100. Come and behold: Yisrael sent the goat to Azazel, to the wilderness, so as to give a portion to the Other Side with which to be occupied. You may ask why there are two goats here, one for Hashem and one for the Other Side. It is understandable TO SEND the goat of the Other Side TO AZAZEL, but why the goat to Hashem?
101. HE ANSWERS: IT IS SIMILAR to a king who was angry with his son. He summoned a bailiff, who regularly meted out justice to people, in order to come and punish his son. The bailiff rejoiced and entered the king's palace to eat there. As soon as the son saw him, he thought: Certainly, the only reason this bailiff has come to my father's palace is because the king is angry with me. What did he do? He tried to please him. Once he pleased him, the king ordered a magnificent feast for himself and his son, and commanded that the bailiff would not know of it. Afterward, the bailiff came. The king thought: Now if he knows of the grand feast that I prepared for my son and myself, there will be confusion at the table. What did he do? He called the butler in charge over the feast and told him, 'prepare something to put before me and the bailiff, so that the bailiff would think that he dined with me, and would not know about that other precious feast for me and my son. He would then take that portion and leave, and disengage from our joyous feast.' If the king had not done this, that bailiff would not have left the king's palace.
102. So did the Holy One, blessed be He, say to Yisrael: 'Prepare two goats, one for Me and one for that Slanderer', NAMELY THE OTHER SIDE, 'so that he will think that he ate from My meal and will not know of the other, our own joyous meal. Let him take that portion and go his way and depart from My house.' Since supernal Ima, which is the World to Come, NAMELY BINAH, came to dwell in the sanctuary of the Lower World, to observe it with a radiant face, it is only right that the slanderer would not be present, nor the plaintiffs, when He takes out all the blessings and illuminates everything. And all manner of freedom is available IN MALCHUT, and Yisrael receive those blessings.
103. When the world to come, WHICH IS BINAH, enters the sanctuary of the Lower World, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and the Lower World rejoices in its children in that magnificent feast THAT IS DRAWN FROM BINAH, then BINAH blesses the table. All the worlds are blessed and every kind of joy and shining face are present there. This is what is written: "that you may be clean...before Hashem" (Vayikra 16:30).
104. It is written: "And Aaron shall cast lots on the two goats; one lot for Hashem and the other lot for Azazel" (Ibid. 8). This is the joy of the Slanderer, that the Holy One, blessed be He, casts lots with him and invites him TO TAKE THE SCAPEGOAT. But he does not realize that He pours a flaming fire on his head and on his people, as is written: "For You will heap coals of fire upon his head" (Mishlei 25:22).
105. You may derive this FROM THE PASSAGE: "Even Ester the queen let no one come in with the king to the banquet that she prepared but myself" (Esther 5:12), and: "Then Haman went out that day joyful and with a glad heart" (Ibid. 9) with that portion that he received, and went his way. Afterward, when the Supernal King came to the Queen's palace, the Queen asked for Herself, for Her children and for the people of the King.
106. Even when the children of Yisrael are in exile and pray daily, MALCHUT ascends on this day, YOM KIPPUR, before the King and asks for Her children. Then all vengeance that the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to bring against Edom are decreed, and it is decreed how this Slanderer will be removed from this world, as is written: "He will destroy death forever" (Yeshayah 25:8).
107. Bear in mind that it is written about the time of exile: "For we are sold, I and my people...since the affliction would not have equaled the king's damage" (Esther 7:4). What is "the king's damage?" It is as you say, "And cut off our name from the earth, and what will You do for Your Great Name?" (Yehoshua 7:9) because the Great Name will no longer be maintained, and this is the king's damage!
108. "Then Haman - WHO IS THE OTHER SIDE - was struck with terror before the king and the queen" (Esther 7:6). Then every shining face and every joy is present, and the children of Yisrael go out free on that day - YOM KIPPUR. From that day and onward, freedom and joy openly rule over them and He wishes to rejoice with them. From here on, just as a portion is given TO THE OTHER SIDE, so that he shall depart FROM YISRAEL, a portion is also given to the other nations, so that they depart FROM YISRAEL below.
109. Come and behold: what is the secret meaning of offering a goat rather than something else? Why is it that on the first day of the month we offer a goat, and also here ON YOM KIPPUR? If you say that it is because the goat is of its aspect, it is well, but why not an adult goat (Heb. ez), BUT A YOUNG GOAT (HEB. SEIR), WHICH IS SMALL?