265. "And Hashem Elohim commanded..." (Beresheet 2:16). THIS VERSE ALLUDES TO THE PROHIBITION OF IDOL WORSHIPPING, WHICH IS INCLUDED WITHIN THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, as it has been said that the word "To command (Heb. tzav)" is but idolatry, from where, REFERRING TO THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, other Elohim originate. THERE ARE THREE TRANSGRESSIONS PERTAINING TO THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, WHICH ARE IDOL WORSHIPPING, INCEST AND BLOODSHED. And this, NAMELY THE KLIPAH OF IDOLATRY, DWELLS in the liver (Heb. kaved; lit. 'heavy'). Hence, "Let more work be laid (lit. 'heavy')" (Shemot 5:9) of idol worship. Because OF IDOLATRY, the liver becomes angry. BY BECOMING ANGRY, THE LIVER IS PASSED ON AS A DWELLING FOR THE KLIPAH OF IDOL WORSHIPPING. It has been said that 'Whoever is angry acts as if he worships idols,' and IT IS WRITTEN: "And...command" TO TEACH US ABOUT THE TRANSGRESSION OF IDOL WORSHIPPING, WHICH IS INCLUDED WITHIN THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL.
266. "The man" (Beresheet 2:16) mentioned in this phrase alludes to the prohibition of bloodshed, WHICH IS INCLUDED IN THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, as it is written: "Who so sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed" (Beresheet 9:6). FROM HERE, WE NEED TO DRAW AN ANALOGY. HERE IT IS SAID, "THE MAN" IN CONNECTION WITH BLOODSHED, JUST AS THERE THE WORD "MAN" IS CONNECTED WITH BLOODSHED (BERESHEET 2:16THEREFORE, BOTH ISSUES DEAL WITH BLOODSHED. THE KLIPAH OF BLOODSHED RESIDES WITHIN the gall (Heb. marah); it is the sword of the Angel of Death BY WHICH HE KILLS HUMAN BEINGS, AS IT SAYS THAT A DROP OF BITTERNESS (HEB. MARAH) HANGS FROM THE SWORD OF THE ANGEL OF DEATH, BY WHICH ONE DIES. The verse also says, "But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword" (Mishlei 5:4). THE WORD "saying" (Beresheet 2:16) IN THIS VERSE alludes to THE PROHIBITION OF incest (SEXUAL IMMORALITY), WHICH IS PART OF "THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL." THE KLIPAH OF INCEST RESIDES IN the spleen, about which it is written: "She eats, and wipes her mouth..." (Mishlei 30:20), because the spleen has neither mouth nor arteries THROUGH WHICH IT CAN SUCK BLOOD. Therefore, it sucks black blood from the liver, even though it has no mouth. This IS WHY IT IS WRITTEN: "She eats, and wipes her mouth." All those who shed blood come from THE KLIPAH THAT RESIDES IN the gall, and so the arteries in the heart avoid the bile and IMMEDIATELY flee from it.
267. Those who commit incest hide in the dark, AS IT IS WRITTEN: "THE EYE ALSO OF THE ADULTERER WAITS FOR THE TWILIGHT, SAYING, NO EYE SHALL SEE ME..." (IYOV 24:15). THIS IS AN ALLUSION TO the black blood of the spleen, WHERE THE KLIPAH OF INCEST RESIDES, AS BLACK BLOOD IS SIMILAR TO DARKNESS. The soul of whoever commits bloodshed, idolatry or incest shall be reincarnated inside THE THREE FORMS OF KLIPAH: the liver, the gall and the spleen. And it is sentenced in Gehenom by three evil rulers CALLED the destroyer, anger and wrath.
268. There are fifteen forms of incest (sexual misconduct), which are equivalent to the numerical value of Yud-Hei OF THE NAME YUD HEI VAV HEI, and the other six are equivalent to the Vav OF THE NAME YUD HEI VAV HEI. EVEN before The Children of Yisrael were exiled and the Shechinah was still with them, the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded Yisrael, "The nakedness of your mother, shall you not uncover" (Vayikra 18:7). THEY SHOULD NOT HARM THE SHECHINAH, WHICH IS THE MOTHER OF YISRAEL. So this exile is CONSIDERED the uncovering of the nakedness of the Shechinah, as it is written: "For your transgressions was your mother put away" (Yeshayah 50:1). Therefore, because of THE TRANSGRESSIONS OF incest, The Children of Yisrael were banished and the Shechinah was condemned to exile. This is the uncovering of the nakedness of the Shechinah, BECAUSE THE GOING OF THE SHECHINAH INTO EXILE IS CONSIDERED TO BE HER NAKEDNESS, AS IT IS WRITTEN: "ALL THAT HONORED HER DESPISE HER, BECAUSE THEY HAVE SEEN HER NAKEDNESS" (EICHAH 1:8). The nakedness OF THE SHECHINAH is Lilit, the mother of the mixed multitude. IT IS CONSIDERED NAKEDNESS BECAUSE THE RULE OF THE SHECHINAH, THE MOTHER OF YISRAEL, AND HER BOUNTY PASSED TO LILIT, THE MOTHER OF THE MIXED MULTITUDE. The mixed multitude, WHICH HAS CONTROL OVER YISRAEL IN EXILE, REPRESENTS the nakedness OF THE SHECHINAH and the nakedness of supernal Yisrael, WHO IS ZEIR ANPIN, THE HUSBAND OF THE SHECHINAH. And of this SUPERNAL YISRAEL, it is written: "The nakedness of your father shall you not uncover" (Vayikra 18:7). BECAUSE WHEN THE SHECHINAH IS IN EXILE, LILIT AND THE MIXED MULTITUDE RECEIVE HIS ABUNDANCE, WHICH WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GIVEN TO THE SHECHINAH. FOR THIS REASON, THE EXILE IS CONSIDERED THE NAKEDNESS OF SUPERNAL YISRAEL.
