Vayechi: Chapter 38

"The angel who redeemed"


Rabbi Elazar explains that the title verse indicates Jacob wished to join the high and the low, so that the blessings he bestowed on Malchut, our physical existence, would also be received by the lower spiritual bodies. We learn that the title verse alludes to Tiferet, who receives blessings from the higher grades and confers them on the upper Cherubs, Sandalfon and Metatron. The upper Cherubs spread out their wings over the place of the Ark three times daily and bestow blessings on the lower Cherubs.

The discourse then turns to address the verse, "House and riches are the inheritance of fathers" but a prudent wife is from The Creator." If man turns to the Other Side, he will receive from the Other Side. However, if God appreciates this man for his good deeds, He redeems him from the Other Side and provides him with a prudent wife. We learn that God matches couples according to the deeds of the righteous before they enter the world. A man may be matched with a "prudent wife," when he is born, but if he strays from the path of righteousness, his intended wife will be given to another. If he rectifies his ways by the time he is supposed to marry her, the other man will be rejected and he will have his rightful spouse.

Finally, the discussion reverts back to the subject of the hierarchical conferring of blessings. Rabbi Yehuda explains why the word hayoshvi is spelled with an extra Yud י in the verse, "To You I lift up my eyes." We also learn that the circle of the world is sustained by the central point, called "the house of the Holy of Holies."


The celestial spirits that serve as conduits between mortals and the Light of The Creator, are accessible to readers of these mystical verses. Thus, sacred spiritual energy shines brighter in this world, infusing our lives with untold blessings. The good fortune to attract our true soulmate is kindled, as we become more cognizant of the illusionary material trappings that seduce us in this physical existence. This energy also enriches and deepens our marital relationships, enlightening us to the importance of building a marriage on a foundation of spiritual purpose and principles.