45. "...Goes toward the south, and veers to the north..." (Kohelet 1:6). This is what is written: "from His right hand went a fiery law for them" (Devarim 33:2); "His right hand," is south, CHESED; "a fiery law," is north, GVURAH - and one is included in the other. THEREFORE, IT IS WRITTEN: "GOES TOWARD THE SOUTH, AND VEERS TO THE NORTH."
46. "Round and round goes the wind" (Kohelet 1:6). This verse is difficult. It should have said, 'Round and round goes the sun.' What is, "goes the wind?'' HE REPLIES: Who is that wind (also: 'spirit')? It is under the sun and is called the 'Holy Spirit,' MEANING MALCHUT. And that spirit, MALCHUT, follows and circles in those two directions, SOUTH AND NORTH, WHICH ARE THE RIGHT COLUMN AND THE LEFT COLUMN, to adhere to the body, THAT IS ZEIR ANPIN CALLED 'SUN.' Therefore, "the wind," is spelled out WITH THE HEI OF THE DEFINITE ARTICLE, TO INDICATE that which is obvious, which is the portion of Yisrael, MEANING MALCHUT, WHICH IS THE PART OF ZEIR ANPIN CALLED 'YISRAEL.' SIMILARLY, THE CHILDREN OF YISRAEL BELOW COUNT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOON CYCLE, WHICH IS THEIR LOT, ONLY IT IS TOGETHER WITH ZEIR ANPIN.
47. "And on its circuits the wind returns" (Ibid.). HE INQUIRES: What are "its circuits?'' HE REPLIES: These refer to the Patriarchs, who are the holy Chariot. They are three and David is the spirit, that fourth who was attached to them so that they are a perfectly complete holy Chariot. ABOUT DAVID WHO ROSE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE HIGHER CHARIOT, it is written: "the stone which the builders rejected has become the head stone of the corner" (Tehilim 118:22).
48. Because all of King Solomon's words are concealed in wisdom, all ARE RECITED in the innermost recesses of the holy chamber. People do not pay attention to observe them and they simply see his words as the same as the sayings of any other person. And if this is so, what is the praise to King Solomon with his wisdom over any other person? Assuredly, every word and saying of Solomon, the King, is concealed in wisdom.