269. Those WHO COMMIT INCEST separate the UPPER Hei OF YUD HEI VAV HEI from the LOWER Hei OF YUD HEI VAV HEI, so that the Vav OF YUD HEI VAV HEI may not come between them, as it is written: "You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter" (Ibid. 17). THE UPPER HEI IS THE MOTHER AND THE LOWER HEI IS HER DAUGHTER. BECAUSE THE VAV CANNOT COME BETWEEN THEM AND ALLOW THE ABUNDANCE FROM THE MOTHER TO REACH THE DAUGHTER, THEY ARE BOTH HARMED AND DEJECTED, BECAUSE THE ACTS OF BLOCKING AND PREVENTING THIS ABUNDANCE FROM REACHING THE LOWER HEI IS CONSIDERED TO BE HER NAKEDNESS AS WELL. And THE MOTHER AND THE DAUGHTER are the upper Shechinah, NAMELY MOTHER, and the lower Shechinah, NAMELY HER DAUGHTER. DURING EXILE, THE REASON WHY THE VAV CANNOT COME BETWEEN THE UPPER AND LOWER HEI IS THAT the mixed multitude - which are the Nefilim, the Giborim, the Amalekites, the Refaim and the Anakim (WHOSE INITIALS SPELL NEGA RA, WHICH MEANS EVIL INFLICTION) - MIGHT COME FORTH AND RECEIVE THE ABUNDANCE FROM THAT VAV. THUS, the Holy One, blessed be He, WHO IS THE VAV, is not permitted to come between them. The secret of this issue LIES IN THE VERSE: "And the river shall be wasted and dried up" (Yeshayah 19:5). The abundance of the upper Hei, WHICH IS CALLED THE RIVER, shall be wasted and the lower Hei, WHICH DOES NOT RECEIVE THE ABUNDANCE, shall dry up. And ALL THIS IS for the purpose of not allowing the mixed multitude to nourish themselves from the Vav, which is the Tree of Life. Therefore, the Vav is not permitted between the UPPER Hei and the LOWER Hei at the time when the mixed multitude is between them, DURING EXILE, AT TIME OF EXILE WHEN THEY MIGHT COME AND DRAW SUSTENANCE FROM THEM.
270. There is no permission for the letter Yud OF THE NAME OF YUD HEI VAV HEI to approach the lower Hei, BECAUSE THEN THE MIXED MULTITUDE MIGHT DRAW ITS SUSTENANCE FROM IT. SO it is written: "You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter in law" (Vayikra 18:15) - AS THE LOWER HEI IS CONSIDERED TO BE THE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW OF YUD; FOR YUD IS THE FATHER, HEI THE MOTHER AND VAV IS THE SON OF YUD AND THE HUSBAND OF LOWER HEI. THUS, LOWER HEI IS A DAUGHTER TO THE UPPER HEI AND IS THE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW TO YUD, BEING VAV'S WIFE, YUD'S SON. IF YUD WILL POUR ITS ABUNDANCE TO THE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW WHEN LOWER HEI IS IN EXILE, THE MIXED MULTITUDES WILL RECEIVE THE ABUNDANCE AND THE NAKEDNESS OF THE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW IS REVEALED. They separate the Vav and the upper Hei, as it is written: "The nakedness of your father's wife shall you not uncover" (Ibid. 8), because the Yud is the father, the Hei is the mother, the Vav is the son and the LOWER Hei is the daughter. For this reason, he commanded him in regard to the upper Hei: "The nakedness of your father's wife shall you not uncover," AS THE UPPER HEI IS HIS FATHER'S WIFE. THUS, IF VAV APPROACHED HEI IN EXILE, THE MIXED MULTITUDE WOULD REPLENISH ITSELF FROM THE ABUNDANCE, CAUSING THE NAKEDNESS OF THE FATHER'S WIFE TO BE REVEALED, AS THIS ABUNDANCE IS HERS. "The nakedness of your sister, the daughter of your father" (Ibid. 9) is the lower Hei, about which it is written: "Neither shall you take her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness" (Ibid. 17). These are the two fully spelled letters Hei-Aleph, Hei-Aleph, which are the offspring of the LOWER Hei. "You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's brother" (Ibid. 14) is the outstretched form of the letter Yud, as in Yud-Vav-Dalet, which is the offspring of the letter Yud OF YUD HEI VAV HEI, and brother to Vav.
