30. "And Hashem said to Moses, Speak to Aaron your brother, that he come not at all times into the holy place" (Vayikra 16:2). Rabbi Shimon said, "All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full..." (Kohelet 1:7). Rabbi Shimon said: I wonder about people, that they have no eyes to see, no heart to observe, they do not know, or pay attention to the wishes of their Master. How asleep they are and do not awaken before the day will come when thick darkness will cover them; the owner of the deposit will demand his due accounting from them.
31. An announcement is called out about them daily and their soul testifies within them day and night. The Torah raises its voice in all directions and says, "How long, fools, will you love foolishness" (Mishlei 1:22.). "Whoever is a fool, let him turn in here: as for him that lacks understanding, she says to him, Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mixed" (Mishlei 9:4-5). No one lends his ear or wakens his heart.
32. Come and see: Later generations will come when Torah will be forgotten among them, the wise will gather in their own place and there won't be found anyone who can begin to explain and finalize THE TORAH. Woe to that generation. From here on, there will not be a generation like the present one until the generation in the time of King Messiah, when knowledge will awaken in the world, as it is written, "For they shall all know Me, from the lowest of them to the greatest of them" (Yirmeyah 31:33).
33. It is written, "And a river went out of Eden" (Beresheet 2:10). We have learned the name of this river. We established that its name is Yuval, NAMELY BINAH, as it is written, "And that spreads out its roots by the river (Heb. yuval)" (Yirmeyah 17:8). In the book of Rabbi Hamnuna Saba (the elder), IT SAYS that its name is life, NAMELY BINAH, whence life comes to the world, which is referred to as the life of the King. We established that it is that great and strong tree, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, that feeds all and is called the Tree of Life, MEANING the tree that has planted its roots in that life ABOVE, NAMELY BINAH. And all is appropriate.
34. We have learned that this river gave forth deep streams, WHICH REPRESENT THE THREE SFIROT - CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET OF ZEIR ANPIN - with the anointing oil to replenish the Garden of Eden, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and water the trees and plants, NAMELY THE SFIROT OF MALCHUT. Of this, it is written, "The trees of Hashem have their fill; the cedars of Lebanon, which He has planted" (Tehilim 104:16). These streams, NAMELY CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET, flow and continue on and join two pillars that the Baraithas refer to as Yachin and Boaz, NAMELY NETZACH AND HOD. These NAMES are appropriate. From there, NETZACH AND HOD come out all these streams, NAMELY CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET, and rest in a certain level referred to as Righteous, NAMELY YESOD, as it is written, "But the righteous is an everlasting foundation (Heb. yesod)" (Mishlei 10:25). All together they join in that level referred to as "sea" that is the sea of wisdom, NAMELY MALCHUT. This is the meaning of the verse, "All the rivers run into the sea" (Kohelet 1:7).
35. You may say that when the streams reach this spot, NAMELY MALCHUT, they stop and don't come back, yet immediately following that, it says, "To the place where the rivers flow, thither they return (lit. 'return to go')" (Ibid.), for the river never stops its waters. "They return:" To where do THEY return? HE ANSWERS: They "return" to the two pillars, Netzach and Hod. They "go" to this Righteous, WHICH IS YESOD, to seek out blessings and joy. This is the secret of what we learned, "This is the Leviathan, whom You have made to play therein" (Tehilim 104:26). It is the righteous.
36. "These wait all upon You: that You may give them their food in due season" (Ibid. 27). What is meant by "in due season?" This is the Matron, NAMELY MALCHUT, known as the time of the Righteous, WHICH IS YESOD. For this reason, all look up to this "due season," all that are sustained here below. They are fed from this source, AS THE LOWER BEINGS RECEIVE ONLY FROM MALCHUT. This secret meaning was established in, "These wait all upon You..." as we have established.
37. Come and see: When this "all," WHICH IS YESOD, KNOWN AS "KOL (LIT. 'ALL')," perfumes "due season," WHICH IS MALCHUT, which joins with him, all the world rejoices in blessings and peace is found among the upper and lower beings. However, when the wicked cause, that blessings of these streams are not present - NAMELY, CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET OF ZEIR ANPIN, and this season receives nourishment from another side, NAMELY JUDGMENT, then Judgments are awakened in the world and there is no peace. When people want to be blessed, they can do so only through the priest, who could arouse his Sfirah, WHICH IS CHESED. Thus, the Matron, WHO IS MALCHUT, is blessed and the blessings will prevail throughout the worlds.