Vayechi: Chapter 56

"Unstable as water, you shall not excel"


Rabbi Chiya interprets the title verse, explaining that it signifies Reuben was blessed. However, the kingship, priesthood, and birthright to which he was entitled were taken from him. This verse also reveals, we learn, that Reuben would dwell outside of the land of Yisrael. We are then told that Reuben is aligned with both Chesed and Gvurah. Rabbi Shimon next tells the rabbis that Reuben's sons are in exile, dispersed among the four corners of the world. One day, we hear, they will wage two wars in the land of Yisrael, and they will try to seize the kingship from the tThe Messiah when he rises up to conquer the nations.


Here we ignite a particular frequency of spiritual energy that helps to hasten the arrival of the the Messiah in a merciful manner, for us personally, and for our neighbors who inhabit our global village.