271. Consequently, as long as the mixed multitude is mixed among Yisrael, there can be no unity among the members and no adjoining of the letters of the name Yud Hei Vav Hei. As soon as the mixed multitude is annihilated from the world, it is said of the letters of the Name of the Holy One, blessed be He, that "on that day Hashem shall be one, and his Name 'One'" (Zecharyah 14:9). Therefore, WHEN THE MIXED MULTITUDE IS NOT MIXED AMONG YISRAEL, men - that is, Yisrael - shall be one with the Torah, about which it is said: "She is a Tree of Life to those who lay on her" (Mishlei 3:18). And she, THE TORAH, IS THE ASPECT OF the Queen, Malchut, from whose aspect The Children of Yisrael are called the kings' children. THAT IS, THEY ARE CALLED THE TORAH OF ATZILUT, WHICH IS COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF THE NAMES OF THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE.
272. For this reason, the Holy One, blessed be He, said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help to match him." (Beresheet 2:18). The phrase: "A HELP TO MATCH HIM" IS Mishnah (second) TO THE QUEEN, the wife of that youth, NAMELY METATRON. IN OTHER WORDS, THIS MEANS IT IS NOT GOOD FOR MAN TO BE ALONE IN THE TORAH OF ATZILUT. SO I WILL MAKE HIM A HELP TO MATCH HIM BY THE TORAH OF BRIYAH, WHO IS THE WIFE OF METATRON AND IS NOT THE ASPECT OF MALCHUT, THE QUEEN. BUT INDEED, SHE IS CALLED MISHNEH TORAH, BEING SECOND TO THE TORAH OF ATZILUT, WHICH IS THE QUEEN. She is the maidservant of the Shechinah, BECAUSE SOMETIMES SHE HELPS THE SHECHINAH AND SOMETIMES SHE IS MATCHED AGAINST HER. If the children of Yisrael are meritorious, then she helps them while in exile from the aspect of the permissible, the pure and the Kosher IN THE TORAH. But if they are not, she is a match against THE SHECHINAH from the aspect of the impure, the unfit and the forbidden IN THE TORAH. THE SECTIONS OF THE TORAH THAT DEAL WITH WHAT IS pure, permitted and kosher are RELATED TO the Good Inclination, WHILE THE SECTIONS OF THE TORAH THAT DEAL WITH WHAT IS unfit, impure and forbidden are RELATED TO the Evil Inclination. SO HAD THERE NOT BEEN AN EVIL INCLINATION IN THE WORLD, THESE SECTIONS WOULD NOT HAVE APPEARED IN THE TORAH.
273. The woman who has both pure blood and the impure blood of menstruation comes from the aspect of the Mishnah, which is equal to him. Thus, she is not the spouse, his union, because there can be no union before the mixed multitude is eliminated from the world. Because of THE MIXED MULTITUDE, Moses was buried outside of the Holy Land. His burial was at the hands of the Mishnah, and no one knows the location of his grave to this day. BURIAL MEANS CONCEALMENT, WHEREAS THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD IS REVELATION. SO MOSES WAS CONCEALED AND BURIED OUTSIDE THE HOLY LAND BECAUSE OF THE DOMINION OF THE MISHNAH IN THE WORLD. THIS IS WHY NO ONE CAN KNOW HIS BURIAL SITE UNTIL THE DAY OF THE END OF CORRECTION. AT THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD, MOSES WILL BE REVEALED TOGETHER WITH THE TWO MESSIAHS. His being buried, THE CONCEALING OF THE SOUL OF MOSES, COMES FROM THE POWER OF the Mishnah, which rules over the Queen, who is CALLED the Kabbalah (lit. tradition) Moses received. And so the Queen departs from her husband. This is why THE SCRIPTURE SAYS: "For three things the earth is disquieted" (Mishlei 30:21), ALLUDING TO MALCHUT, THE FEMALE PRINCIPLE OF ZEIR ANPIN CALLED THE EARTH. THE PHRASE: "For a slave when he becomes king" (Ibid. 22) alludes to the specific servant, WHO IS METATRON. "And a handmaid THAT IS HEIR TO HER MISTRESS" (Ibid. 23) ALLUDES TO the Mishnah, METATRON'S WIFE and "a fool when he is filled with meat" is the mixed multitude WHOSE MEMBERS ARE CALLED "foolish people and unwise" (Devarim 32:6).