377. Now we have the commandment of setting aside cities of refuge for one who killed, due to the Egyptian man you slew in Egypt who contained within him the primordial serpent and his encampment that surrounded him. You killed him prematurely and you did not fear his followers. Numerous women pursued you in your youth - THE KLIPOT, Na'amah, Agrat - black Lilit. And the Holy One, blessed be He, gave cities of refuge to save you from them. These are the gates of repentance.
378. This is because you are a son of Yud-Hei, AS MOSES WAS AT THE LEVEL OF VAV, DENOTING ZEIR ANPIN, being the son of Aba and Ima, WHO ARE CHOCHMAH AND BINAH, YUD-HEI. And after you returned with repentance with the LAST Hei OF THE NAME YUD HEI VAV HEI, you ascended to Binah AND MERITED NOW THE NAME Yud-Hei-Vav, which is the Tree of Life - FOR BINAH IS CALLED 'LIVING ELOHIM,' AND ZEIR ANPIN THAT ASCENDS TO BINAH IS CALLED THE 'TREE OF LIFE,' and therefore you have merited the LAST Hei, WHICH IS MALCHUT. All this is due to your bringing yourself after it with repentance, returning it to your Master, leading it out of exile, and not seeking reward.
379. And the Holy One, blessed be He, put His name in you, and since your thoughts were with the cause of causes, NOTABLY KETER, He put His thoughts with you - DENOTING THE SECRET OF CHOCHMAH, which is YUD HEI VAV HEI, FULLY SPELLED WITH ALEPH'S, WITH THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF MEM-HEI (= 45) AS CHOCHMAH (CHET-CAF-MEM-HEI) CONSISTS OF THE FORCE (CAF-CHET) OF 45 (MEM-HEI). FOR THROUGH THE NAME OF MEM-HEI WHICH IS THE CENTRAL COLUMN OF THE MOCHIN, WHICH IS CHOCHMAH REVEALED, the Cause of all causes unifies all these letters within you in order to reorganize and know Him through these letters.
380. AFTER BEING INCLUDED IN THOUGHT, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE FIRST THREE SFIROT, HE GOES ON TO EXPLAIN HOW HE RECEIVED THE OTHER SIX SFIROT, AND SAYS, Since you dispensed kindness with the Shechinah, as all the precepts are yours with which to provide for the pious (Heb. chasid) man, who is pious to his Possessor, so He gave you the quality of Chesed. You observed the negative commandments and had to overcome your inclinations to tie it under you, and you strove with this precept only to tie up Samael under the Holy One, blessed be He, and to have the mate OF SAMAEL, who is an evil maidservant, bound under her mistress, NAMELY MALCHUT, and THEN all their appointees and their hosts. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, has given you the quality of Gvurah, that will be at your assistance to cause Samael, his mate and all their hosts to fear and be tied in a chain under you.
381. And since you repented with the sign of the Covenant, NAMELY YESOD, Binah descended, BEING THE LETTERS Yud-Hei-Vav, to join with the Righteous, NAMELY YESOD, for your sake. And so the Holy One, blessed be He, gave you the sign of the Covenant of the righteous, NAMELY, YESOD. As you did everything with a pure thought, so descended the explicit name upon you, and from there, FROM THE THOUGHT, WHICH IS THREE FIRST SFIROT, did it descend on you.
382. And because you strive daily, with both of your lips in prayer to extol your Master with, "Adonai, open my lips," utilizing both lips with words of the prophets and the writings and all types of song and tune in prayer, the Holy One, blessed be He, lowers them through your two lips, NETZACH AND HOD. Even more so in your level, being the middle pillar, NAMELY TIFERET, with which you endeavored all your life with Truth; the Holy One, blessed be He, allowed you to be raised with the Torah of Truth, incorporated with all qualities and letters - SUCH AS CHESED, GVURAH, TIFERET, NETZACH, HOD AND YESOD - with the explicit Name consisting of four letters, YUD HEI VAV HEI, WHICH IS THE FIRST THREE SFIROT.
383. Before you repented, you were associated with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Servant and child were your original names, as it is written, "And, behold, a weeping boy" (Shemot 2:6), or a devoted servant, as written, "My servant Moses is not so, for he is the trusted one in all My house" (Bemidbar 12:7). The evil, that is the partner of a servant, caused you to sin by the rock, as the staff handed you came from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, MEANING METATRON AND SAMAEL. Metatron is good, and Samael is evil.