431. RABBI YEHUDA said TO RABBI CHIZKIYAH, If harm is probable, it is so AND WE SHOULD BE AFRAID, but it is not probable FOR WE SEE HERE NO BEASTS WHICH COULD HARM US. And after we enter the cave, WE ARE SAFE for no evil will follow to harm us. THEREFORE IT IS SAID, "BUT THE RIGHTEOUS ARE BOLD AS A LION" (MISHLEI 28:1). They entered the cave. Rabbi Yehuda said, We shall divide the night into three watches. Each of us will stand guard at one watch of the night and we shall keep awake.
432. Rabbi Yehuda opened the discussion saying, "A Maskil of Eitan the Ezrachite" (Tehilim 89:1). This hymn was sung by the Patriarch Abraham when he strove to serve the Holy One, blessed be He, by doing kindness with the people of the world, in making them all acknowledge that the Holy One, blessed be He, reigns over the land. He is called Eitan (lit. 'strong') since he was strongly attached to the Holy One, blessed be He.
433. "I will sing the mercies (Heb. chassadim) of Hashem forever" (Tehilim 89:2): HE ASKS, Why does singing come from the side of the pious (Heb. chassidim) WHO ARE OF THE RIGHT COLUMN, SEEING THAT SINGING COMES FROM THE LEFT COLUMN? HE ANSWERS, Here the left is included within the right. Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, tried Abraham and tested him. We learned that Isaac was 37 at the time OF THE BINDING. Why does it say that He tried Abraham? It should have said that He tried Isaac. The reason it says that He tried Abraham is to make him be of Judgment, properly included in Judgment, SINCE HE WAS WHOLLY OF THE ATTRIBUTE OF CHESED. In this way will he be perfected. Therefore, "I will sing the Mercies of Hashem forever," SINCE HE WAS ALREADY INCLUDED OF THE LEFT COLUMN, WHENCE SINGING COMES FROM.
434. Another explanation for: "I will sing the Mercies of Hashem forever." These are the mercies that the Holy One, blessed be He, does by the world. "With my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness to all generations" (Ibid.) refers to the kindness and truth He confers upon all. It is the faith in the Holy One, blessed be He, that Abraham spread in the world, and caused Him to be mentioned on the tongue of all creatures. Therefore "with my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness."
435. The Holy One, blessed be He, revealed to Abraham the secret of faith, WHICH IS THE NUKVA. When he knew it, ABRAHAM knew that the world was created and existed for his sake, FOR HE IS THE SECRET OF CHESED. Hence, "For I have said, 'The world is built by love (lit. 'Chesed')'" (Tehilim 89:3). For when the Holy One, blessed be He, created the universe, THE NUKVA, He saw the world could not endure, so He extended His right hand, WHICH IS CHESED, and it endured. If He had not extended His right upon it, it would not have existed since this world, THE SECRET OF THE NUKVA, was created by Judgment AND THEREFORE CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT CHESED, as we have already explained.
436. We have learned that the secret of: "In the beginning" (Beresheet 1:1) is that there are two principals in one. Though we said that it is the beginning from below upward, WHICH IS MALCHUT, "the beginning" also MEANS BEGINNING from above downward, WHICH IS CHOCHMAH; MEANING, BINAH RETURNED TO BE CHOCHMAH. We have explained the word "In (the letter Bet) the beginning" as in the house (Heb. bet) of the Holy of Holies, WHICH IS THE NUKVA, THE HOUSE of the beginning, WHICH IS CHOCHMAH. The word "IN THE BEGINNING" includes THE NUKVA AND CHOCHMAH as one.
437. By this house, the world, THE NUKVA, was created, MEANING, SHE IS BUILT AS A HOUSE FOR CHOCHMAH, BY RECEIVING FROM THE LEFT COLUMN AND THEREFORE LACKING IN CHASSADIM. Yet it exists only through the right, CHESED, FOR CHOCHMAH CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT CHESED. We have already explained that the word "Behibar'am (Eng. 'when they were created')" (Beresheet 2:4) has the same letters as 'BeAbraham' (Eng. 'in Abraham'), THE SECRET OF CHESED. Therefore it is written, "For I have said, 'The world is built by Chesed.'" The first building of the world, THE NUKVA, derived its existence from the light of the first day; NAMELY CHESED. Then on the second day, it was included within the left, WHICH IS GVURAH, and heaven, ZEIR ANPIN, was perfected by them, as it is written, "You do establish Your faithfulness in the heavens" (Tehilim 89:3). BY HEAVEN BEING ESTABLISHED BY THE TWO COLUMNS, CHESED AND GVURAH, FAITH, NAMELY THE NUKVA, IS MADE READY TO BE PERFECTED BY THE TWO COLUMNS, CHESED AND GVURAH.
438. Another explanation for: "You do establish Your faithfulness in the heavens" is that the heaven, ZEIR ANPIN, was established by Chassadim, and the secret of faith, THE NUKVA, was established by them, AS IT SAYS "THE WORLD IS BUILT BY CHESED." THUS, THE HEAVEN INSPIRED CHESED UPON THE NUKVA CALLED 'WORLD,' AND HENCE IT IS SAID, "YOU DO ESTABLISH YOUR FAITHFULNESS IN THE HEAVENS." For THE NUKVA cannot be established save by heaven, ZEIR ANPIN.
439. "I have made a Covenant with My chosen" (Ibid. 4). THE COVENANT is the secret of faith CONFERRED UPON DAVID. Another explanation is that THE COVENANT is the Righteous, YESOD, from whom blessings flow upon the lower beings. The holy living creatures, WHICH ARE ANGELS, are all blessed by the abundance poured upon the lower beings. Therefore it is written, "I have made a Covenant with My chosen," FOR HE WILL BE WORTHY OF THE COVENANT.
440. "I have sworn to David, My servant" (Tehilim 89:3). This oath is the secret of faith, WHICH IS THE NUKVA, which is always supported by the Righteous, YESOD. This oath is forever, so they will never be separated, save at the time of exile WHEN THEY WILL BE SEPARATED, when the abundance of blessings is withheld, the secret of faith cannot be perfected and there is no joy. At night, also, no joys come before the King.