38. He opened the discussion and said: "Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth; Mount Zion, the sides of the north, the city of the great king" (Tehilim 48:3). Come and see: When the Holy One, blessed be He created the world, He threw one precious stone from beneath the throne of glory. It fell down to the abyss, where one edge was stuck, and the other edge of the stone was up. This other head which stood upward is the one point standing in the middle of the universe, whence it spreads right and left and in all directions. And THE WORLD exists by that middle point, called 'foundation' (Heb. shtiyah), as from it the world spreads in all directions. We have to explain further, that 'Shtiyah' consists of 'shat Yah (Eng. 'Yah has put')', and that the Holy One, blessed be He put (Heb. shat) it to be the foundation of the universe and the plant of everything.
39. The earth was spread in three ways around the point, WHICH IS MALCHUT, FOUND IN THE INNERMOST PART OF THIS WORLD. In the first expansion around the point there is all the clarity and purity on earth; it is above the earth around that point. The second expansion is around the first one, it is not as clear and pure, but is delicate and clear REGARDING the transparency of the dust, more than any other dust. The third expansion is dark and its dust is thicker than the rest, around which are the waters of the ocean that surrounds the world. It is found that this point stands in the center, and all manners of world expansion encircle it.
40. HE EXPLAINS WHAT HE SAID: The first expansion is the Temple, all its chambers, enclosures, courts and all that appertains, also Jerusalem and the city inside the walls. THEREFORE IT IS CLEARER AND PURER THAN THE REST OF THE LAND. The second expansion is all of the land of Yisrael that was sanctified in holiness. The third expansion is the rest of the earth, the dwelling place of the other nations. And the ocean surrounds it all.
41. It was already explained, that this is the secret of the colors in the eye, surrounding the middle point in the eye, which gives the power of vision to the whole eye. It is like the middle point, IN THE INNERMOST PART OF THE EARTH, regarding which we said, it is the sight of all, where stand the Holy of Holies, the Ark and the seat of Mercy, that are the vision to everything. It is found that the point is the means of sight to the world. Therefore, it is written of it, "Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth - Mount Zion..." IT IS CALLED beautiful because this sight is beautiful. Situation (Heb. nof) is the branch (Heb. anaf) of the tree, ZEIR ANPIN, the beauty of all.
42. Come and look at the beauty of the world. And the sight thereof was never revealed to the world until the Tabernacle was constructed and erected, and the Ark was put in the sanctuary. From that time the sight of the whole world, THE SHECHINAH, was seen and the world stood firm. And THE MERITORIOUS go in the Tabernacle and the Ark until they reach the MIDDLE point IN THERE, which is "Beautiful of situation, the joy of all." When they arrive, the Ark opens and says, "This is My resting place forever, here will I dwell, for I have desired it" (Tehilim 132:14).
43. Rabbi Yisa says: This verse was pronounced by the Congregation of Yisrael, when the Temple was built and the Ark was put in its place. Rabbi Chizkiyah said that the Holy One, blessed be He said this verse, referring to the Congregation of Yisrael, for when Yisrael do His bidding, the Holy One, blessed be He sits on His throne of glory, and has mercy on the world, and there are blessings and peace and love for all. Then He said: "This is My resting place forever."