173. HE INQUIRES: Where was Bilaam at that time? If you say in Midian, why is it written: "And now, behold, I go to my people" (Bemidbar 24:14). If he already left, who placed him in Midian? HE RESPONDS: As soon as that wicked man saw that 24,000 fell from Yisrael due to his advice, TO OFFER THE WOMEN TO PROSTITUTE WITH YISRAEL, he wished to collect from them his recompense. While he was still there, Pinchas and the chiefs of the army arrived there.
174. As soon as BILAAM noticed Pinchas, he flew into the air and his two sons with him, Yunus and Yumbrus. You might say that they died during the episode of the calf, since they are the ones who created and formed THAT CALF. It was surely so, and it is written: "And there fell of the people that day about 3,000 men" (Shemot 32:28). Didn't they know how to figure and account for such a small number? Haven't we found then accounting for other higher and much greater censuses? The scripture there knew how to count and here it is written: "About 3,000 men," MEANING THAT THEY DID NOT KNOW PRECISELY. It is only because these were the sons of Bilaam, Yunus and Yumbrus, who were equal to 3,000 men.
175. HE RESPONDS: It is only because that wicked man knew all the magic in the world and he even received the sorcery of his sons, in which they were accustomed. With those, he flew in the air and ascended. Pinchas saw him, a person flying in the air and vanishing in the air. He raised his voice to the members of his army and said, Is there anyone who is capable of flying and chasing after that wicked man, who is no other than Bilaam himself? They saw him flying.
176. Tzelyah, a member from Dan's tribe, rose and took charge of the powers that are dominant over witchcraft, and flew after him. When the wicked one noticed him, he took another course in the air and penetrated five other layers of air in that course. He rose higher and disappeared from eyesight. At that point, Tzelyah came into danger and was distressed, since he did not know what to do.
177. Pinchas raised his voice and shouted to him, The shadow of the crocodiles that crouch over all the snakes, turn over in your hair. TZELYAH instantly knew and discovered that other path, and entered into it. BILAAM immediately appeared and they both descended in front of Pinchas.
178. Come and see that wicked man, about whom it is written: "And he went to a steep place (Heb. shefi)" (Bemidbar 23:3). This is one of his higher levels, which is the male snake. Tzelyah took both male and female and, through this, he was able to overpower him, because he took over the charge that was dominating them and they were subjugated to him. This was "an adder (Heb. shefifon) in the path" (Beresheet 49:17), which is on the same path that this wicked one took, as it is written: "Dan shall be a serpent by the way" (Ibid.), which refers to Samson. "An adder in the path" refers to Tzelyah.
179. "That bites the horse's heels" (Ibid.): This refers to Ira, who was with David, whose descent was from the tribe of Dan. Through his merit, David's might balanced in his favor, as it is written: "And David lamed all the chariot horses" (II Shmuel 8:4). "So that his rider shall fall backwards" (Beresheet 49:17) refers to Srayah, who will come with Messiah, son of Ephraim. He will be a descendant of Dan's tribe and he will take revenge and do wars with the rest of the nations. When this one rises, you will wait for the redemption of Yisrael, as it is written: "I wait for Your salvation, Hashem" (Ibid.). Although this verse has already been explained, the definition of it is as we mentioned and as was explained. The verse in the scripture is proof of this.
180. When the wicked man landed in front of Pinchas, Pinchas said to him, You evil man, how many evils have you inflicted on this Master of the Universe? He told Tzelyah, Get up and kill him, but not by the Name, since he is not worthy to have high holiness mentioned upon him, in order that his soul should not depart included in words of holy levels, because the words he said will be fulfilled, "Let me die the death of the righteous" (Bemidbar 23:10).
181. At that moment, he tried to kill him in a variety of ways, but he didn't die until he took the sword that had a snake engraved on either side. Pinchas told him, Kill him with his own and by his own he will die. He then killed him and prevailed over him, since that is the manner of that side. Whoever follows it dies through it. Through it, his soul will leave and with in it, HIS SOUL will be included. That is how Bilaam died. He is punished with punishments of that world and he was never buried. And all his bones were rotten and turned into many filthy snakes that are harmful to other creatures. Even the worms that ate his flesh turned into snakes.
182. I found in the book of Asmodeus, which he gave to King Solomon, that whoever wants to perform powerful magic that is unobservable by the eye, if he knows the rock where Bilaam had his downfall, he will locate there some of these snakes that were made from the bones of that evil one. If he kills one of those SNAKES, he could perform high-level sorcery with its head, other magic with its body and different witchcraft with its tail. Each one contains three types of witchcraft.