399. Rabbi Elazar said to his father, We have already heard THE EXPOSITION OF the closed organs, NAMELY THE EXTERNAL LIMBS, in the secret of the sacrifice, but what is the secret of the other organs, THE INNER ONES? Rabbi Shimon said to Rabbi Elazar: Elazar, my son, all the other organs that are internal have a supreme secret.
400. Come and see, We have already learned about the heart: The heart is a burning fire, and if the Supernal King had not arranged for it the wings of the lung that bring to it a breeze from the wind that blows with the upper spices, NAMELY FROM THE FIRST THREE SFIROT OF ZEIR ANPIN, the heart would burn up the whole world in a single moment.
401. He began by quoting: "Then Hashem caused to rain upon S'dom and upon Amorah brimstone and fire" (Beresheet 19:24). Why did He burn them? Because at that time the wings of the lung did not blow a wind ON And the secret of these wings of the lung is the secret of the verse, "the wings of a dove covered with silver" (Tehilim 68:14). FOR DOVE, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF MALCHUT, OF WHICH THE ROOT IS FROM THE LEFT OF BINAH, FROM THE ASPECT OF THE HEART, HAS TO BE COVERED WITH SILVER, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF CHASSADIM. AND WHEN IT IS COVERED WITH SILVER IT IS THE SECRET OF THE ANGELS Raphael and Tzadkiel, WHICH COME FROM IT FOR THE HEALTH AND SALVATION OF THE WORLD. And it is said about them: "who makes the winds His messengers" (Tehilim 104:4), namely permanently to blow on the heart.
402. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). And in the first section, the Faithful Shepherd said TO RABBI SHIMON, Holy Luminary, everything that you have said is good, but the brain is water, the heart is fire, and the two of them are Mercy and Judgment. This, THE BRAIN, is the Throne of Mercy, while the other, THE HEART, is the Throne of Judgment. And the Holy One, blessed be He, is the King who arise from the Throne of Judgment which is the heart, and sits down on the Throne of Mercy which is the brain.
403. When iniquities multiply in the organs and in the arteries of the heart, which is the Throne of Judgment, it is said of the heart: "And the king arising from the banquet of wine in his wrath" (Ester 7:7), which is the wine of the Torah. But when the wings of the lung blow on the heart, it is said: "Then the king's wrath was pacified" (Ibid. 10). For the two wings of the lung are THE SECRET OF THE VERSE, "And the Cherubs shall stretch out their wings on high, over spreading the covering with their wings" (Shemot 25:20). This is the covering of the heart.
404. And in what way was the king's wrath appeased? It was because "then he heard the voice" (Bemidbar 7:89), this being the voice of the Torah, the voice of the reading of Sh'ma, WHICH IS THE CENTRAL COLUMN, "and it spoke to him" (Ibid.), WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE REVELATION of CHOCHMAH THAT IS IN MALCHUT, WHICH IS CALLED 'SPEECH,' and this is in the prayer that is formulated in the mouth, which is "Adonai, open my lips; and my mouth shall rehearse Your praise" (Tehilim 51:17), WHICH IS MALCHUT.
405. And that wind that blows in the wings of the lung, carries the voice out through the trachea (Heb. kaneh), which is "Get (Heb. k'neh) wisdom, get understanding" (Mishlei 4:5). FOR THE VOICE, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, NAMELY VAV, IS THE SON OF YUD HEI, WHICH ARE CHOCHMAH AND BINAH. And about this it is said: "Thus says Adonai Elohim; Come from the four winds, O breath (Heb. ruach)" (Yechezkel 37:9). And the four are the four letters Yud Hei Vav Hei OF ZEIR ANPIN. And this is the wind that beats and palpitates in all the arteries of the heart, about which it is said: "Wherever the spirit (Heb. ruach) was minded to go, they went" (Yechezkel 1:12).
406. The Holy Luminary said TO THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERD: Certainly, O Faithful Shepherd, it is your level at which it is said: "Then the king's wrath was pacified (Heb. shachachah)," FOR THE LEVEL OF THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERD IS THE CENTRAL COLUMN, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, THAT IS CALLED 'VOICE.' "Happy is the people that is in such a case (Heb. shecachah)" (Tehilim 144:15), SHACHACHAH having the numerical value of Moses. THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERD said to him, Blessed are you, Holy Luminary, FOR YOU ARE the candle that burns before the King and His Matron. "the candle of Hashem" (Mishlei 20:27) is your soul.
407. RABBI SHIMON said to THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERD, You have given AN EXPLANATION for the brain, the heart, and the wings of the lungs, but what about the two kidneys? The Faithful Shepherd replied, We learned about the wings of the lungs: "who makes the winds His messengers" (Tehilim 104:4), THIS BEING THE SECRET OF CHASSADIM, WHICH ARE CALLED 'WINDS.' The kidneys ARE "the flames of fire His ministers" (Ibid.), NAMELY JUDGMENTS, and the two wings of the lung with the two kidneys stand for the four living creatures of the Throne, WHERE THE WINGS OF THE LUNG ARE LION AND EAGLE, WHICH ARE CHASSADIM, AND THE TWO KIDNEYS ARE OX AND MAN, WHICH ARE GVUROT. And the Throne is the heart that is in the middle, WHICH IS THE THRONE OF JUDGMENT.
408. And so, too, does the brain have four living creatures, FOR THE BRAIN is the Throne of Mercy. And who might they be? They are sight, hearing, smell and speech. Sight is lion, NAMELY CHOCHMAH. Hearing is ox, NAMELY BINAH. Smell is eagle, NAMELY ZEIR ANPIN, and each of them has four countenances and four wings. Speech is man, NAMELY MALCHUT. He is attached above, NAMELY TO THE MOUTH OF THE HEAD, and below IN THE BODY. For ABOUT the arms of the body, IT IS SAID: 'Our hands are spread forth as the eagles of the heavens.' Body is man, THAT IS TO SAY THAT HE IS IN THE ASPECT OF MALCHUT, WHICH CLINGS TO THE CENTRAL COLUMN, WHICH IS BODY. And ABOUT the legs IT IS WRITTEN: "and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot" (Yechezkel 1:7), WHICH INCLINE TO THE FACE OF OX, WHICH IS GVURAH. And about the body, WHICH IS MAN, it is said "the second chariot" (Beresheet 41:43), NAMELY THE CHARIOT OF MALCHUT, WHICH IS CALLED 'SECOND' (HEB. MISHNEH), but this can also be read as Mishnah, as in. 'we taught in the Mishnah' WHICH IS MALCHUT. End of Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Sheperd).