Vayechi: Chapter 66

Corrected by twelve in two worlds


Rabbi Aba begins the discussion by quoting the verse, "And he made a molten sea." It stood upon twelve oxen" We learn that when Jacob saw the adornment of the upper sea by the twelve chariots appointed from above, he wished to complete the adornment of the lower sea. He therefore called to his twelve sons to prepare to perfect the Faith. Thus, the Lower World, the Nukva, [Malchut] was perfected by the twelve tribes. Three tribes look to each of the four directions of the world, signifying Chesed, Gvurah, Netzach and Hod, the arms and legs of the body of the Shechinah. We also learn that "The seven eyes of The Creator" allude to the seventy members of the Sanhedrin. The hairs on his head are signified by the great numbers in the camp of Reuben and in the camp of Judah. The discourse then turns again to supernal correction of the Jubilee discussed in the previous section. Finally, the rabbis expand upon the significance of the twelve supports of Binah and the Nukva, the structure of the metaphorical body, the seven supernal eyes, and the hairs of the head.


Readers of this passage rise above the negative celestial influences of the twelve constellations. Ascending over the signs allows us to become the captains of our own destiny. In addition, the protective Light of the Shechinah encircles our souls. The twelve tribes also signify the support and foundation of the spiritual worlds, and thus, we draw support for our own efforts towards spiritual evolvement.