35. "But the Levites (lit. 'Levite, he') shall do the service of the Tent of Meeting..." (Bemidbar 18:23). Rabbi Aba opened the discussion with the verse: "it is he that sits upon the circle of the earth" (Yeshayah 40:22). Come and behold: when the Holy One, blessed be He, wanted to create the world, it rose in His wish and He created it with the Torah, and through it, it became perfected. This is what is written: "when He established the heavens, I was there" (Mishlei 8:27), and it is written, "then I was by Him, as a nursling (Heb. amon)" (Ibid. 30). It was explained that we should not pronounce it 'amon,' but rather, 'oman (lit. 'craftsman');'' SHE WAS FOR HIM THE CRAFTSMAN OF THE UNIVERSE.
36. When He came to create Adam, we were taught that the Torah said, 'is it in vain, that You are called long suffering and abundant in love?' AND IF THERE WILL BE NO MAN WHO WILL SIN, FOR WHOM WILL YOU RESTRAIN ANGER? At the time that Adam emerged into the world, the luster of his face was from above and from below. All the creatures were fearful of him, as it was explained. Come and behold: the world had no endurance and was not perfected until that time when Adam emerged in total perfection and that day was sanctified. A Holy Throne was prepared for the King, WHICH IS MALCHUT. Then the upper and the lower grades were considered complete, and joy was attained in all the worlds.
37. At the moment when the day wished to be sanctified, spirits and demons emerged to have a body created for them. However, the day was sanctified and they were not created. The world appeared to be left as if faulty in its work and lacking, BECAUSE OF THE PRESENCE OF THESE SPIRITS AND DEMONS. However, as soon as Yisrael were sanctified and perfected in their level, the Levites were placed on the left side. Then that flaw of the world was perfected, WHAT WAS DONE on the left, DUE TO THE EXISTENCE OF THE SPIRITS AND DEMONS, BECAUSE THROUGH THE LEVITES, THE LEFT WAS GATHERED INTO THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT WAS THEREBY RESTORED.
38. Therefore, the Levites must be cleansed and everything must be gathered into the right so that the world is not flawed. Due to this, it is written: "but the Levite, he shall do the service." He who completed the perfection of the left side ended the flaw of the world. Even that northern side that was missing in the world when the Holy One, blessed be He, created the world, THE LEVITES ALSO COMPLETED, SINCE the Levites at the Ark completed everything. What is the meaning of 'at the Ark?' It means with that burden they carried at the Tabernacle, DURING THE TRAVEL PERIOD OF THE TABERNACLE, all that was flawed was restored to perfection.
39. "BUT THE LEVITE, HE SHALL SERVE;'' "he" alludes to the left above, meaning THAT HE RESTORES THE LEFT ABOVE. The pronoun "he" indicates that it is included in the right. In addition, "he" is the Ancient One, THAT IS, KETER. FOR HIS SERVICE AND RESTORATION REACHES ALL THE WAY TO KETER, SINCE "HE" INDICATES THE HIDDEN. If Judgment, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE AMENDMENT OF THE LEVITES, had not existed in the world, people would not have been aware of the highest Faith. And people would not have engaged in the Torah, and the commandments of the Torah would not have been kept, nor would people have performed the entire service that is to be done in this world for the Holy King. Who performs it? One says: The Levites.
40. "But the Levite, he shall serve;'' "he" is as it is written, "Hashem, He is the Elohim" (Devarim 4:35), SINCE THROUGH HIM THIS UNIFICATION IS ACCOMPLISHED. He finalizes that perfection so that all shall be one, so THAT ALL THE LEVELS WILL COMBINE AND UNIFY TO BECOME ONE. "He" INDICATES the extension OF THE LEFT towards the Congregation of Yisrael, WHICH IS MALCHUT, as it says, "His left hand is under my head" (Shir Hashirim 2:6), in order to connect AFTERWARDS. This mating together IS THE SECRET MEANING OF, "AND HIS RIGHT ARM EMBRACES ME." Who awakens this love OF, "HIS LEFT HAND IS UNDER MY HEAD," WHICH IS THE SECRET OF MARITAL LOVE? One says that it is "he," THE LEVI and also, "He," as it is written, "it is He who made us, and we belong to Him" (Tehilim 100:3), WHICH ALLUDES TO THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE. Therefore, "He" POINTS downward TO REPAIR THE FLAW THAT IS IN THE WORLD, and "He" is above TO RESTORE THE LEFT UP HIGH. "He" openly REVEALS FAITH AND SERVICE IN THE WORLD, and "He" is concealed, WHICH POINTS TO THE ANCIENT ONE. "He is the Elohim," WHICH POINTS TO UNIFICATION OF YUD HEI VAV HEI. HE IS THE ELOHIM AS MENTIONED.
41. Rabbi Yitzchak said: In the future, the Holy One, blessed be He, is destined to brighten the light of the moon to be as bright as the sun. The light of the sun will be seven times brighter, as it is written: "moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun..." (Yeshayah 30:26). It is also written: "your sun shall no more go down; nor shall your moon withdraw itself" (Yeshayah 60:20), and it is further written: "the sun shall be no more..." (Ibid. 19)
42. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). "Everything that opens the womb in all flesh...and the firstling of unclean beasts shall you redeem" (Bemidbar 18:15). This commandment is to redeem the firstling of a mule, that is, to redeem HIMSELF for the World to Come. If prior to going to that world he does not redeem his Nefesh and Ruach and Neshamah in Torah, he is destined to return back AND REINCARNATE in this world as originally, AS IT SAYS: "he shall return to the days of his youth" (Iyov 33:25), and receive Nefesh, Ruach and Neshamah.
43. It is written: "lo, El does all these things twice or three times with a man" (Iyov 33:29). THAT IS the children of Yisrael, since their redemption takes place without Torah, which is like silver (Heb. kesef) that is "Kisufa" (lit. 'delight') of the World to Come. They returned three other times to the exile and, at the last redemption when they will be redeemed through Torah, they will never ever return to exile. The rabbis came and gave him their blessings, saying, 'Faithful Shepherd, the Holy One, blessed be He, will redeem you and all the children of Yisrael will be redeemed through you, and you will be renewed with them and they with you.'