251. "Hashem is a man of war, Hashem is His name." Rabbi Aba opened the discussion, saying: "Wherefore is said in the book of the wars of Hashem, Vahev in Sufah and the rivers of Arnon" (Bemidbar 21:14). How much must we observe on the words of Torah, how much must we concentrate on every word, for you have not one word in the Torah that does not allude to the Holy Supernal Name. And there is no word in the Torah that does not have many secrets, many senses, many sources, and many branches.
252. Here we should observe what is written, "Wherefore is said in the book of the wars of Hashem." HE ASKS, Where is "the book of the wars of Hashem?" HE ANSWERS, This is what the friends explained. Every person who wages war in Torah merits an increase in peace at the end of his words. All the wars of the world are quarrels and destruction, and all the wars of Torah are peace and love. This is what is meant by, "Wherefore is said in the book of the wars of Hashem," NAMELY THE WARS OF TORAH. "Vahev in Sufah," meaning love (Heb. ahavah) at its end (Heb. sufah). For you have no other love and peace except this.
253. But the question remains standing, for it is written, "Wherefore it is said in the book of the wars of Hashem," AND IF IT REFERS TO THE WARS IN TORAH, it should have said 'in the Torah of the wars of Hashem' What is the meaning of "in the book?" HE ANSWERS, It is a supernal secret. The Holy One, blessed be He, has a place which is called 'book,' WHICH IS MALCHUT, as it is written, "Seek out of the book of Hashem, and read" (Yeshayah 34:16). All the powers and strengths that the Holy One, blessed be He, has originate from that book, and from there they emerge.
254. "Vahev in Sufah." HE ASKS, What is Vahev? HE ANSWERS, All the strengths and all these mighty deeds that the Holy One, blessed be He, has come from that book, WHICH IS MALCHUT. When the Holy One, blessed be He, wages His wars, it is in one place which is the end of the levels, called 'Vahev,' as it is written, "The leech has two daughters, crying, 'Give, give (Heb. hav-hav)" (Mishlei 30:15). THEY ARE THE PLACE OF PUNISHMENTS UNDERNEATH MALCHUT. "In Sufah" means that it is at the end (Heb. sof) of the levels. Sufah is called the 'Red (Heb. suf) Sea,' MALCHUT, MEANING the sea that is the end of all the levels.
255. "And the wadis of Arnon" MEANS with the rivers that come and are drawn TO MALCHUT, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF "VAHEV IN SUFAH," from that highest place which is called "Arnon." What is Arnon? It is the supernal union of love that never separates, WHICH IS THE UNION OF THE SUPERNAL ABA AND IMA. As you say, "And a river went out of Eden" (Beresheet 2:10). A RIVER, WHICH IS BINAH, AND EDEN, WHICH IS CHOCHMAH, ARE COLLECTIVELY CALLED 'ABA AND IMA,' BECAUSE ARNON IS COMPOSED OF THE LETTERS OF OR-NUN ('THE LIGHT OF FIFTY'), NAMELY THE LIGHT OF THE FIFTY GATES OF BINAH. This way its roots are rooted, and its branches OF MALCHUT grow so as to do battles in every place, perform deeds of strength and might, and show the greatest dominion and majesty.
256. Come and behold, when the powers and wars of the Holy One, blessed be He, are provoked, many Prosecutors of Judgments are stirred on every side. Then spears, WHICH ARE THE SECRET OF JUDGMENTS OF THE RIGHT SIDE, and sharp swords, WHICH ARE THE JUDGMENTS OF THE LEFT SIDE, arouse mighty deeds. The sea becomes agitated and its waves rise and fall, and the ships that tread and sail on the sea scatter to all sides. The war escalates with catapult stones, spears-men, and swordsmen. Then it is written, "Your arrows are sharp" (Tehilim 45:6). And the Holy One, blessed be He, strengthens Himself with His powers to wage war. Woe to those against whom the Holy King provokes war. It is then written, "Hashem is a man of war" (Shemot 15:3).
257. From this PASSAGE, "HASHEM IS A MAN OF WAR," from these letters and from this passage emerge lines of warriors against these wicked people and these enemies who sinned against the Holy One, blessed be He. The secret of the letters is revealed to these men of Truth. These things are explained and elucidated, and we have already learned this.
258. "Hashem is a Man of War, Hashem is His Name." HE ASKS, Since it is written, "Hashem is a man of war," do I not know that "Hashem is His Name?" HE ANSWERS, But it is written, "And Hashem rained upon Sodom and upon Amorah brimstone and fire from Hashem out of heaven" (Beresheet 11:24), IN WHICH "AND HASHEM" MEANS YUD HEI VAV HEI AND HIS COURT OF JUSTICE, WHICH IS MALCHUT. THEREFORE, IT SAYS AFTERWARDS, "FROM HASHEM." HERE TOO, "HASHEM IS A MAN OF WAR" MEANS YUD HEI VAV HEI AND, "HASHEM IS HIS NAME," MEANS MALCHUT. For all comes from that book, WHICH IS MALCHUT, as it is written, "The heaven will reveal his iniquity" (Iyov 20:27), MEANING ZEIR ANPIN, CALLED 'HEAVEN.' "And the earth shall rise up against him," MEANS MALCHUT THAT IS CALLED 'EARTH.'