Vayigash: Chapter 6

"And you shall eat and be satisfied, and bless"


Hezekiah resolves the apparent contradiction that exists in the scriptural injunction that we should not eat before the first prayer of the morning, and the injunction urging us to give the blessing only after the meal. This leads to greater appreciation of the weighty task that the Creator has taken on in providing his children with longevity and nourishment. We learn that the providing depends on Mazel (Eng. 'luck,' here imbued with an astrological dimension), not merit - a complex and difficult mystery that is somewhat clarified here, leading to both a firmer grasp of the inherent mysteries that lie within the mystical union of Male and Female, and also to a clarification of the secrets contained within the vitally important act of Joseph and Judah approaching one another.


The Hebrew word Mazel is usually translated as "luck," but it really means "sign" - as in the signs of the constellations. We are born into this world under a specific celestial influence, as determined by deeds in past lives. We can rise above any negative influences of these signs by evoking the Light through prayer, blessing, and meditation upon these mystical passages of the Zohar.