315. "And if the whole Congregation of Yisrael sin through ignorance, and the thing be hid..." (Vayikra 4:13). Rabbi Shimon opened the discussion with the verse: "Rise up, you women that are at ease, hear my voice..." (Yeshayah 32:9). How much should man regard his Master's glory, so as to be a whole creature before the Holy One, blessed be He. When the Holy One, blessed be He, created man, He created him whole, as it says "that Elohim has made man upright" (Kohelet 7:29). "Man" TEACHES US that they were male and female and that the female WAS included within the male. Then it says, he is "upright," but later "they have sought out many inventions" (Ibid.).
316. Come and see: In a hole by the great, supernal abyss, there is a certain female, a spirit above all spirits. We have explained that its name is Lilit. She was first with Adam, BEING HIS WIFE. When Adam was created and his body perfected, a thousand spirits came on the body from the left side. This one wanted to enter it and that one wanted to enter it, but they could not.The Holy One, blessed be He, scolded them. Thus, Adam lay down spiritless, green in appearance, with all those spirits around him.
317. At that time, a cloud descended and pushed aside all the spirits WHICH SURROUNDED ADAM. At that time, it is written, "And Elohim said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures (Nefesh)" (Beresheet 1:24). We have explained that the Female, MALCHUT, conceived from the Male, ZEIR ANPIN, and was with the Nefesh of the FIRST man, and that she, MALCHUT, brought forth the Ruach to breathe within that man, which is included of two sides, MALE AND FEMALE. Hence, it says, "And breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (Nefesh)" (Beresheet 2:7), a truly living Nefesh; NAMELY, THAT INCLUDES MALE AND FEMALE. Whoever is not sure whether this living creature is a lower living creature, MALCHUT, or a living creature named Yisrael, ZEIR ANPIN, whether it is male or female, LET HIM BE PRECISE. It does not say, 'the living Nefesh,' WHICH WOULD REFER TO A SPECIFIC LIVING CREATURE, but just "a living Nefesh," which means general; NAMELY, THIS LIVING NEFESH COMPRISES EVERYTHING.
318. When Adam rose AFTER RECEIVING THE LIVING NEFESH, his Female was stuck by his side and the holy Neshamah within him expanded to this side OF THE MALE and that side OF THE FEMALE and sufficed for both of them, THE MALE AND THE FEMALE. It therefore included MALE AND FEMALE. Afterwards, the Holy One, blessed be He, sawed Adam and prepared his wife. Hence, it is written, "And Hashem Elohim had made the side..." (Beresheet 2:22). We explained that the words "the side" have the same meaning as "the second side of the tabernacle" (Shemot 26:20). "And brought her to the man" (Beresheet 2:22): NAMELY, HE BROUGHT HER adorned like a bride under the Chupah (Eng. 'marriage canopy').
319. When Lilit saw all this, she fled and is now by the sea towns. To this day, she is capable of harming people. When the Holy One, blessed be He, will destroy evil Rome, so that it will be forever destroyed, Lilit will rise from the sea. And He will put her in the ruins OF ROME, for she is the destruction of the world, as written, "Lilit also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest" (Yeshayah 34:14).
320. In ancient books, it has been said that LILIT fled from Adam before that, NAMELY BEFORE EVE WAS PREPARED. We did not understand it this way, because this female, LILIT, was with him. As long as this woman, EVE, was not made to be with Adam, LILIT was with him. When EVE was designed to be with him, LILIT fled to the sea, destined to harm the world.
321. The remedy AGAINST LILIT DOING ANY HARM is that when a man joins his wife FOR PROCREATION, he should devote his heart to his Master's holiness and speak the following: The one wrapped with a sheet, NAMELY LILIT WHO IS ALWAYS WRAPPED AND WAILING, THE NAME LILIT DERIVED FROM WAIL (HEB. YELALAH), is come. Get you hence, get you hence; you shall not come in nor come out.This is not yours, nor pertains to you. Return, return, the sea rages, its waves beckon to you. I cleave to the holy portion. I am wrapped with the King's holiness.
322. He should cover his head and his wife's head for up to an hour as long as THEY MATE up to three days to the conception OF THE SPERM, for the sperm which A WOMAN does not conceive for three days, she will never conceive. In the book that Asmodeus handed to Solomon, he said IT IS UP TO thirty days. He also said that after the deed is done, it behooves him to sprinkle clear water around his bed. This is the best protection.