95. "And He took off their chariot wheels" (Shemot 14:25). Rabbi Shimon opened the discussion with the verse, "Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures" (Yechezkel 1:15). This passage has been explained, and we studied it. Yet come and behold, the Holy One, blessed be He, shows His dominion in every way, and His dominion will not depart forever and ever.
96. And He establishes His dominion through the Patriarchs. He took Abraham and maintained the world through him, as written, "These are the generations of the heavens and earth when they were created (Heb. behibar'am)" (Beresheet 2:4). And they explained it. DO NOT READ IT AS "BEHIBAR'AM" BUT RATHER "BEABRAHAM" ('IN ABRAHAM') FOR HEAVEN AND EARTH HAD BEEN MAINTAINED THROUGH HIM. He took Isaac and planted the world through him so it should exist always. This is what is written, "And My Covenant will I establish with Isaac" (Beresheet 17:21). He took Jacob and placed him before Him, and was delighted with him and glorified Himself with him. This is what is written, "Yisrael, in whom I will be glorified" (Yeshayah 49:3).
97. Come and behold, Jacob is attached to the Tree of Life, which never has any death in it, for all the living are established and perfected in this tree that gives life to all that grasp on to it. Therefore, Jacob did not die. And when did he die? It occurred when it was written, "He gathered up his feet into the bed" (Beresheet 49:33). "The bed" is as you say, "Behold it is his litter, that of Solomon" (Shir Hashirim 2:7), WHICH IS MALCHUT. About this bed, it is written, "Her feet go down to death" (Mishlei 5:5). Therefore, it is written, "He gathered up his feet into the bed," and then, "and he expired and was gathered unto his people." BUT AS LONG AS HE HELD ON TO THE TREE OF LIFE, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, HE DID NOT DIE BECAUSE DEATH IS ONLY FROM THE ASPECT OF MALCHUT, AS EXPLAINED. Then the Holy One, blessed be He, made Jacob the chosen among the Patriarchs. This is what is written, "Jacob whom I have chosen" (Yeshayah 41:8).
98. Come and behold, see all the legions of above THAT ARE DRAWN FROM THE FOUR COMPANIES OF THE SHECHINAH, WHICH ARE THE WHEELS. All the Chariots are entwined with each other, levels with levels. The upper and the lower EVOLVE, THE ONE FROM THE OTHER, AND COMBINE, THE ONE WITH THE OTHER. And there is a holy living creature over them, WHICH IS THE NUKVA. FOR THERE ARE FOUR LIVING CREATURES, AS MENTIONED, AND THE NUKVA IS THE FOURTH. All the multitude hosts and the legions travel under her command. They travel and camp according to her instructions, FOR ALL THE CHARIOTS AND THE LIVING CREATURES AND THE WHEELS POSSESS ONLY WHAT THEY RECEIVE FROM THIS HIGHEST HOLY LIVING CREATURE.
99. This is the living creature that all the other living creatures hold onto. And from her evolved many other living creatures upon living creatures, MEANING THAT MANY LIVING CREATURES EVOLVED ONE FROM ANOTHER, and levels combined with levels. All those of above and of below go and swim in the sea, WHICH IS THE NUKVA, FOR THOSE OF ABOVE ARE INCLUDED IN HER, THEY GIVE FORTH INFLUENCE TO HER. AND THE LOWER ARE INCLUDED IN HER AND RECEIVE FROM HER. This is what is written, "So is this great and wide sea, wherein are creeping things innumerable" (Tehilim 104:25).
100. When the sea raises its waves, WHICH ARE JUDGMENTS, all the ships go up and down, MEANING THEY GO UP UNTO THE HEAVENS AND DOWN TO THE DEPTHS. It is stormy and a strong wind blows over it powerfully. And the fish of the sea are scattered to every side, these to east and these to west, these to north and these to south. THESE FISH OF THE SEA see a sign on all the people of the world BECAUSE OF THEIR SIN, and they take them and swallow them in caves in the ground.
101. None of the ships move from their places, or go up or down, except when the one leader of the sea arrives and knows how to settle and appease the stormy wind of the sea. As soon as he rises over the sea, it rests from its rage and becomes placid. Then all the ships continue on their straight course and do not turn right or left. This is what is written, "There go the ships, this is the Leviathan, whom you have made to play therein" (Ibid. 26). "This" is exact, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF YESOD OF ZEIR ANPIN THAT IS CALLED 'THIS' (MASC.), WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE CENTRAL COLUMN. All the fish of the sea gather to their place and all the animals rejoice with them, and the animals of the supernal field rejoice. This is what is written, "Where all the wild beasts play" (Iyov 40:20).
102. Come and behold, as it is above, IN CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET OF ZEIR ANPIN, so is it below, IN NETZACH, HOD AND YESOD OF ZEIR ANPIN. And what is below is also in the Lower Sea, WHICH IS MALCHUT. ANOTHER VERSION, as it is above, IN CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET OF ZEIR ANPIN, so it is in the supernal sea, WHICH IS BINAH, and as it is in the higher above, so it is down below, IN NETZACH, HOD AND YESOD OF ZEIR ANPIN. Whatever is down below is in the Lower Sea, WHICH IS MALCHUT.
103. I have already commented to the friends about the body of that SUPERNAL sea, WHICH IS BINAH. The length and breadth OF IT, the head and arms and the body are all as they should, and each is called by its name. Similarly, below in the Lower Sea, WHICH IS MALCHUT, there is also the head of the sea, the arms of the sea, and the body of the sea.
104. It is written, "Zebulun shall dwell at the shore of the seas" (Beresheet 49:13). HE ASKS, But there was only one sea in his Heritage, WHY DOES IT SAY "AT THE SHORE OF THE SEAS?" HE ANSWERS, But what does "the shore of the seas" mean, for the comrades certainly explained it in accordance with the supernal secret. "And his border shall be at Tzidon" (Ibid.), is as it is written, "That came out of the loins (also thigh) of Jacob" (Shemot 1:5), for Zebulun was the right thigh of the body, WHICH IS NETZACH. AND THEREFORE THE TORAH VERSE SAYS, "AND HIS BORDER (ALSO: 'THIGH')." The Sea of Galilee was in his inheritance, and from here the purple fish is available for the purple dye.