS DRAWN THE UNBLEMISHED OX. Because there exists an ox that has gored thrice on the side of the foreskin and the skin of the uncovered membrane, MEANING THE ENTIRE FORESKIN AND THE REFUSE THAT IS ABSORBED IN THE SKIN OF THE MEMBRANE THAT GETS UNCOVERED, many prosecutors emanate and result from it down to the lowest level that is referred to as 'She'iyah,' that HARMFUL DEMON, which fells the houses that are empty of people. All result from that ox who gored thrice when joined with the evil donkey. Therefore, "you shall not plow with an ox and an donkey together" (Devarim 22:10) in order not to incite them.
121. In the Yeshivah of Betzalel and also in the two Yeshivot, MEANING IN THE YESHIVAH OF METATRON AND THE YESHIVAH OF THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, THEY SAID THAT "And Jacob was a plain (Heb. tam) man" MEANS the husband of that Tam, WHICH IS MALCHUT. Who is he, THE HUSBAND OF TAM? That is the Aleph, which is part of the secret of Vav, FULLY SPELLED VAV-ALEPH-VAV, SINCE JACOB IS THE SECRET OF ALEPH AND MALCHUT IS THE SECRET OF TAM. When they include male and female together, Jacob takes all these letters - ALEPH, TAM - THE SECRET of Aleph Tav Mem. These are THE LETTERS OF emet (Eng. 'truth') and it is written: "You will show truth to Jacob" (Michah 7:20), SINCE TRUTH combines the male and female together, AND THEN they are in complete perfection.
122. Abraham was not commanded about the uncovering of the membrane. When he entered, MEANING HE CIRCUMCISED HIMSELF, he entered into Tam and into its levels that are called in combination Yam (Eng. 'ocean'). This is Tamim, WHICH CONTAINS THE LETTERS IN TAM YAM. Following this, Abraham was elevated and entered the innermost interior, and was connected with the uppermost right.
123. "You shall be perfect (Heb. tamim) with Hashem your Elohim," certainly. Just like He is Tamim in one principle, SINCE YAM WAS INCLUDED IN TAM, AS MENTIONED. You, too, be perfect (Heb. tamim) with Him, with Him certainly. Through what does a person become Tamim? - THAT IS by being Tam Yam IN ONE COMBINATION. As we explained about Tam, all the holy levels OF MALCHUT THAT IS REFERRED TO AS TAM are called Yam and never separate from it. You likewise remove from yourself all the foreign levels, and connect yourself with Tamim. Thus you shall have in you the holy levels, which are the secret of Yam and the holy level Tam, THAT SHOULD BE READY to accept AFTERWARDS the Aleph, which is the secret of Jacob. AND THE COMBINATION, EMET, WILL BE MADE, AS WE MENTIONED PREVIOUSLY. Every day man must be Tam Yam, in exactly the same way.
124. (A) Someone explained in the Yeshivah that the holy moon, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF MALCHUT, is white in color, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE LIGHT OF CHESED. All the colors sparkle within her and get embroidered, MEANING ALSO THE LIGHT OF CHOCHMAH, and she has the same as that actual beauty and whiteness of the sun, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF ZEIR ANPIN. In that ocean OF MALCHUT within a period of seventy years, a certain fish emerges and takes out from it the color blue, and she takes this dye and prepares it and covers herself from outside with that color.
(B) It is not that the blue color is her dress, WHICH IS WHY SHE WEARS IT AS AN OUTER GARMENT, since IT IS WRITTEN: "Her clothing is fine linen and purple" (Mishlei 31:22), BUT BLUE IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR HER DRESS. However, this color IS ONLY an exterior cover OVER MALCHUT. Similar to this, it was at the Tabernacle that is entirely of beautiful embroidery internally and after that: "And shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue" (Bemidbar 4:6) ON THE OUTSIDE. What is the reason? It is because below this ocean, WHICH IS MALCHUT, there are depths of the sea, WHICH ARE KLIPOT that are comprised of male and female. They have an evil eye with which to stare and, when they stare AT MALCHUT - MEANING THAT THEY WISH TO DRAW ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH FROM HER FROM ABOVE DOWNWARD IN THE MANNER OF THE KLIPOT - the blue color is ready for their eyes. Their eyes cannot affect MALCHUT AND THAT IS ONLY EXTERNALLY. HOWEVER, she is fixed internally by all embroidery colors, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF WHITE, RED AND GREEN, as is proper FOR CONTINUATION OF CHOCHMAH. They spread to the four sides of the world.
125. Likewise, a man who wears Tzitzit (lit. 'fringed garment') becomes tamim every day. HE RECEIVES THE ASPECT OF Tam OF MALCHUT with the four corners OF THE GARMENT that are properly made. THE ASPECT OF Yam HE RECEIVES FROM MALCHUT with the blue OF THE TZITZIT THAT IS THE SECRET of the fish of seventy levels in the sea, AS MENTIONED, so that the Evil Side will not be able to harm him with the evil eye when it stares at this person, MEANING HE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DRAW HIM TO THE DOMINION OF THE OX THAT GORED THRICE, SINCE THE BLUE PREVENTS THEM. Then he is Tam Yam with Hashem his Elohim in one preparation, SINCE MALCHUT TOO IS ESTABLISHED AND COVERED EXTERNALLY WITH THE BLUE COLOR, AS MENTIONED - she above and he below.
126. Following this, MALCHUT ascends to higher levels, THAT IS, TO THE LEVELS OF ZEIR ANPIN. So, the person also is elevated afterward with the Tefilin to higher levels OF ZEIR ANPIN. About this, it is said: "You shall be perfect (Heb. tamim) with Hashem your Elohim," with Him definitely. Certainly at once, at one moment MALCHUT is fixed above - FIRSTLY, BY TAM YAM, AND AFTERWARDS, IN A UNION WITH ZEIR ANPIN. A person is prepared likewise below. FIRSTLY, HE IS MADE READY BY THE TZITZIT, WHICH IS THE LEVEL OF TAM YAM, AND THEN BY THE TEFILIN, WHICH IS THE LEVEL OF ZEIR ANPIN.