37. We learned from a supernal mystery in the Concealed Book that there are three cavities of engraved letters, WHICH ARE YUD HEI VAV OF YUD HEI VAV HEI, seen in the skull of Zeir Anpin. And we learned that there are three parts of the brain (Mochin), CHOCHMAH, BINAH AND DA'AT, which are hidden in these cavities. THE CAVITIES ARE VESSELS AND THE LOBES OF THE BRAIN ARE THE LIGHTS THAT ARE CLOTHED IN THEM. From the top of the highest concealed brain of Atika Kadisha that flows into the Mochin of that Zeir Anpin, there are four Mochin, CHOCHMAH, BINAH, THE RIGHT SIDE OF DA'AT, WHICH IS TIFERET, AND THE LEFT SIDE OF DA'AT, WHICH IS MALCHUT. These four Mochin ARE IN THE HEAD OF ZEIR ANPIN AND expand throughout the body. These are the four paragraphs in the four compartments of the Tefilin, which the Holy One, blessed be He, puts on.
38. One should put on TEFILIN every day, because they are the supernal Holy Name of engraved letters, YUD HEI VAV HEI, NAMELY THE FOUR MOCHIN, as it is written, "And all people of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of Hashem" (Devarim 28:10). We learned this is the actual name of Hashem. These are the head Tefilin.
39. Rabbi Yitzchak said, This is what is meant by the verse, "Sanctify to Me (Heb. kadesh li) all the firstborn" (Shemot 13:2). This is the Sfirah that includes and conceals all the others, NAMELY, CHOCHMAH THAT INCLUDES INSIDE ITSELF ALL THE SFIROT. The drawing OF LIGHT from above is hidden within it. It is called "whatever opens the womb" (Ibid.), because it opens the whole flow of mercy and supernal light.
40. Rabbi Shimon said, THIS SFIRAH OF CHOCHMAH is hidden in the Yud of the Holy Name YUD HEI VAV HEI. It is one compartment of the Tefilin, which is "Sanctify to Me all the firstborn." Unspecific FIRSTBORN relates to the supernal part of the brain, Chochmah.
41. The second compartment OF THE TEFILIN is, "And it shall be, when Hashem your Elohim shall bring you (Heb. vehayah ki yeviacha)" (Devarim 6:10). Rabbi Yehuda said, This is the part of the brain the gates of which become fifty gates, NAMELY BINAH, WHICH EXPANDS INTO THE FIFTY GATES OF BINAH. These many gates correspond to the many mentions of the phrases, "who have brought you out of the land of Egypt," and "brought you forth out of Egypt." The memory of the exodus from Egypt is mentioned many times in the Torah, fifty TIMES that correspond to the fifty GATES OF BINAH. FOR THE EXODUS FROM EGYPT CAME THROUGH THE ILLUMINATION OF BINAH. THEY ARE THEREFORE FIFTY, TO CORRESPOND TO ITS FIFTY GATES.
42. We learned from the book of Rav Hamnuna Saba, who said that the Holy One, blessed be He, broke many upper and lower gates that were bound by chains, in order to bring Yisrael out of Egypt. For through these gates of the brain lobe OF BINAH the other BLOCKED gates were opened and loosened. Had not the gates of the brain lobe OF BINAH opened and aroused, the other BLOCKED gates would not have opened to execute punishment AGAINST EGYPT to bring Yisrael out of slavery. FOR THAT REASON THE EXODUS FROM EGYPT WAS MENTIONED FIFTY TIMES, WHICH OCCURRED BY MEANS OF THE FIFTY GATES OF BINAH.
43. Everything is concealed inside this BRAIN OF BINAH, which is called supernal Ima, from which power was roused for lower Ima, WHICH IS MALCHUT. What is that? It is that of which is written, "and give ear to Me, O My nation (Heb. le'umi)" (Yeshayah 51:4), which should be pronounced 'le'imi (Eng. 'to my mother'), rather than le'umi. For the Holy One, blessed be He cherished the Congregation of Yisrael, WHICH IS MALCHUT, to the extent of calling her 'My mother,' SO MALCHUT RECEIVED THE LIGHTS OF SUPERNAL IMA. For these LIGHTS come out of supernal Ima, which is the second compartment OF THE TEFILIN, which is called Hei of the Holy Name YUD HEI VAV HEI that opened into fifty gates. From this part of the brain a wind goes out to a nostril in the window of the nose of Zeir Anpin.
44. We learned that the Jubilee, in which slaves are freed, is united with this brain lobe OF BINAH. THE FIFTY GATES OF BINAH are the fifty years of the Jubilee, and the fifty days of the counting of the Omer unite WITH THE BRAIN LOBE OF BINAH, in which the spirits of the slaves rest, and their spirit achieves FREEDOM AND rest, as it is written, "the day that Hashem shall give you rest from your sorrow, and from your fear, and from the hard bondage..." (Yeshayah 14:3). For that reason, FIRST Hei OF YUD HEI VAV HEI, WHICH IS BINAH, rests the spirit and liberates the spirit. The exodus from Egypt comes out from the SECOND compartment OF THE TEFILIN and the FIRST Hei of the Holy Name, as we learned. Up to here, THE FIRST TWO COMPARTMENTS OF THE TEFILIN all is about Yud Hei of the Holy Name.
45. Come and see, from the aspect of Aba, WHICH IS CHOCHMAH, Chesed emerges, and from the aspect of Ima, WHICH IS BINAH, Gvurah comes out. The Holy One, blessed be He, WHO IS ZEIR ANPIN, is attached to them all and is adorned with them, being the letter Vav, FOR ZEIR ANPIN IS THE CENTRAL COLUMN THAT COMPREHENDS THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT, WHICH ARE ABA AND CHESED TO THE RIGHT AND IMA AND GVURAH TO THE LEFT.
46. The third compartment OF THE TEFILIN IS "Hear O Yisrael (Heb. Sh'ma Yisrael)" (Devarim 6:4), which is Yisrael Saba, TOGETHER WITH "And you shall love Hashem your Elohim" (Ibid. 5). Rabbi Shimon taught, this is a high mystery that the supernal Yisrael, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, was adorned with the aspect of Aba. This is Abraham. Adorned with the aspect of Ima it is Isaac.