141. "And, lo, Sarah your wife shall have a son" (Beresheet 18:10). HE ASKS, Why does the verse not read, 'And, lo, you shall have a son?' AND HE REPLIES, So that he may not assume that he will be born to Hagar as before. Rabbi Shimon opened the discussion by saying, "A son honors his father, and a servant his master" (Malachi 1:6). The words "A son honors his father" refer to Isaac honoring Abraham.
142. When did he honor him? Isaac was 37 years old when Abraham bound him on the altar and offered him as a sacrifice. Abraham was so old that he could not have countered an attack from Isaac - not even a kick with one foot. But Isaac honored his father, who bound him like a lamb, AND SHOWED NO RESISTANCE, in order to fulfill his father's will.
143. An example of a servant honoring his master is Eliezer to Abraham, whom Abraham sent to Charan. There, Eliezer honored Abraham by fulfilling his wishes, as it is written, "And Hashem has blessed my master greatly..." (Beresheet 24:35), as well as "And he said, I am Abraham's servant" (Ibid. 34). He did all of this to show respect to Abraham.
144. Eliezer is a man who carried silver, gold, precious stones, and camels. He himself was good looking and impressive in appearance. Nevertheless, he did not say that he was a dear friend or a relative of Abraham. Instead, he said, "I am Abraham's servant," in order to raise the esteem of Abraham and make them respect him.
145. Therefore, the verse reads, "A son honors his father, and a servant his master," - but you Yisrael, my children, you are ashamed to say that I am your father or that you are My servants. So "...if then I am a father, where is my honor...?" (Malachi 1:6). Thus, it is written, "And, lo...a son." This is definitely the son, who unlike Ishmael properly honors his father.
146. "And, lo, Sarah your wife shall have a son," as she died because of him, WHEN SHE HEARD OF HIM BEING BOUND UPON THE ALTAR. And because of him, she suffered anguish in her soul until she bore him. "And, lo, Sarah...shall have a son" MEANS THAT she was exalted on his account when the Holy One, blessed be He, sat in Judgment on the world - because at that time, ON ROSH HASHANAH, WHEN ISAAC WAS BORN, "Hashem visited Sarah..." Clearly, He remembered Sarah for the sake of Isaac. This is why "Sarah...shall have a son." ANOTHER EXPLANATION OF "And, lo, Sarah your wife shall have a son" is that BECAUSE the woman receives the child from the man, THE FEMALE HAS THE CHILD. THEREFORE, THE VERSE SAYS, "AND, LO, SARAH...SHALL HAVE A SON."
147. "And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him" (Beresheet 18:10). AND HE ASKS, What do the words "which was behind him" mean? Should it not have been written, 'and she was behind him,' AS IF TO SAY THAT SHE WAS BEHIND THE INFORMING ANGEL? HE REPLIES, There is a secret here. "And Sarah heard it" REFERS TO the words "tent door," which correspond to the lower grade, that is, the gate of faith, NAMELY THE SHECHINAH. "...which was behind him..." MEANS THAT the upper grade, WHO IS THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, confirmed the declaration. Ever since Sarah came into the world, she did not hear anything from the Holy One, blessed be He, save at that moment.
148. Yet another explanation is that Sarah sat at the "tent door" in order to listen to their words. And she heard the good news that Abraham received. THIS IS WHY IT IS WRITTEN, "AND SARAH HEARD IT IN THE TENT DOOR, which (he) was behind him." IT MEANS THAT Abraham sat behind the Shechinah.
149. "Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in days (lit. 'coming with days')..." (Beresheet 18:11). AND HE ASKS, What is meant by 'coming with days'? AND HE REPLIES, THIS MEANS THAT THEY ARE 'COMING' to the end of their 'days.' Abraham was a hundred years old, and Sarah was ninety. They reached their fill of days, as is proper. 'Coming with days' can be read as 'for the day has come,' WHICH CAN MEAN THAT the day has ended. HERE, AS WELL, "COMING WITH THE DAYS" MEANS THAT THEIR DAYS WERE COMPLETED.
150. "...And the manner of women ceased to be with Sarah..." At that hour, she suddenly saw herself having "pleasure" again, AS THE "MANNER OF WOMEN" REVIVED WITHIN HER. Thus she said, "...my lord being old also..." meaning that Abraham was too old to be able to beget children. HOWEVER, SHE DID NOT SAY THAT SHE HERSELF WAS TOO OLD.