10. Sitrei Torah (Concealed Torah). We have learned that because of the strong desire of the King, WHO IS BINAH, a great and strong tree, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, was planted. GREAT IS THE SECRET OF THE MOCHIN OF CHOCHMAH, AND STRONG IS THE SECRET OF THE MOCHIN OF CHASSADIM. Among the supernal plants, WHICH ARE THE SFIROT OF BINAH, this tree, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, is planted. It turns between twelve borders, and its leg expands to the four winds of the world.
11. Its journeys were measured at five hundred Persian miles. The desires of these Persian miles, REFERRING TO THEIR WAYS OF BESTOWING ABUNDANCE, come on Him, ON ZEIR ANPIN. So when He awakens, all awaken with Him, and no one is capable of diverting His will. After that, all are united and join His will.
12. He, ZEIR ANPIN, arises from above, AFTER HE HAS RECEIVED MOCHIN FROM BINAH, and descends throughout His journeys to the sea, WHICH IS THE NUKVA. SO, HE GIVES HIS ABUNDANCE TO THE NUKVA. He fills the sea, as He is the source of all the lights that spring IN THE SEA. Underneath Him, all the waters of the Beginning of the Creation are divided. The watering of the Garden, WHICH IS MALCHUT, depends on Him, WHO IS ZEIR ANPIN.
13. All souls of the world come forth from Him, FROM ZEIR ANPIN. These souls enter the Garden, THE NUKVA, and descend into this world IN ORDER TO BE ENCLOTHED IN A BODY. When a soul leaves THERE AND IS ON ITS WAY DOWN TO THIS WORLD, it receives seven blessings so that it may be a father to the body being rightly elevated. Thus, it is written, "Now Hashem said to Abraham" (Beresheet 12:1). This is the divine supernal soul, WHICH IS CALLED ABRAHAM. IT CONSISTS OF TWO WORDS, AV (lit. 'FATHER') AND RAM (lit. 'SUPERNAL'). It is considered the father of the body and rises to the level of the divine image, BY THE CHASSIDIM THAT ARE DRAWN AS IT ELEVATES AND REACHES ABA AND IMA.
14. When the soul is ready to descend to this world, the Holy One, blessed be He, makes it swear to perform the precepts of Torah and do His bidding. And He gives each soul one hundred keys of blessings for each and every day, so that it may complete the supernal grades, which reach the numerical value of Lech Lecha (lit. 'Get you out'), WHICH EQUALS ONE HUNDRED. All of them are given to it, TO THE SOUL, so that it may cultivate the Garden, WHICH IS THE NUKVA, to till it and to keep it. "Your country" is the Garden of Eden.
15. The verse, "and from your kindred," MEANS from the body, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, that is called 'the Tree of Life.' And it includes the twelve supernal tribes, WHICH ARE THE SECRET OF THE TWELVE BORDERS. THIS PASSAGE INFORMS US THAT THE SOUL IS AN OFFSPRING OF ZEIR ANPIN AND COMES FORTH FROM HIM. THE VERSE "and from your father's house" refers to the Shechinah, WHICH IS CALLED THE HOUSE. "Your father" means the Holy One, blessed be He, WHO IS ZEIR ANPIN. As it is written, "He who steals from his father or his mother, and says it is no transgression..." (Mishlei 28:24). "His father" is none other than the Holy One, blessed be He, and "his mother" is none other than the Congregation of Yisrael, WHICH IS THE NUKVA. The words, "to the land that I will show you," refer to this world, TO WHICH THE SOUL IS SENT. (End of Sitrei Torah).
16. What is written before the verse, "Hashem said to Abraham...?" The words, "And Haran died before his father Terah" (Beresheet 11:28). AND HE ASKS, Of what does he want to inform us BY SAYING "BEFORE" HIS FATHER, TERACH? IF YOU CLAIM THAT "BEFORE" MEANS DURING HIS FATHER'S LIFETIME, this cannot be, for had no other person until that day died during his father's lifetime beside Haran? NEVERTHELESS, IN ALL OTHER INCIDENTS, THE WORD "BEFORE" IS NOT USED -- FOR EXAMPLE, WHEN ABEL DIED DURING THE LIFETIME OF ADAM, HIS FATHER, AND WHEN ENOCH, WHO WAS TAKEN BY ELOHIM DURING THE LIFETIME OF JERED, HIS FATHER. AND HE EXPLAINS THAT When Abraham was thrown to the fire, Charan was killed. Because of this, they left UR OF THE CHALDEANS.