224. There are five groups in the mixed multitude. These are the Nefilim (fallen), the Giborim (mighty), the Anakim (giants), the Refaim (shades) and the Amalekites. Because of them, the small Hei fell from its place, NAMELY FROM BINAH. Bilaam and Balak come from the side of Amalek, because if you remove the letters Am from Bilaam and the letters Lak from Balak, you are left with Babylon (Heb. Bavel). "Therefore is the name of it called Babylon; because Hashem did there confound (Heb. balal) the language of all the earth" (Beresheet 11:9).
225. These are the ones who remained of those of whom it was said at the time of the flood, "And He destroyed every living substance" (Beresheet 7:23). Those who survived, THE KLIPAH OF AMALEK, from the time of the fourth exile - NAMELY THE EXILE OF EDOM - became the leaders (lit. heads) of the world, men of great power. THIS IS BECAUSE THIS KLIPAH IS CONSIDERED THE HEAD AND KETER OF THE KLIPOT. They became a means of violence toward Yisrael and of them, it is written at the time of the flood, "For the earth is filled with violence through them" (Beresheet 6:13). These are the Amalekites.
226. About the Nefilim (the fallen ones), it is written: "That the sons of the Elohim saw that the daughters of men were fair" (Beresheet 6:2). These are the second group OF THE MIXED MULTITUDE, WHICH IS EQUIVALENT TO CHOCHMAH OF THE KLIPOT. THEY COME from those fallen from above, FROM AZA AND AZAEL, WHO WERE ANGELS ABOVE. AND THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, DROPPED THEM OUT OF THE HEAVENS. When the Holy One, blessed be He, desired to create man, he said TO THE ANGELS, "Let us make man in our image..." (Beresheet 1:26). He wanted to make him a leader over all the ANGELS above, so that he might govern all THE ANGELS and they would be under his rule, as is written about Joseph: "And let him appoint officers over the land" (Beresheet 41:34).
227. THIS IS WHY those ANGELS wanted to denounce him. They asked THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, "What is man, that You are mindful of him" (Tehilim 8:5), for he is bound to sin before You? WHY, THEREFORE, DO YOU WANT US TO BE UNDER HIM? The Holy One, blessed be He, replied, If you were down below ON EARTH like he, you would sin more than he does. Immediately, "The sons of the Elohim saw the daughters of men..." They were filled with passion for them, so the Holy One, blessed be He, dropped them down in chains.
228. These SONS OF ELOHIM are Aza and Azael, from whom descended the souls of THE SECOND GROUP IN the mixed multitude, which are the Nefilim. They made themselves fall FROM THEIR HOLINESS, and they fornicated with women who were fair. Because of this, the Holy One, blessed be He, also eliminated them from the World to Come, so that they may not have a portion there. And he gave them their reward in this world, as it is written: "...and repays them that hate Him to their face, to destroy them" (Devarim 7:10). THE SECOND GROUP IN THE MIXED MULTITUDE IS EQUIVALENT TO CHOCHMAH OF THE KLIPAH.
229. Of the Giborim, (mighty ones), the third group OF THE MIXED MULTITUDE THAT WAS MIXED WITH YISRAEL, it is written: "The same were mighty men of old, men of renown (lit. 'men with a name')" (Beresheet 6:4). These descend from the side of those, about whom it is said: "Let us build us a city and a tower...and let us make us a name..." (Beresheet 11:4), THAT IS, THE GENERATION WHICH WITNESSED SEPARATION OF THE RACES. They, this group of the mixed multitude, build synagogues and Yeshivot, putting the scroll of the Torah and a crown upon its top, AS DESCRIBED IN THE VERSE: "LET US BUILD US A CITY AND A TOWER, WHOSE TOP MAY REACH TO HEAVEN." BUT IT IS not DONE in the name of Hashem. Instead, it is done to make themselves a name, as it is written: "And let us make us a name." THE CHILDREN OF the Other Side, overcame Yisrael, who are BLESSED TO BE like the dust of the earth. They rob them, shattering their work, THE SYNAGOGUES AND YESHIVOT THAT THEY HAD BUILT. Of them, it is written: "And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth" (Beresheet 7:19), WHICH MEANS THAT THE KLIPOT AND THE OTHER SIDE, WHICH ARE CALLED WATERS, DESTROYED THE EARTH AS THEY EXPANDED. THIS THIRD GROUP IN THE MIXED MULTITUDE IS EQUIVALENT TO THE SFIRAH OF BINAH OF THE KLIPAH.
230. The Refaim (shades) are the fourth group OF THE MIXED MULTITUDE THAT MIXED WITH YISRAEL. If they notice a time of distress coming upon Yisrael, they abandon them. Even if they have the power to save them, they do not want to do so. They abandon the Torah and AVOID those who study it. Instead, they do favors to those who worship idols. Of them, it is written: "The shades of the dead (Heb. refaim) shall not rise" (Yeshayah 26:14), MEANING THAT THEY SHALL NOT RISE AT THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD. When The Children of Yisrael are visited TO BE REDEEMED FROM THEIR DISTRESS, it is written about them: "And made all their memory to perish" (Ibid.). BECAUSE THEY ARE THE OFFSPRING OF DARKNESS, THEY SHALL PERISH AS THE LIGHT REACHES YISRAEL. THIS FOURTH GROUP IS EQUIVALENT TO ZEIR ANPIN OF THE KLIPAH.
231. Anakim (giants) ARE the fifth group OF THE MIXED MULTITUDE. They belittle the value of those about whom it is written: "And chains (Heb. anakim) about your neck" (Mishlei 1:9), ALLUDING TO THE CHILDREN OF YISRAEL WHO OBSERVE THE TORAH. About them, it is written: "Who also were considered Refaim as the Anakim" (Devarim 2:11), so they are on a level with each other. These are the ones who bring the world back to a condition of "without form and void." The secret of this matter is the destruction of the Temple, which is described by the words: "And the earth was without form and void," because THE TEMPLE is the essence of the world and the settling thereof. SO THE TWO GROUPS IN THE MIXED MULTITUDE THAT MIXED WITH YISRAEL CAUSED THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE. As quickly as the light, which is the Holy One, blessed be He, appears TO THE CHILDREN OF YISRAEL, they shall be wiped out of the world and perish. Nevertheless, the redemption OF YISRAEL does not depend ON THE DESTRUCTION OF THE REFAIM, but on THE DESTRUCTION OF Amalek, that is, until he who was referred to in the oath is destroyed, AS IT IS WRITTEN: "BECAUSE YAH HAS SWORN BY HIS THRONE THAT HASHEM WILL HAVE WAR WITH AMALEK...," which has already been explained.