594. By the fourth chamber, the reign of the Holy One, blessed be He over the earth is made known. It stands guard to keep the ways of the Torah. This chamber is called 'merit', and in it are judged all the cases of the world. This is the chamber where are all the merits, debts, punishments, and rewards for those who keep the precepts of the Torah.
595. This chamber, of merit, is different than the rest of the chambers. It comprises four chambers, different from each other, and all of them are one. In this chamber there is a spirit called 'Zechut El', after whom the chamber is named merit (Heb. zechut), and El, because here all the lawsuits in the world are judged. This is the secret of "and El who has indignation every day" (Tehilim 7:12).
596. The four chambers within this chamber, are one inside the other, all included within one another, and are one chamber, merit. All the four chambers have gates. A high chieftain stands outside the first gate of this chamber, Sansaniya by name. By the same name there is another chieftain, on another side of the left, who takes the Judgments FROM SANSANIYA, to his chamber, with which to arouse and execute judgment upon the world. Since he takes from him, he too is named Sansaniya. He is in charge over Askara of the babies.
597. This high chieftain, STANDING OUTSIDE THE FIRST GATE OF THIS CHAMBER, CALLED 'Sansaniya', once Judgment is received, he proclaims to all the chiefs standing at the twelve openings OF THIS CHAMBER. These are the criers who announce all the lawsuits sentenced in this chamber of merit.
598. The spirit who receives everything, Zechut El, comprises everything. From him issue seventy glittering lights, all standing in a circle, so they may see each other, and not be covered by one another. All the merits, the punishments, the judgments, are standing before these lights.
599. From THE SEVENTY LIGHTS come out two lights, always standing before THE SEVENTY LIGHTS. The seventy lights, together with the two lights standing in front of them, are inside in the middle of the chamber. Of the secret of this chamber it is written, "Your navel is like a round goblet, that never lacks blended wine" (Shir Hashirim 7:3), FOR HERE ALL THE DEBTS AND MERITS MERGE.
600. From these 72 LIGHTS come out other 72 of the right, and 72 of the left. The first 72 are inside in the middle of the chamber. Before the INTERNAL lights, come all the merits and debts to be purified. All the deeds in the world are come from these 72 internal lights. It is found then that all the lights issuing from this high spirit ZECHUT EL, are 216 lights, FOR 3 TIMES 72 ARE 216, and they are all included in this spirit.
601. These two lights stand before the seventy, always testifying and recording verdicts, acquittals, or condemnations. The seventy decree and judge. All the judging in the world, for good or ill, is done here.
602. Upon the spirit Zechut El three letters are engraved, joining him from above, Yud-Hei-Vav. We already explained that when these letters are joined together where there is unity between male and female, YUD- HEI-VAV BEING THE SECRET OF CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET AND ARE MALE, AND ZECHUT EL THE SECRET OF THE FEMALE, they are written upon this spirit, ZECHUT EL. Here David says, "and my Elohim (Heb. v'elohai), the rock of my refuge" (Tehilim 94:22). THE LETTERS OF V'ELOHAI ARE THE SAME AS OF EL YUD-HEI-VAV, the secret of the spirit called 'El', together with the letters Yud-Hei-Vav written upon him. These are the three sides of the lights we mentioned, NAMELY, THREE TIMES 72, TO THE RIGHT, LEFT AND CENTER; RIGHT AND LEFT CORRESPONDING TO THE SECRET OF YUD-HEI, AND THE MIDDLE ONE BEING VAV.
603. THIS PARAGRAPH IS WANTING, IT SHOULD HAVE SAID: AFTER THAT ONE LIGHT EMERGED TO FOUR SIDES, THE LIGHT PRODUCED THREE OTHERS, WHICH ARE THREE COURTHOUSES. These three courts differ FROM THE INTERNAL 72, and judge matters other THAN CRIMINAL LAWS, SUCH AS matters of the world, richness and poverty, sickness or perfect HEALTH. For the four chambers also deal with other LAWSUITS. These two chambers are to the two other sides of the light, NAMELY, THE TWO 72'S ON THE RIGHT AND LEFT SIDES, THE SECRET OF THE THREE COURTS, THAT SENTENCE OTHER CASES. There is one chamber for all the eyed ones who do the reckoning for the deeds of the world, NAMELY, INCLUDING CRIMINAL LAWS, THE SECRET OF THE MIDDLE, INTERNAL 72; another chamber is for the scribes under the first, internal ones. These four chambers are all included within this chamber named merit after the spirit, as we said.