235. "In the third month, after the children of Yisrael went out of the land of Egypt" (Shemot 19:1). The Great Minister, Uriel, rules over THE THIRD MONTH, FOR NISSAN, IYAR AND SIVAN ARE COMPARED WITH CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET, AS MICHAEL RULES IN CHESED, GABRIEL IN GVURAH, AND URIEL RULES IN TIFERET. He is accompanied by 365 ten thousands of camps, corresponding to the number of days of the year, WHICH ARE 365 DAYS OF THE SOLAR YEAR. And all of them have 365 keys of light issuing from the inner supernal Chashmal (Eng. 'electrum'), which is treasured and concealed, and in which the mysteries of the holy supernal letters of the Holy Name are suspended.
236. This is the secret of "a plain man" (Beresheet 25:27), WHO IS JACOB, THE SECRET OF TIFERET - MEANING THAT he is the master of the house, a man of Elohim. "PLAIN" IS DERIVED FROM WHOLENESS, for there is the ending of the knot of the Tefilin, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF MALCHUT IS CALLED 'LEAH.' ."...and Jacob was a plain man..." MEANING HER MAN. And the secret of the inner supreme Chashmal, which is concealed and treasured, has his shape. And he holds all the hidden supreme lights, and they issue forth from him. And all the camps OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED ANGEL URIEL hold the keys of that light that issues from the Chashmal.
237. And that light includes the two lights OF THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT and yet they are in it one LIGHT. The first light is a white one too bright for an eye to behold and this is the treasured light for the righteous as it is written, "Light is sown for the righteous" (Tehilim 97:11) and the second light is one which gleams and sparkles red, FOR IT IS THE SECRET OF THE LEFT LIGHT. And both of them are included as one in it, and they became one.
238. Uriel the Arch Minister and all those camps WITH HIM take that light which is called 'Gemini' for it includes two lights. Therefore, that constellation rules over THIS MONTH, which is called 'Gemini,' after its secret, in which the Torah was given and from which all the grades are drawn below until they rise through the Name to illuminate the world.
239. None of the other signs WHICH RULE IN OTHER MONTHS have a mouth or tongue but this one, GEMINI, has a mouth and tongue included as one. Therefore, it is written in regards to the Torah: "And you shall meditate therein day and night" (Yehoshua 1:8). "Day" corresponds to the tongue, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, and "night" corresponds to the mouth, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and all is included in THE SECRET OF the Gemini (Heb. teomim).
240. It is written, "Tomim," WITHOUT THE LETTER ALEPH, and in relation to this secret it is written "Tomim," in, "behold, there were twins (Heb. tomim) in her womb" (Beresheet 25:24). And "TOMIM" is not said OF JACOB AND ESAU, for Esau is not connected to this secret. It indicates that it is said "TOMIM" of Jacob ALONE, FOR JACOB IS THE SECRET OF THE CENTRAL COLUMN WHICH INCLUDES TWO LIGHTS, THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT, AND AFTER THOSE TWO LIGHTS HE IS CALLED "TOMIM." WHEN THE SCRIPTURE SAYS "BEHOLD TOMIM," IT INDICATES THAT HE, JACOB, WAS IN HER WOMB. And the scripture praises Jacob for being in the womb of that righteous woman, but because the wicked ESAU was there too, the letter Aleph departed, AND IT IS WRITTEN "TOMIM" WITHOUT ALEPH.
241. All is one secret, for Jacob receives through his secret, TIFERET, THE CENTRAL COLUMN, the two months Nissan and Iyar, and he is included in the secret of THE MONTH Sivan, which is THE SIGN OF Gemini. THIS MEANS THAT BY BEING INCLUDED IN THE MONTH SIVAN - WHICH INCLUDES TWO MONTHS, NISSAN AND IYAR, WHICH ARE RIGHT AND LEFT - IT IS THEREFORE CALLED "TWINS," AND SINCE JACOB IS ALSO INCLUDED IN IT HE RECEIVES THOSE TWO MONTHS. Esau receives through his own inner meaning the two months, Tammuz and Av, but since he does not abide in THE CENTRAL COLUMN, WHICH IS ELUL, he therefore loses Elul, for Elul is not his. And he does not even have the whole MONTH of Av, but only nine days and no more, so it can be seen that he is not included in the secret of the twins - WHICH IS THE CENTRAL COLUMN. He separated himself and turned towards the Other Side in naught and desolation, as it is written, "The enemies are come to an end in perpetual ruins" (Tehilim 9:7).
242. Because Jacob is in the sign of the twins, the Torah was given to his children in the months of the twins, being itself "twins" - WHICH IS the Written Torah and the Oral Torah. IT WAS GIVEN in the third month to the triple nation, WHICH INCLUDES three grades, NAMELY, THE 'THREE FATHERS.' THE TORAH WAS GIVEN in three parts, the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings, and all is one.
243. "In the third month..." We have already explained that chapter in the scripture above. Rabbi Chiya said that at the time that Yisrael approached Mount Sinai, the Holy One, blessed be He, gathered the seeds of the nation of Yisrael and examined them all. And He found no blemish in all the seeds of Yisrael but saw they were all of a holy seed and of Truth.
244. At that time, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, 'Now do I wish to give Yisrael the Torah. Draw them to Me by My love for the Patriarch and by the signs that I have made manifest to them. And you shall be My messenger. Therefore, go and tell them those words.' Rabbi Yosi said that Rabbi Yehuda said that those were the words that the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, and continued, 'Thus, you shall be My faithful messenger by drawing Yisrael to go after Me.'