835. The daily burnt offering (Heb. olat tamid) is the Shechinah which always (Heb. tamid) ascends (Heb. olah) on that grade about which it is said: 'Evening and morning, every day, twice each and every day, saying Sh'ma Yisrael'. And She ascends in the Central Pillar, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, who is with Her always, without any separation at all.
836. But whence does She ascend? To the place from which She was derived, which is Infinity, and She is then higher than all the Sfirot, which is why it was taught: The whole of the burnt offering ascends to the Most High. And as She ascends, all the other Sfirot are attached to Her, and ascend with her. What is the meaning of this ascent of Hers TO INFINITY? It is to provide a sweet savor, to give a good savor before Hashem. And afterwards it is said about Her: "and came down from offering the sin offering, and the burnt offering" (Vayikra 9:22), namely, She descends FROM INFINITY, full of atonement over all of Yisrael's sins.
837. And Her ascent is with the Central Pillar, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, and so also is Her descent, and that of all Her hosts, in it. And for this reason She is called 'a ladder' for all the appellatives; NAMELY, ALL THE GRADES ascend and descend in Her, suspended from the Name Yud Hei Vav Hei, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, and thus all the sacrifices and all the burnt offerings are to Yud Hei Vav Hei. And She is called 'a sacrifice' because all the appellatives draw near, through Her, to Yud Hei Vav Hei, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN.
838. And for this reason it was said about Her: "and his offering was one silver dish" (Bemidbar 7:13), NAMELY MALCHUT. For there is no grade that can draw near to Yud Hei Vav Hei without MALCHUT, and there is no prayer, nor precept of any of the precepts that are in the Torah or any of the sacrifices and burnt offerings that are outside OF MALCHUT. And in all the grades that are in the Sfirot, none is received before Yud Hei Vav Hei without her, which is why it was said about her: "Thus (lit. 'with this' (Heb. zot, feminine)) shall Aaron come into the holy place" (Vayikra 16:3), WHERE MALCHUT IS CALLED 'ZOT'. And for this reason the prophet said: "But let him that glories glory in this (zot)" (Yirmeyah 9:23).
839. And she, MALCHUT, is CALLED 'peace offerings' (Heb. shelamim) because she is the completion (Heb. shlemut) of the Name Yud Hei Vav Hei in each and every grade. She is Hei OF YUD HEI VAV HEI; she is Adonai; she is the Yud of Yud Hei Vav Hei; she is the Hei of Elohim; she is the Hei of Eheyeh. She is the Yud of Shadai: (Shin-Dalet-Yud); she is the end of every Yud Hei Vav Hei and appellative, wherefore it is said about her: "The end of the matter, when all is said and done: Fear Elohim and keep His commandments" (Kohelet 12:13). She is the end (Heb. sof) of the ten Sfirot and is called 'Yam Suf' (Eng. 'the reed sea'). She is the completion of the upper beings and of the lower beings; she is the gate by which one has to enter for all wisdom and for every appellative and Yud Hei Vav Hei and for entering into each and every Sfirah. She is the knowledge of everything, and without NAMELY MALCHUT no creature has permission to look into any knowledge that is in the world. About her it is said: "this is the gate of Hashem, into which the righteous shall enter" (Tehilim 118:20).
840. She, MALCHUT, is the 42-letter Name, NAMELY, THE FOUR LETTERS OF YUD HEI VAV HEI, THE TEN LETTERS OF IT BEING FULLY SPELLED, AND THE 28 LETTERS OF THE FULL SPELLING FULLY SPELLED. THIS AMOUNTS TO 42 LETTERS, AND MALCHUT IS THE SECRET OF THE FINAL HEI'S THAT ARE IN THE 42-LETTER NAME, through which the upper and lower beings were created. She is called 'eye' from the right side, WHICH IS THE CHOCHMAH IN HER, AS IT IS WRITTEN: "Behold, the eye of Hashem is upon those who fear Him" (Tehilim 33:18); and she is called 'ear' from the left side, WHICH IS THE BINAH IN HER, AS IT IS WRITTEN: "O my Elohim, incline Your ear, and hear" (Daniel 9:18). And from the aspect of the Central Pillar, WHICH IS THE TIFERET IN HER, she is called 'smell,' while from her own aspect, WHICH IS MALCHUT, she is called 'mouth,' as it is written: "With him I speak mouth to mouth" (Bemidbar 12:8).
