53. The Jew then continued with the verse, "And you shall eat and be satisfied, and bless Hashem your Elohim" (Devarim 8:10). HE ASKS, Do not we bless the Holy One, blessed be He, before eating? Indeed we should rise early in the morning to recite His praises in the proper order, before we greet any other in the world. It is also written, "You shall not eat anything with the blood" (Vayikra 19:26), WHICH HAS ALREADY BEEN EXPLAINED, AS it is forbidden to eat before blessing one's Master. Yet now it is written, "And you shall eat and be satisfied, and bless," WHICH MEANS IT BEHOOVES ONE TO BLESS ONLY AFTER THE MEAL.
54. HE ANSWERS, The blessings we recite before eating are prayers for unity BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE, while those we recite after eating HAVE TWO PURPOSES - (1), to show proper satiation before the grade of faith, THE NUKVA, AND (2), to bless it properly, so that THE GRADE OF FAITH shall be well watered, blessed and filled with joy from the supernal life as much as needed, and thus will confer sustenance upon us.
55. For providing man's food is as heavy a task for the Holy One, blessed be He, as the cleaving of the Sea of Reeds (the Red Sea). Why? Because all nourishment of the world comes from above. We have learned that children, longevity, and nourishment depend NOT UPON MERIT, but upon mazal. Therefore daily sustenance is a heavy task for Him, for it depends upon mazal, from whence children, longevity, and sustenance are derived. Daily sustenance is hard for Him, because one does not have them before being blessed BY MAZAL.
56. Similarly, arranging marriages is a heavy task for Him, and everything, CHILDREN AS WELL AS LONGEVITY AND SUSTENANCE, occurs because the firmament is a curtain that serves no purpose. All the more so for CHILDREN, LIFE, AND SUSTENANCE, which abide above in another place. It therefore needs to be blessed TO RECEIVE FROM THERE.
57. Come and behold, The arranging of marriages is hard for this grade, THE NUKVA, for when union occurs, WHICH BEGETS SOULS, all the souls emerge from the upper mazal, which is the river that flows FROM EDEN - NAMELY, YESOD OF ZEIR ANPIN. And when there is a desire TO DRAW from below upward - TO WIT, TO DRAW CHOCHMAH, WHICH IS ONLY DRAWN FROM BELOW UPWARD - the souls soar TO THE NUKVA and become in this grade a union of male and female together. They are then separated, so that each goes to its appointed place. Later the grade finds it hard to reunite them - THE MALE AND THE FEMALE - as before, because they are only united through men's behavior, and everything depends on what is above.
58. Therefore marriages are as hard for Him to arrange as the cleaving of the Red Sea, for the Red Sea was cleaved to open high roads above that then opened and cleft ways and roads below.
59. Therefore everything depends on the high region, FOR THE NUKVA HAS NOTHING OF HERSELF AFTER SHE IS DIMINISHED, and we should bless Her, and give Her strength from below, so She will be blessed AND RECEIVE from above, FROM ZEIR ANPIN, and be well strengthened. Therefore it is written, "and bless Hashem," with the particle 'Et' before 'Hashem,' FOR IT ALLUDES TO THE NUKVA CALLED 'ET.'
60. We should show before this place, NAMELY, THE NUKVA, satisfaction and shining faces, and to the Other Side, when it reigns in the world, it behooves us to show ourselves famished, for the grade OF THE OTHER SIDE is hunger, and we should look hungry before it instead of well-fed, because satiation does not rule over the world BECAUSE OF IT. Thus, it is written, "And you shall eat and be satisfied, and bless Hashem your Elohim," AS WHEN HOLINESS REIGNS, THERE IS PLENTY IN THE WORLD. Rabbi Elazar said, Assuredly it is so, and so should it be THAT PLENTY ABOUNDS WITH THE RULE OF HOLINESS, AND FAMINE WITH THE REIGN OF THE OTHER SIDE.
61. Rabbi Yehuda said, Happy are the righteous, whose coming together brings peace into the world, for they know how to bring unison and approach each other to increase peace in the world. For until Joseph and Judah came near each other, there was no peace. Once they came near each other, peace increased in the world. Joy abounded above and below, when Joseph and Judah approached each other, and all the tribes joined Joseph. The coming together caused peace to abound in the world, as we have explained in relation to the verse, "And Judah came near to him."