30. "But as for you, stand here by Me" (Devarim 5:28): from this WE UNDERSTAND that he totally separated from his wife, and cleaved and rose to another place of THE WORLD OF the male, instead of the female. Happy is the lot of Moses, the faithful prophet, who attained the highest grades, such as no other man ever attained. Of that it is written, "he who pleases (lit. 'good before') Elohim shall escape from her" (Kohelet 7:26). What is "good"? It is Moses, of whom it is written, "he was a goodly child" (Shemot 2:2). Since he was good, he rose to another high level, THE GRADE OF ZEIR ANPIN, and therefore it is written, "for the place on which you stand is holy ground" (Shemot 3:5). "you stand" is precise. The reason STANDING IS MENTIONED is because it is good, and good is the male, WHICH IS YESOD OF ZEIR ANPIN, AND STANDING PERTAINS TO THE MALE.
31. You may say that Rabbi Yehuda said that 'good' is said of David, as it is written, "good looking" (I Shmuel 16:12), which means that as the mirror (Heb. mar'ah) in which to look, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF MALCHUT CALLED MIRROR, was good, so David was good looking (Heb. mar'eh). Of Moses it is written, "a goodly child," namely, he himself. But here IT ONLY SAYS "and good looking." Nevertheless, DAVID was attached to both, NAMELY TO YESOD CALLED GOOD AND TO MALCHUT CALLED MIRROR, since the one is attached to the other. FOR YESOD AND MALCHUT ARE ALWAYS MUTUALLY ATTACHED, ONLY HE WAS MAINLY OF MALCHUT AND REMAINED THERE. Moses, since he was good, BEING YESOD OF ZEIR ANPIN, rose to be THE ASPECT OF the body, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN HIMSELF, CALLED man, as it is written, "the man of Elohim" (Devarim 33:1), and "Now the man Moses was very meek" (Bemidbar 12:3).
32. Rabbi Yehuda said, In all his deeds, man has to set the Holy One, blessed be He, before him, as we already explained. Rabbi Yehuda followed his own reasoning, saying that whoever walks on the road AND FEARS ROBBERS should meditate on three things, A GIFT, A PRAYER AND WAR, LIKE JACOB WHEN HE FEARED ESAU. The most valuable is prayer. And even though prayer is more VALUABLE, two or three friends studying the words of the Torah is even more valuable, because they do not fear ROBBERS, because the Shechinah is joined to them BECAUSE THEY ARE OCCUPIED IN THE TORAH.