Vayechi: Chapter 25

The image


This section begins by examining what happens when a person dies, and describing the difference between the effects on the body of a man of Yisrael and on the body of an idolatrous heathen. Unlike Yisrael, a heathen's impurities cannot be defiled. Each Israelite contains two images (tzelamim,) the ordinary and the holy shadow. As he approaches death, both shadows depart, since they are joined together. He must write letters and put them in a bag, and then on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), he must repent. If he attains repentance, the letters are torn; if not, they are read in consideration for judgment. Then, there follows a description of the significance of various parts of a man's image, and what it means if one or many of them are missing. Everything in the Lower World has its root in higher worlds. When one stirs, so does the other.


The Light to cleanse ourselves from sin and wrongdoing is bestowed upon readers of this passage. The importance of repentance is awakened within us and we remove judgments decreed against us in the Upper Worlds. Our image is the link between the body and soul, and when a person is about to leave this world, the image becomes dimmer. This section helps strengthen our shadow, removing the force of death from life.