74. "Even the gold of the wave offering" (Shemot 38:24). HE ASKS why the term 'the gold of the wave offering' does not apply to silver? AND ANSWERS: Two are called thus, 'wave gold' and 'wave brass' but not 'wave silver'. Only these are so called, GOLD AND BRASS, for the term alludes to going upward. For what is down below, AMONG THE KLIPOT, is not wave gold, BECAUSE THE OTHER SIDE DRAWS CHOCHMAH OF THE LEFT FROM ABOVE DOWNWARD, AND IT IS NOT WAVED LIKE HOLINESS. Always wave MEANS lifting upward and not bringing downward. BUT SILVER IS CHASSADIM AND IT IS PERMITTED TO DRAW IT DOWNWARD, THEREFORE, IT IS NOT WRITTEN 'WAVE SILVER.'
75. This is the mystery of the reckoning, NAMELY, THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH CALLED 'RECKONING': All the grades and Chariots are waving, THAT IS, ILLUMINATING FROM BELOW UPWARD. This is 'wave gold'. This gold IS THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH - whenever it descends, its beauty and light are dimmed. But when the gold is waved, FROM BELOW UPWARD, it becomes good gold, in the mystery of its light. And all the gold, which is drawn down, is dross and refuse, NAMELY, A KLIPAH AND THE OTHER SIDE.
76. "And the silver of them that were numbered of the congregation" (Ibid.). IT IS NOT WRITTEN 'WAVE SILVER' since SILVER, WHICH IS THE LIGHT OF CHASSADIM OF THE RIGHT COLUMN, in its descent, is also good. And though it is not waved FROM BELOW UPWARD, nevertheless it is good. But gold, THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH OF THE LEFT COLUMN, whatever of it that descends, is worsened. For that reason, THE GOLD needs to be waved, and raised, and SILVER needs spreading downward in all directions, because it is all for the good.
77. He opened the discussion and said: "For Hashem Elohim is a sun and shield..." (Tehilim 84:12). The sun is the Holy One, blessed be He, and the shield is the Holy One, blessed be He. HE EXPLAINS: The sun is the secret of the Holy Name Yud Hei Vav Hei, ZEIR ANPIN, where all the grades stand at ease. And the shield is the secret of the holy name Elohim, MALCHUT. This is the secret meaning of the verse, "I am your shield" (Beresheet 15:1), AS 'I' WHICH IS MALCHUT CALLED 'I', IS YOUR SHIELD. "A sun and a shield" are the secret of a whole name, WHICH INDICATES THAT ZEIR ANPIN AND MALCHUT ARE UNITED. "Hashem will give grace and honor" (Tehilim 84:12), FOR ELOHIM WILL BE A SHIELD AND YUD HEI VAV HEI WILL GIVE GRACE AND HONOR, and so all will become one secret. NAMELY, THOUGH GRACE AND HONOR ARE DRAWN AT EASE, AND A SHIELD IS DRAWN VIGOROUSLY BY WHOEVER IS BESET BY ENEMIES, AND THEY MERGE INTO ONE PRINCIPLE, THE JOINING OF YUD HEI VAV HEI AND ELOHIM.
78. "He withholds no goodness from these who walk upright" (Ibid.). This is the secret of the verse, "And from the wicked their light is withheld" (Iyov 38:15). THEREFORE, IT IS SAID THAT FROM THOSE WHO WALK UPRIGHT NO GOOD THING WILL HE WITHHOLD, referring to the first light, WHICH IS CHESED, of which it is written, "And Elohim saw the light, that it was good" (Beresheet 1:4). And the Holy One, blessed be He hid and covered it, as explained, from the wicked He concealed and withheld it in this world and in the World to Come. But it is written of the righteous, "no good thing will He withhold from those who walk upright." This refers to the primordial light, as it is written, "And Elohim saw the light, that it was good."
79. Therefore, it, THE FIRST LIGHT, needs not go up FROM BELOW and be waved, but rather to spread and be revealed, unlike the other one of the left, GOLD, AS DISCUSSED. For that reason GOLD is called 'wave', and not 'SILVER', and that is why IT IS WRITTEN, "and the silver of...the congregation was a hundred talents" (Shemot 38:25) AND NOT 'THE WAVE SILVER.'
80. Come and see: The right side stands in readiness always to sustain the world, to shine and bless it. Therefore the priest, who is of the right side, CHESED, is always in readiness to bless the people, for all the benedictions in the world come of the right side. And the priest is the first to take. That is why the priest is appointed to bless above and below, NAMELY, CHESED ABOVE AND THE PRIEST BELOW.
81. Come and see: When the priest spreads his hands to bless the people, the Shechinah comes and dwells upon him and fills his hands. He raises his right hand above the left hand, in order to raise the right above the left. Then all the grades over which he spreads his hands, are blessed by the source of all. What is the source of the well? It is the Righteous, WHICH IS YESOD. The source of all is the World to Come, BINAH, whence all faces, ALL MOCHIN, illuminate. For it is the source and spring of all, whence all the candles and lights are lit.
82. In the same manner, WHAT WAS SAID OF BINAH, is also said of the source and spring of the well, YESOD: That all the lower candles, NAMELY, THE SFIROT OF MALCHUT, are illuminated and filled with its lights. And it, YESOD, faces that, BINAH. AS BINAH IS A SOURCE THAT GIVES AFFLUENCE TO EVERYTHING, SO YESOD IS A SOURCE GIVING TO MALCHUT. For that reason, when the priest spreads his hands and starts to bless the people, high blessings dwell from the supernal source, BINAH, and candles are lit and all the faces illuminate, and the Congregation of Yisrael, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is adorned with high crowns, and all blessings come down and are drawn from above downward.