18. "Speak to the children of Yisrael, that they bring you a red heifer..." (Bemidbar 19:2). This cow is for the purpose of cleansing to purify the unclean, WHICH IS MALCHUT that receives from the left. Who is on that left? It is the ox THAT IS GVURAH IN ZEIR ANPIN, as it says, "the face of the ox from the left side" (Yechezkel 1:10). Red means red as a rose, as it is written: "like the rose among thorns" (Shir Hashirim 2:2). RED MEANS a sentence of law, SINCE THE LAWS OF THE LEFT COLUMN ARE CONSIDERED RED.
19. "...Without defect (Heb. temimah)..." (Bemidbar 19:2). HE ASKS: IT IS WRITTEN, "WITHOUT DEFECT." What is the meaning? HE RESPONDS: It is as we were taught about a bull that has not gored (Heb. tam) and the bull that has gored thrice. The bull that has not gored MEANS lax, soft Judgment. The bull that has gored thrice is harsh Judgment. Here too, temimah MEANS a lax sentence that is lower Gvurah, MEANING MALCHUT, since one that is as such is without defect. Gvurah up high, THAT IS THE GVURAH IN ZEIR ANPIN, is the severe and mighty hand.
20. "...In which there is no blemish..." (Ibid.) is as it is written, "you are all fair, my love; there is no blemish in you" (Shir Hashirim 4:7). SHE SHINES WITH THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH, AND SHE IS CONSIDERED BEAUTIFUL SINCE ALL BLEMISHES ARE HEALED THROUGH THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH. "...And upon which never came a yoke (Heb. ol, Ayin-Lamed)..." (Bemidbar 19:2). The word "ol" is spelled WITHOUT A VAV, which is as it is written: "and the man who was raised up on high (Heb. al, Ayin-Lamed)" (II Shmuel 23:1). What is the reason? It is because she is "the peaceable and faithful in Yisrael" (II Shmuel 20:19), and he is not above her but rather with her. "...And upon which never came a yoke..." is as it is written: "the virgin of Yisrael" (Amos 5:2), and, "a virgin, neither had any man known her" (Beresheet 24:16).
21. "And you shall give her to Elazar" (Bemidbar 19:3). THAT IS BECAUSE the prescribed performing of the ritual is through the adjutant to the High Priest AND NOT BY THE HIGH PRIEST HIMSELF, and they established it that way. What is the reason? It is for ELAZAR and not for Aaron. HE RESPONDS: It is only because Aaron is the best man of the Queen. THEREFORE, HE WOULD BE IMPROPER FOR THE RITUAL OF THIS COW, WHICH IS HARSH JUDGMENT, and furthermore, he would be improper because Aaron does not approach this from the pure side but rather from the Holy Side. Since the primary function of the red cow is for purification, it is therefore not given to him.
22. Every item that pertains to this cow, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is in seven, seven washings. And we were already taught that. What is the reason? It is because MALCHUT is the seven years of the Sabbatical year THAT CONTAINS SEVEN SFIROT - CHESED, GVURAH, TIFERET, NETZACH, HOD, YESOD AND MALCHUT, and is called 'Bathsheba' (lit. 'Daughter of Seven'). Therefore, all her rituals are in seven. Come and behold: all that is made from this cow is for the purpose of purification and not for sanctification. Although it was given to an aid OF THE PRIEST, THAT IS, ELAZAR, he does not perform the slaughtering or the burning so that no Harsh Judgment will be at his aspect. Even more so for Aaron, who is in a more perfected level THAN ELAZAR. He need not present himself or be available there.
23. As soon as this cow turns into ashes, there is a requirement to throw into it "cedar wood, and hyssop, and scarlet" (Bemidbar 19:6) as we have already learned. "And a man that is clean shall gather up" (Ibid. 9) and not a holy man. "...and lay them outside the camp in a clean place..." (Ibid.) since nothing is called 'clean' except from the aspect that he was first unclean.
24. The secret of all this is written: "for the water of sprinkling, it is a purification offering" (Ibid.). That is because all the lower Judgments and all that come from the aspect of Defilement RECEIVE THEIR STRENGTH FROM MALCHUT AT THE TIME when she sucks from the Other Side and dwells in Judgment, as it says: "filled with blood, it is made fat with fatness" (Yeshayah 34:6). At that moment, all THE SENTENCES FROM THE ASPECT OF DEFILEMENT are stirred up to rise and dwell in the world. As soon as they perform that ritual OF BURNING THE COW down below and the sentence is carried out in this place, in this cow, they throw on her the cedar wood. Then their energy is weakened, OF THE UNCLEAN ASPECT, and wherever they prevail, they break down and become weak and escape from there, since they see their might BROKEN AND SUPRESSED, AS IT WAS PERFORMED IN THE RITUAL OF BURNING THE COW. Then, they do not prevail on man and he becomes cleansed.
25. Therefore, it is called "water of sprinkling (Heb. nidah)." THAT MEANS water for purification when the world dwells in Judgment and the defiled aspect expands in the world, AS BY THE UNCLEANNESS OF A MENSTRUATING WOMAN (HEB. NIDAH). Here are gathered together a variety of unclean things and a variety of methods of purification. Consequently, defilement and purification are the most important rules of the Torah, and the friends have already explained this. Rabbi Shimon said: Elazar, you have accomplished so much that your friends will not be speaking of anything following you, SINCE FROM THE GREAT WISDOM AND WHOLESOMENESS OF YOUR SPEECH THEY WILL BE SHY TO GIVE THEIRS.
26. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). "A red heifer without defect, in which there is no blemish..." It is forbidden to plow during the Shabbat with an ox and plow, as it says, "the plowers plowed upon my back" (Tehilim 129:3), and the lower Shechinah, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is a red cow from the aspect of Gvurah. She is without defect from the aspect of Chesed, which is a level of Abraham, of whom it says, "walk before Me, and be perfect (Heb. tamim)" (Beresheet 17:1). "...In which there is no blemish..." She is from the aspect of the Central Column, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN THAT UNITES HER LEFT AND RIGHT. The verse continues, "and upon which never came a yoke," which is from the aspect of the higher Shechinah, which is liberty, MEANING BINAH at the location where she dominates, WHICH IS MALCHUT THAT IS COMPRISED OF EVERYTHING MENTIONED ABOVE. "And the stranger that comes near SHALL BE PUT TO DEATH." There is no authority for the Other Side to rule, not for Satan, not for the Destroyer, and not for the Angel of Death, all of which are from the side of Gehenom. End of Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd).