338. "And they brought the Tabernacle to Moses" (Shemot 39:33). It is written, "and above the firmament THAT WAS OVER THEIR HEADS WAS THE LIKENESS OF A THRONE, IN APPEARANCE LIKE A SAPPHIRE STONE..." (Yechezkel 1:26). This firmament is supported by the four living creatures. When they are raised by a certain air that strikes them, TO RAISE THE THRONE, MALCHUT, they do not lift up their heads, TO BEHOLD THE SHECHINAH, WHICH IS THE THRONE, BECAUSE OF THE FIRMAMENT THAT IS ABOVE THEM.
339. Once the spirit of the animal, MALCHUT, strikes them all, THE ANIMALS AND THE WHEELS, ALL OF THEM IN THE WORLDS OF BRIYAH, YETZIRAH AND ASIYAH are raised by it, as it is written, "and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up...along with them...for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels" (Ibid.19-20), FOR THE SPIRIT OF THE ANIMAL, WHICH IS MALCHUT, RAISES THEM ALL.
340. HE ASKS: Why are they raised TO ATZILUT? AND HE ANSWERS that the air OF MALCHUT strikes THE FOUR LIVING CREATURES, raises the four living creatures beneath that living creature MALCHUT, and they raise it, until they bring it to the supernal splendor, ZEIR ANPIN. This is the secret meaning of the verse, "the virgins, her companions that follow her, shall be brought to you" (Tehilim 45:15), for the four LIVING CREATURES are thus called. They never budge from the animal, which is the throne, NAMELY, MALCHUT, and they raise it from below upward so as to fix the throne, MALCHUT, upward, TOWARDS ZEIR ANPIN. This is the secret of the verse, "and bore up the ark, and it was lifted up above the earth" (Beresheet 7:17). And when MALCHUT mounts up TO ZEIR ANPIN, and THE FOUR LIVING CREATURES raise it, then it is written, "and they brought the Tabernacle to Moses." FOR MALCHUT IS CALLED 'TABERNACLE', AND MOSES IS THE SECRET OF ZEIR ANPIN, AND IT IS THE FOUR LIVING CREATURES WHO BRING IT.
341. "And they brought the Tabernacle to Moses" resembles the verse, "shall be brought to you," WHICH MEANS THAT THE LIVING CREATURES BRING MALCHUT. It is written, "and [they] bore up the ark," REFERRING TO THE LIVING CREATURES CARRYING MALCHUT to Moses, as it is said, "The likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it" (Yechezkel 1:26). This is the secret of man, ZEIR ANPIN. From where do we know that MOSES is called 'a man' (also: 'Adam')? From the verse, "My spirit shall not always strive on account of man, for that (Heb. beshgam) he also is flesh" (Beresheet 6:3). This alludes to Moses FOR BESHAGAM HAS THE SAME NUMERICAL VALUE AS MOSES. For that reason, upon the throne, WHICH IS MALCHUT, stands the appearance of man, namely, Moses, WHO IS ZEIR ANPIN. THEREFORE THE SCRIPTURE SAYS "AND ABOVE THE FIRMAMENT THAT WAS OVER THEIR HEADS" OF THE FOUR LIVING CREATURES, "IN APPEARANCE LIKE A SAPPHIRE STONE WAS THE LIKENESS OF A THRONE," WHICH IS MALCHUT. "AND UPON THE LIKENESS OF THE THRONE WAS THE LIKENESS AS THE APPEARANCE OF A MAN ABOVE UPON IT" (YECHEZKEL 1:26) REFERS TO ZEIR ANPIN.
342. "And they brought the Tabernacle," "they" being the four living creatures BRINGING MALCHUT when they mount TO ATZILUT, as we said. ALSO, "they," in "And they brought the Tabernacle," refers to the members of the body, THE SFIROT OF ZEIR ANPIN, all with holy yearning, grasping THE TABERNACLE, WHICH IS MALCHUT, so male and female may be united. ANOTHER EXPLANATION FOR, "And they brought the Tabernacle" is bringing the bride, MALCHUT, under the Wedding Canopy. First they have to raise and bring her up to Him, then He will always come to her, as we already explained.
343. "And they brought the Tabernacle" refers to all those RIGHTEOUS, daily binding the knots of unison, and bringing together the unison of the secret of the Faith, MALCHUT CALLED 'TABERNACLE'. Daily they raise the throne, WHICH IS MALCHUT, until it is brought before Moses, ZEIR ANPIN. THIS VERSE IS WRITTEN OF THEM. Once they connect it with Moses, these RIGHTEOUS MEN gain blessings from the source of life for this secret, for the knots of unison they bind. The secret lies in binding it properly. This is the recondite meaning of the verse, "And Moses saw all the work, NAMELY, THE UNISON...and Moses blessed them" (Shemot 39:43). For they gained the blessings from the place, where lies the grade of Moses, NAMELY, ZEIR ANPIN. They are "the wise men, that carried out all the work of the sanctuary" (Shemot 36:4), since they know how to properly carry out the work of the sanctuary, BY THE UNISONS THEY MAKE.
344. And so whoever says his prayer and ties the knot of union, he is checked to see whether the prayer and knot are in order. And if they are in order, he is then blessed first from the place from where all the blessings issue. This is the meaning of "they had done it..."; immediately, "and Moses blessed them" (Shemot 39:43).
345. For that reason IT IS WRITTEN, "And they brought the Tabernacle to Moses," ZEIR ANPIN, the landlord, to see how the house, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is fixed. He should see all its constructions and secrets, for no one may look and behold its secrets and mysteries save Moses alone.
346. Therefore, "they brought the Tabernacle to Moses, the tent, and all its furniture" (Shemot 39:33). When they brought it all to Moses, they brought all its parts, so each may be joined one to the other. When they wanted to insert them one within the other THEMSELVES, they could not do it; only when they brought it to Moses, he straightway succeeded. Each part advanced and fit into its place. This is the mystery of "and Moses erected the Tabernacle" (Shemot 40:18), and "the Tabernacle was reared up" (Ibid. 17) which we already explained.
347. Come and see: When Moses started to construct the Tabernacle, he started by fixing the parts and putting them together. Then all the parts and constructions of the Other Side became enfeebled. Once the holy side strengthens, the Other Side became weak. One gets stronger and the other gets weaker. We already explained that while HOLINESS is strong, all the members of the Other Side become enfeebled, the one becomes full, and the other dry. This is the secret of Jerusalem and the evil Tyre, when one is full the other is ruined. Therefore, when HOLINESS gets stronger, THE OTHER SIDE becomes weak.