841. And she is called 'the first commandment', "I am (Heb. anochi)" (Shemot 20:2), NAMELY, THE BEGINNING OF THE DIVINE REVELATION, from the aspect of Keter, that is in her, which is Ayin (Eng. 'nought'), NAMELY, THE LETTERS ALEPH YUD NUN from 'our Elohim' (Aleph- Lamed-Hei-Yud-Nun-Vav), FOR KETER IS CALLED 'NOUGHT' IN THE SENSE OF ABSENCE OF CONCEPTION. 'anochi' (Aleph Nun Caf Yud) contains the letter Caf that stands for Keter and Aleph Yud Nun (Heb. ayin). And Keter is so called from the aspect of supernal Ima, for whom the Exodus from Egypt is mentioned fifty times in the Torah, CORRESPONDING TO THE FIFTY GATES OF BINAH, AND KETER OF MALCHUT IS IN BINAH. And she is a daughter (Heb. bat, Bet Tav) from "In the beginning" (Heb. Beresheet, Bet Resh Aleph Shin Yud Tav), which includes all of the ten sayings BY WHICH THE WORLD WAS CREATED. And from the aspect of Chochmah, she is the daughter of Yud, AS IT IS SAID: "by wisdom founded the earth" (Mishlei 3:19), NAMELY, MALCHUT, WHICH IS CALLED 'EARTH', for Aba, WHICH IS CHOCHMAH, founded the daughter, WHICH IS MALCHUT. And she is "a path which no bird of prey knows" (Iyov 28:7), which is comprised of 32 paths, namely the 32 Names of Elohim from the aspect of supernal Ima that is called 'glory' (Heb. kavod = 32). And when they are included in the daughter, WHICH IS MALCHUT, MALCHUT is called heart (Heb. lev = 32), and this is why there is glory above and a heart below.
842. And the Ten Commandments were given on two tablets, five on each, and MALCHUT includes them, for they are the five SFIROT from Keter to Gvurah, and the five SFIROT from the Central Pillar, WHICH IS TIFERET to the daughter, WHICH IS MALCHUT. And they are twice Hei. HE ASKS: IF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ARE FROM THE TEN SFIROT, is it then possible to speak with ten mouths, WITH EACH SFIRAH SPEAKING WITH ITS OWN SPECIAL MOUTH? HE ANSWERS, He included all TEN COMMANDMENTS in the only daughter, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and all of them became one. THUS, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS BECAME INCORPORATED WITHIN MALCHUT. And so it is that Vav, WHICH IS TIFERET, that is called 'voice', cannot be perceived until it joins with speech, WHICH IS MALCHUT. And this is why IT IS WRITTEN: "you heard the voice of the words" (Devarim 4:12), WHERE VOICE ALLUDES TO ZEIR ANPIN AND WORDS TO MALCHUT.
843. She, MALCHUT, is the second commandment from the side of Gvurah, which is the same numerical sum as for the word Yir'ah, (Eng. 'fear') FOR THEY BOTH HAVE THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF 216. And this is intimated in the word Beresheet (Eng. 'In the beginning'), WHOSE LETTERS, REARRANGED, SPELL: Yere boshet (Eng. 'fearful of shame'), and it has been taught: Whoever has no modesty, certainly his forefathers were not present on Mount Sinai.
844. She is the third commandment, which is called 'love of Chesed', as it is written: "I have loved you with an everlasting love: therefore I have remained true to you (with Chesed)" (Yirmeyah 31:2). Love, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is composed of the patriarchs, and in their contexts is called: 'bakol' (Eng. 'in all'), 'mikol' (Eng. 'of all'), 'kol' (Eng. 'all'), WHICH IS MALCHUT THAT IS CALLED KOL (ENG. 'ALL'). ABOUT ABRAHAM IT IS SAID: "AND HASHEM HAD BLESSED ABRAHAM IN ALL THINGS" (BERESHEET 24:1); AND ABOUT ISAAC IT IS WRITTEN: "AND I HAVE EATEN OF ALL" (BERESHEET 27:33); AND ABOUT JACOB: "BECAUSE I HAVE ALL" (BERESHEET 33:11). And the secret of the matter is the verse: "I remember in your favor, the devotion (Chesed) of your youth, your love as a bride" (Yirmeyah 2:2), WHICH IS SAID ABOUT MALCHUT.