163. Rabbi Chizkiyah was sitting before Rabbi Shimon. He said, It is written, "a white reddish sore" (Vayikra 13:42). It is considered a sore when the white THAT INDICATES CHESED does not remain as it is BUT TURNS RED THAT INDICATES JUDGMENT. Rabbi Shimon opened with the words, "though your sins be like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow" (Yeshayah 1:18). Happy are Yisrael, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, wishes to purify completely, so they will not be in a state of Judgment before Him, and so the administrators of Judgments will have no power over them. For everything follows its own kind; red FOLLOWS JUDGMENTS, THE SECRET OF red, and white FOLLOWS CHESED, THE SECRET OF white; the right, WHICH IS WHITE to the right, WHICH IS CHESED, and the left, WHICH IS RED to the left, WHICH IS JUDGMENT.
164. It is written, of Esau, "And the first came out red" (Beresheet 25:25). Hence its own kind dwells in him, NAMELY JUDGMENTS, THE SECRET OF RED. You may say that red applies to Esau, yet it is written of David, "Now he was ruddy" (I Shmuel 16:12). HE ANSWERS, The one, ESAU, was made of the dross of gold, WHICH IS HARSH JUDGMENTS; the other, DAVID, was attached to the brightness of gold, WHICH IS THE LEFT OF BINAH THAT IS CALLED GOLD, AND IS MERCY. It is written of Esau, "red, all over like a hairy garment," WHICH MEANS he came out of the dross REMAINING from the melting OF GOLD. It is written of David, "with fine eyes, and good looking" (Ibid.), WHICH ALLUDES TO THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH CALLED EYES AND ALSO CALLED SIGHT THAT IS DRAWN FROM THE LEFT COLUMN OF BINAH, INCLUDED WITHIN THE RIGHT IN IT.
165. Come and see, what is the reason A WHITE REDDISH SORE IS IMPURE? If the white color is known TO BE CHESED and the red color TO BE JUDGMENT, THEN if it was FIRST red, AND NOW white appears in it, then purity emerges and it begins to be purified. But if it was white at first and the red appears in it NOW it begins to be defiled. It is also written, "and the priest shall pronounce him unclean" (Vayikra 13:11). The priest recognized all these appearances. Sometimes the appearance of purity is seen, so he will quarantine him to see whether another appearance will emerge. Otherwise, he pronounces him clean, as it is written, "the priest shall pronounce him clean" (Ibid. 6).
166. Rabbi Yitzchak and Rabbi Yehuda were walking along the way. Rabbi Yehuda said, It is written, "So let the disease of Na'aman cleave to you, and to your seed forever" (II Melachim 5:27). HE ASKS, If he sinned, why shall his children be stricken? He said to him, Elisha saw deeper than the other prophets. He saw that no worthy son will come from Gehazi, and he therefore cursed him.
167. He also told him, I did a superior service by Elijah and attained two portions, NAMELY, HE ATTAINED A DOUBLE PORTION OF THE SPIRIT OF ELIJAH, since I served him in truth. But you are wicked. You injured me by swearing falsely and coveting NA'AMAN'S GIFT. So you have transgressed the whole Torah. But since you served me, your service will not be in vain and your death shall be in this world but not in the World to Come. For that reason, "So let the disease of Na'aman cleave to you, and to your seed."