"And Joseph could not restrain himself"
We receive an introduction to the types of men who descended from Adam, and how each type can bring merit and benefit to the others - just as the beneficiary or "carrier" of charity gains merit in the same degree as the giver. This powerful analogy leads to further discussion of the relationship between "Charity Carrier" and the analogous Sfirot that exist above our physical realm. To assist our understanding of its inherent mystery, unity is explored as it exists within a theme of mating - specifically the mating of the Holy One with Yisrael. In the illumination following this supreme Union, all can be blessed.
When a man and woman join together in sexual union within the spiritual confines of marriage, their connection creates a stirring above, the Lower World embraces the Upper World and Divine Light fills all. But the man and woman must be pure of thought and joined by love. Their union must be accompanied by a consciousness to share pleasure for the purpose of creating Light for each other and the world.