88. The old sage opened the discussion, saying: "Blow a Shofar at the new moon, at the full moon (lit. 'the covering') on our feast day" (Tehilim 81:4). Now is the time for the supernal Harsh Judgment to awaken. When it awakens, the Other Side is strengthened by it. Once the Other Side grows strong, it rises and covers the moon, WHICH IS MALCHUT, so it does not radiate any light but is filled from the aspect of Judgment. Then the whole world is under Judgment, both higher and lower beings, and a proclamation is issued throughout all the firmaments: "Prepare the Throne of Judgment for the Master over everything, for He wishes to Judge."
89. There is a secret here, which shone upon us in the wilderness. Why did supernal Judgment awaken on this day? HE ANSWERS: All the precious secrets and holy acts stem from the seventh, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and that supernal seventh, which is the supernal world that is called 'the World to Come', NAMELY BINAH. All the candles, sanctifications and blessings shine ON MALCHUT from there. When the time arrives to renew the blessings and holy acts so they will shine, one should observe the corrections of all the worlds, IN ORDER TO RENEW THE BLESSINGS AND SANCTIFICATIONS. All the acts of correction that preserve the worlds rise from the lower beings if their deeds are suitable. If they are not right, MALCHUT remains without illumination until the wicked are separated from the righteous, and then Judgment awakens.
90. From that Judgment, the Other Side is strengthened, and the Accuser is present so that the wicked be given over to him, for it is written of him: "And searches out all perfection" (Iyov 28:3), and covers the moon so it will not shine. Why does He not give over THE WICKED to the Accuser? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, does not wish to destroy the works of His hands.
91. In the Other Side there is a hard Klipah that is impossible to break, except with the counsel the Holy One, blessed be He, gave the children of Yisrael, as written: "Blow a Shofar at the new moon, at the full moon (lit. 'the covering') on our feast day" (Tehilim 81:4) in order to break that cover with which the moon is covered, WHICH IS MALCHUT, so it does not shine.
92. When the children of Yisrael awaken below by the blow of the Shofar, the sound that emanates from the Shofar blasts the air and splits firmaments until it rises to that hard rock, NAMELY THE OTHER SIDE, that covers the moon. It observes and brings forth an awakening of Mercy. Then THE OTHER SIDE that rises and remains above COVERING THE MOON is confounded. That sound stands and removes that Judgment FROM MALCHUT. Since Mercy has awakened below, IN MALCHUT, another supernal shofar also awakens above, WHICH IS BINAH, and produces a sound, NAMELY THE MOCHIN OF ZEIR ANPIN THAT IS CALLED 'SOUND', which is Mercy. Sound meets sound, mercy meets mercy, because by the lower awakening there is also an awakening above.
93. You may ask how a sound below or an awakening below awaken THAT WHICH CORRESPONDS TO IT ABOVE. Come and behold: the Lower World, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is always ready to receive and is called a 'precious stone'. The Upper World, WHICH IS BINAH, gives it according to its state. If its state is of a shiny countenance from below, in the same manner it is shone upon from above, but if it is in sadness, it is correspondingly given Judgment.
94. Similarly, "Serve Hashem with gladness" (Tehilim 100:2), because human gladness draws another, supernal gladness. Thus, just as the Lower World, NAMELY MALCHUT, is crowned, so it draws from above. Therefore, the children of Yisrael are early to rouse with the shofar a sound, which is combined of fire, water and air - NAMELY, THE CENTRAL COLUMN, WHICH IS COMBINED OF THREE COLUMNS. They become one, which rises and strikes that precious stone that is colored with these three colors - WHICH ARE WHITE, RED AND GREEN, WHICH ARE THREE COLUMNS COMBINED in this sound - and then it draws from above as it deserves.
95. Once MALCHUT has been perfected with this sound FROM BELOW, Mercy emerges from above and dwells upon Her, and She becomes included in Mercy from below and above. Then the Other Side is confounded, and its power is weakened and it cannot accuse. This precious stone, WHICH IS MALCHUT, remains with radiant countenance in every direction, with illumination from below and illumination from above.
96. When does She remain with the illumination from above? On Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), for on Yom Kippur that precious stone is lit up, NAMELY MALCHUT, with a supernal illumination from the light of the world to come, WHICH IS BINAH. Then the children of Yisrael prepare a goat and send it to this potent wilderness, which rules over it.