211. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). The Faithful Shepherd, NAMELY THE SOUL OF MOSES, said, at that time, BEFORE THE COMING OF MESSIAH, the Mishnah scholars, sages of supernal wisdom, scholars of Kabbalah, scholars of the secrets in the Torah, will have a time of hardship, AS THEY HAVE NOTHING TO SUPPORT THEM. This is the meaning of, "As the hart (Heb. ayal) pants after the water brooks" (Tehilim 42:2) as they, NAMELY THE SAGES MENTIONED EARLIER, are springs of water of Torah flowing to the Shechinah, AS TORAH IS REFERRED TO AS WATER. Torah is the central pillar, MEANING ZEIR ANPIN, THE CENTRAL COLUMN. These springs of water, NAMELY THE SAGES MENTIONED EARLIER FROM WHICH COMES FORTH TORAH MEANING WATER, are in distress, in sadness and in poverty. These are the pains and distresses of the one who has given birth, namely the Shechinah, as it is written in regard to Her, "And let her who bore you rejoice" (Mishlei 23:25). She will be in those labor pains, MEANING with their distress OF THE SCHOLARS OF WISDOM AND TORAH, AS MENTIONED, AS THEIR AGONY IS CONSIDERED AS THE LABOR PAINS OF THE SHECHINAH.
212. The seventy members of the heavenly Sandhedrin are alerted with these pains of birth that She cries, until Her voice reaches Yud Hei Vav Hei. Immediately, "the voice of Hashem makes the hinds to calve" (Tehilim 29:9). This refers to the ABOVE MENTIONED masters of the Mishnah THAT ARE THE SECRET MEANING OF "the virgins, her companions that follow her" (Tehilim 45:15). All of them will be trembling as the one who gives birth, literally with distress, as the time presses upon them with many bites of the Evil Inclination, which is the snake that bites at them with various TYPES OF distress.
213. At that time, She is opened to give birth to the Messiah. This is owing to the pain and distress of the pious, men of good qualities, sages of secrets of the Torah, people of humility and shame, of fear and love, of kindness, men of valor, fearing Elohim, truthful men, who despise bribes, for whom it is a time of poverty. This is what the sages of the Mishnah have explained. In the times in which the son of David will come, a valiant men will go circulating from city to city but will not be shown favor. Those that fear sin will be despised and the wisdom of scribes will be sullied. Truth will be absent and the vine will give its fruit but wine will be expensive.
214. From these sounds that She cries, the seventy SOUNDS equaling the seventy words IN THE PSALM, "May Hashem hear you in the day of trouble" (Tehilim 20), Her womb is opened. This refers to the letter Bet (=two) MEANING CHAMBER OF (HEB. BEIT) THE WOMB, encompassing two chambers in order to give birth FROM THEM to two Messiahs - MESSIAH, SON OF DAVID AND MESSIAH, SON OF JOSEPH. She brings her head between her knees. Her head is the central pillar, MEANING ZEIR ANPIN. HER KNEES ARE two thighs, Netzach and Hod, which are the two prophets. From there are born two Messiahs, AS MENTIONED. At that time, He "strips the forests bare," MEANING CHOCHMAH WILL BE REVEALED. The serpent will be removed from the world, AS THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH WILL DO AWAY WITH ALL KLIPOT. End of Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd).