676. He opened the discussion saying, "I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, that you tell him, that I am sick with love" (Shir Hashirim 5:8). HE ASKS, Who is closer to the King than the Congregation of Yisrael, THE NUKVA? Why then does she charge them, "If you find my beloved, that you tell him." HE REPLIES, The daughters of Jerusalem are the souls of the righteous who are always near the King, and inform Him daily of the welfare of the Matron, THE NUKVA.
677. For so we have learnt that when a soul descends into the world, the Congregation of Yisrael, THE NUKVA, makes it swear to tell the King and inform Him of her love for Him, so He shall be pleased with her.
678. By which means DO THE SOULS INFORM THE KING OF THE LOVE OF THE NUKVA FOR HIM? A man should proclaim the union of the Holy Name, THE NUKVA OF ZEIR ANPIN, by mouth, heart and soul, and attach himself wholly TO ZEIR AND THE NUKVA, like a flame to a burning coal, by the union which causes the King to be well disposed towards the Queen, and to proclaim before the King her love for Him.
679. Another explanation, The daughters of Jerusalem are the twelve tribes; NAMELY THE TWELVE KNOTS OF CHESED AND GVURAH, NETZACH AND HOD UPON WHICH STANDS THE BODY OF THE NUKVA. For we have learned that Jerusalem, THE NUKVA, is established upon twelve mountains. Those who say that she stands upon only seven are not wholly correct, though all is one, for she includes seven SIDES; NAMELY CHESED, GVURAH, TIFERET, NETZACH, HOD, YESOD AND MALCHUT, and has the four ASPECTS CHESED, GVURAH, TIFERET AND MALCHUT and twelve ASPECTS, WHICH ARE THE TWELVE KNOTS WE MENTIONED. All is one, ONLY THAT THESE ARE GRADES WITHIN HER, BUT TWELVE IS PERFECTION.
680. Surely she is established upon twelve mountains, three to each side, THREE KNOTS TO THE SIDE OF CHESED, THREE TO GVURAH, THREE TO NETZACH AND THREE TO HOD, AND THE BODY OF THE NUKVA ABOVE THEM. They are then called living creature, as it is written, "This is the living creature that I saw under the Elohim of Yisrael" (Yechezkel 10:20). They are called the daughters of Jerusalem, since JERUSALEM, THE NUKVA, stands above them. They testify before the King OF THE LOVE of the Congregation of Yisrael, WHO CHARGES THEM, "IF YOU FIND MY BELOVED, THAT YOU TELL HIM, THAT I AM SICK WITH LOVE." Hence it says, "There the tribes used to go up, the tribes of Yah as a testimony unto Yisrael, to give thanks unto the name of Hashem" (Tehilim 122:4), TO TESTIFY BEFORE YISRAEL, ZEIR ANPIN, OF THE LOVE OF THE NUKVA. Rabbi Yehuda said, Happy is the portion of Yisrael, who know the ways of the Holy One, blessed be He. Of them it is written, "For you are a holy people to Hashem your Elohim, and Hashem has chosen you..." (Devarim 14:2).