8. We have learned: A totally righteous person is not put off BY AN EVIL PERSON AND MAY CHALLENGE HIM, but one who is not totally righteous is held back AND IS FORBIDDEN TO CHALLENGE AN EVIL PERSON. HE ASKS, Who is totally righteous? And who is incompletely righteous? And could it be that one who is not perfect in his deeds is nevertheless called 'righteous,' THAT IS, THAT YOU REFER TO HIM AS AN INCOMPLETE RIGHTEOUS? FOR SOMEONE WHO IS LACKING IN HIS DEEDS, ACCORDING TO HOW THEY SHOULD BE, OUGHT TO BE CALLED 'EVIL.' HE ANSWERS, it is known that a totally righteous person is one who has not undergone crooked incarnations THAT IS, HE IS NOT INCARNATED and within his OWN inheritance he constructs edifices, puts up walls, digs wells and plants trees. THAT IS TO SAY, ALL THE GOOD DEEDS THAT HE DID PERTAIN TO HIM, FOR HE HAS NO NEED OF IMPROVING OTHERS.
9. An incompletely righteous person IS one who constructs edifices on someone else's inheritance, THAT IS TO SAY, WHOSE SOUL IS ON ITS SECOND INCARNATION BECAUSE HE WAS WICKED THE FIRST TIME, WITH THE RESULT THAT ALL HIS GOOD DEEDS ARE NEEDED TO REPAIR THE SOUL FROM THE FIRST TIME THAT IT CAME INTO THE WORLD, AND SO HIS EDIFICES ARE BUILT WITHIN SOMEONE ELSE'S INHERITANCE. He digs wells within it and cultivates it, restores the foundation stones to the way they were, and labors there, but does not know whether it will remain his. For in terms of himself, THAT IS, ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS IN THIS INCARNATION, he is good, and is considered righteous person. But in terms of the legacy, THAT IS, IN TERMS OF HIS DEEDS ON THE FIRST TIME HE CAME INTO THE WORLD, he is not so. THAT IS TO SAY, HE HAS NOT YET REMEDIED THE EFFECTS OF THE SINS COMMITTED THE FIRST TIME.
10. HE IS LIKENED TO a man who constructs beautiful and attractive buildings. Look at the foundation and see how it is sunken and twisted in all directions. The building will not be perfect until he has demolished it and rebuilt it as it was, NAMELY, AS IT SHOULD BE. Thus in terms of the superstructure of the building that he constructed, everything was good and fine but in terms of the edifice's foundation it is bad and twisted, and for this reason is not referred to as a perfect deed, and not considered a perfect building. AND SO IT IS WITH THE INCARNATED MAN. ALTHOUGH IN TERMS OF HIS DEEDS HE IS RIGHTEOUS, NEVERTHELESS, SINCE HE HAS NOT YET REMEDIED THE EFFECTS OF THE SINS HE COMMITTED THE FIRST TIME THAT HE CAME INTO THE WORLD, he is called 'an incompletely righteous person' because of it and he is held back BY A WICKED MAN. And about this SCRIPTURE SAYS, "When the wicked devours the man that is more righteous than he" (Chavakuk 1:13).
11. Come and see: One who is zealous for the Holy Name of the Holy One, blessed be He, even if he is not designated for greatness and is not worthy of it, he earns it and gains it. Pinchas was not worthy OF THE PRIESTHOOD at that time, but because he was zealous for the name of his Master, he earned everything and rose to the highest position, and everything was put right within him, and he was privileged to serve in the supreme priesthood. From then on he was referred to as Pinchas the son of Elazar, the son of Aaron the priest, WITH THE WORD 'SON' OCCURRING TWICE since he completed two levels, THAT IS, HE MADE GOOD FOR HIMSELF AND ALSO FOR THE SOULS OF NADAV AND ABIHU WHICH HAD INCARNATED IN HIM, WHO ARE THE SONS OF AARON AND IT IS THEREFORE WRITTEN "THE SON OF ELAZAR, THE SON OF AARON." And this was because he was zealous for the name of his Master and put the wrong right, FOR HE CORRECTED HIMSELF AND ALSO THE ASPECT OF THE SOULS OF NADAV AND ABIHU THAT WERE INCARNATED IN HIM.