760. Pertaining to below, WHAT IS WRITTEN, "And Adam knew Eve, his wife; and she conceived, and bore Cain" (Beresheet 4:1). The Kof (of Cain), WHOSE LEG WAS CLOTHED WITH THE KLIPOT IN THE SECRET OF THE PASSAGE, "HER FEET GO DOWN TO DEATH" (MISHLEI 5:5) started to bear IN THE BELLY OF EVE with the strength and support of Adam after it had already received filth from this Kof. FIRST, THE SERPENT CAME, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF KOF, UPON EVE AND INSERTED FILTH INTO HER AND THEN ADAM CAME UPON HER. Therefore, it is not written, 'And he begot,' but rather "And ADAM knew...And she conceived, and bore" and the refuse emerged of the female, EVE.
761. "And she again bore his brother Abel" (Beresheet 4:2). It is not written, 'And he begot,' even though he was on the male side, NAMELY THE RIGHT SIDE, AS MENTIONED ABOVE, because the prosecutor weakened and his strength was broken, because from the letter Kof OF CAIN, the letters started begeting.
762. After the refuse IN CAIN was sorted, the letters started to bear from the secret of the letters Shin-Tav, WHICH ARE the perfection of Male and Female in mutual agreement. BECAUSE SHIN IS THE THREE COLUMNS OF ZEIR ANPIN, THAT IS MALE AND THE TAV IS FEMALE, NAMELY MALCHUT, it is written, "And he begot in his likeness, after his image, and called his name Seth (Shin-Tav)" (Beresheet 5:3). It is not written that 'she called' AS EARLIER TO SHOW that he called and not she. He called his name Seth and that which is written earlier, "SHE CALLED" IS BECAUSE THE NAME SETH is the perfection of Male and Female mutually, for they were in mutual agreement.
763. The letters rolled some more and again bore Aleph of Adam. What are these letters that are where his name ends? Nun, THAT IS AFTER MEM OF ADAM, and the Vav, THAT IS AFTER DALET OF ADAM, but not Hei, WHICH IS AFTER DALET, because this HEI conceived with Abel. THUS THE LETTERS ALEPH-NUN-Vav emerged, ending with the beginning of the name Seth, WHICH IS Shin. And he was called 'Enosh' (Aleph-Nun-Vav-Shin).
764. HE QUESTIONS, What is the difference between this name and the name Adam? HE ANSWERS, Enosh had not his own strength, but was rather the perfection of the earlier ones, ADAM AND SETH, as it is written, "What is man (Heb. Enosh), that You are mindful of him?" (Tehilim 8:5) and, "What is man (Heb. Enosh), that You should magnify him... and that You should remember him every morning, and try him every moment?" (Iyov 7:17-18). About this, it is written, "But it pleased Hashem to crush him by disease" (Yeshayah 53:10), because the breaking of the body and the strength of the soul is what Seth bequeathed to his son Enosh. This was an inheritance that he should have received FOR HIMSELF, but he bequeathed it also to his son, NAMELY MAHALALEL.
765. The letters rolled further in order to straighten out the deviation, WHICH WAS CAUSED BY THE SIN OF ADAM, AND CAIN, AND ABEL, and they then begot Keinan, because Keinan is the perfection for Cain, FOR KEINAN IS COMPOSED OF THE LETTERS OF CAIN. He was perfected instead of him and the letters reverted to improving the world from the deviation. Mahalalel, THE SON OF KEINAN, the Mem OF MAHALALEL is the last of the letters of Adam. Hei and Lamed are the perfection of the letters of Abel (Hei-Bet-Lamed). Since Abel was not a sinner like Cain, the letters of his name were not changed, IN MAHALALEL, except for one LETTER ALONE, for in place of the Bet OF ABEL, there was an Aleph IN MAHALALEL in order to be perfected even further.
766. Until now the world was improved and the deviation that started with Enosh was repaired. Only the sin of Adam that was not improved until the children of Yisrael stood on Mount Sinai, but the deviation on Cain and Abel was repaired and improved. Yet the world was in pain and sadness until Noah came, as it is written, "This one shall comfort us for our work and the toil of our hands, because of the ground which Hashem has cursed" (Beresheet 5:29). The sin of Adam was not improved until the children of Yisrael stood on Mount Sinai and received the Torah and, when they received the Torah, candle and light, WHICH ARE MALCHUT AND ZEIR ANPIN AS MENTIONED EARLIER, were then repaired together.
767. And now, Sirs, I am from Babylon and I am the son of Rabbi Safra, but I did not merit to know my father, and I have been banished here. I feared because the inhabitants of this land are like lions in Torah, and I took upon myself not to say words of Torah before any man for two months. Today have these two months elapsed. Blessed is my portion that I met you here. Rabbi Yosi raised his voice and wept, and they all rose and kissed him on his head. Rabbi Yosi said, Blessed is my portion that I merited this way to hear the words of Atik Yomin from your mouth, which I did not merit until now.
768. They all sat down and he said to them, Sirs, when I saw the pain of my father-in-law and his daughter, who were pressed and were pained because I did not know the blessing after the meal, I said to them, Until I know the blessing after the meal I will not join with my wife, as is the way of all the people. Even though I could live with her conjugally without sin, I did not want to deceive them, because I could say nothing for two months. Rabbi Yosi and Rabbi Chiya and his father-in-law and daughter rejoiced, and wept for excessive joy. Rabbi Yosi said, I beg of you, since you started, illuminate for us the day. Blessed is our portion on this way.