Vayechi: Chapter 34

"And when the sun was going down"


Rabbi Chizkiyah begins by explaining that "And when the sun was going down"refers to the day of strict judgment, when a man's soul departs from his body. We learn that thirty days before his death, a man's Neshamah departs. As a consequence, his shadow disappears and all desire leaves him. When a man is judged above, the Neshamah ascends to the Upper court of justice where it gives testimony to the thoughts and deeds of that man. If that man is sick and his judgment is favorable, he may recover. However, if his judgment condemns him, he may yet survive if God sees that he will later have merit or that he will give birth to a righteous son.


Here we help cleanse our souls of sin and wrongdoing in order to sweeten judgments set forth against us. The desire to pursue spiritual development and growth is increased within us so that we may merit long life in this physical world and draw closer to the Light of The Creator through positive deeds. In addition, blessing and righteousness are bestowed upon our children, helping them to recognize and embrace the benefits of spirituality and Torah, which further increases our quality and length of life.