29. The following precept is for one to marry the woman he violated. For surely there are two kinds of violated women, SINCE THERE IS one who is violated because he loves her but she doesn't love him. Another is violated because she loves him but fears to mate with him without marriage and being blessed, or she doesn't want him if he is a commoner. Of him it says, "and she shall be his wife" (Devarim 22:19).
30. In relation to the mysteries of the Torah we have to employ an allegory. There is a soul that is the Matron, NAMELY, DRAWN FROM MALCHUT OF ATZILUT, and there is a soul that is a handmaid, THAT IS, DRAWN FROM THE WORLD OF BRIYAH, such as in, "And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant" (Shemot 21:7). And there is a soul that is a common maid, THAT IS, FROM THE WORLD OF ASIYAH. And so is man. There is a man who is a servant to the soul. Sometimes the soul goes by means of incarnation, SINCE THE MAN SINNED WITH IT IN A PREVIOUS INCARNATION. THEN, "the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot" (Beresheet 8:9), SINCE THE SOUL FINDS NO REST IN HIM, BECAUSE OF THE INIQUITIES IN THE PREVIOUS INCARNATION. And the Evil Incarnation chases it to enter that body, which is a maid to the Evil Inclination. THAT IS, THE FORCE OF INIQUITIES FROM THE FORMER INCARNATION THAT LIES IN THIS BODY IS CONSIDERED A MAID TO THE EVIL INCARNATION. It is a Jewish demon SUBSERVIENT TO THE EVIL INCLINATION and the soul is Yud CALLED a Hebrew maidservant, BEING OF THE WORLD OF BRIYAH, in which this demon (Heb. shed) becomes Shadai, because it kept the soul and repented through it, and with it blessed the Holy One, blessed be He, daily with 'Blessed... (Heb. baruch),' and with it sanctifies the Holy One, blessed be He, with 'Holy, holy, holy,' and with it declares the unity of the Holy One, blessed be He, by Kriat Sh'ma.
31. AFTER DOING ALL THIS, what used to be a demon, WHICH BRINGS HARM, NAMELY THE FORCE OF INIQUITIES IN THE BODY, turns around to be its angel OF THE ASPECT OF Metatron and turned TO BE Shadai, because the numerical value of Metatron is that of Shadai. Immediately there is fulfilled in it REGARDING THE SOUL, "and she shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days" (Devarim 22:19). But if he does not repent, THE SOUL is enslaved in him through the iniquities he committed and it shall be fulfilled in him, "the wife and her children shall be her master's" (Shemot 21:4), THAT IS, THE SOUL WILL LEAVE HIM TO ITS ROOT, and it says of the demon which is its debtor, NAMELY THE FORCE OF INIQUITIES IN THE BODY FROM THE PREVIOUS INCARNATION, "and he shall go out by himself" (Ibid.), THAT IS, IT SHALL LEAVE WITHOUT REMEDY. That demon is like Moses' staff that turns from a staff into a snake and from a snake into a staff. So does this demon turn from a demon into an angel and from an angel into a demon, according to man's deeds.
32. Of the demons that come from this, NAMELY THE DEMON THAT TURNS INTO AN ANGEL, the sages of the Mishnah explained that some are like the ministering angels. They are the students of the Torah that know what was and what will be. They have their form DOWN on earth, being philosophers, astrologers of Yisrael, who know what was and what will be ACCORDING TO the signs on the sun and moon and their eclipses and each star and constellation; in this way they know what is seen in the world.
33. Some of them, OF THE DEMONS, are like beasts that increase and multiply like animals, and their form below ON EARTH is ignorant people, who, as the sages of the Mishnah explained, are vermin and whose daughters are abominable. Of their daughters it says, "Cursed be he that lies with any manner of beast" (Devarim 27:21). They hate Torah students, sages of the Mishnah, who are veritable ministering angels. For that reason the sages of the Mishnah explained about man that if he is as "a messenger of Hashem Tzva'ot" (Malachi 2:7), one should seek Torah out of his mouth. Otherwise, one must not seek Torah out of his mouth.