21. "Now Hashem said to Abraham, Get you out (lit. 'go for you')..." According to Rabbi Elazar, the phrase "Go for you," means "for yourself." IN OTHER WORDS, go out for yourself, to fulfill yourself and complete your grade. "Get you out," for you must not stay here among the wicked.
22. The secret BEHIND THE WORDS "Get you out" is that the Holy One, blessed be He, inspired Abraham with the spirit of wisdom. He knew how to judge the spirits (also winds) of the civilized world. He observed them, weighed them in the scales, and knew how to connect them to the powers entrusted to govern the inhabited places on earth.
23. When he reached the middle point of civilization, he weighed it in the scales, but could not reach any conclusion. THIS MEANS THAT HE ELEVATED MAYIN NUKVIN (FEMALE WATERS) IN ORDER TO DRAW DOWN THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM TO THAT PLACE, BUT DID NOT SUCCEED. He tried to see and to know what sort of power governed that place, but could not conceive it.
24. He weighed a few more times before realizing that the whole world sprouts from that place and is established upon it. He observed carefully, and measured, so as to understand the subject, and concluded that the supernal force above it could not be measured, that it is deep and hidden, and that it does not resemble the different parts of the inhabited land.
25. He watched attentively, weighed, and realized that the middle point of the inhabited world is the point from which the whole world moves out to all its corners, WHICH MEANS THAT THE POINT GOVERNS ALL THE SFIROT OF ZEIR ANPIN AND ALL THE SFIROT OF NUKVA, WHICH ARE NAMED THE CORNERS OF THE WORLD, SINCE THE POINT IS PLACED ABOVE THEM. Similarly, he knew the power that now prevails over the point. AS A RESULT, all other powers that govern the corners of the world originate from that point and all THE SFIROT hold to it. Then "they went out with them from Ur of the Chaldeans, to go to the land of Canaan."
26. He continued to observe, weigh, and examine in an effort to determine the nature of that place, but he was unable to understand it and thus cleave to it. He saw the strength of that place and realized that he could not understand it, and therefore immediately "they came to Charan, and dwelt there" (Beresheet 11:31).
27. HE ASKS, Why did Abraham DELAY IN CHARAN AND NOT LEAVE THERE IMMEDIATELY, "TO GO TO THE LAND OF CANAAN," AS IT IS WRITTEN, "AND THEY DWELT THERE?" AND HE ANSWERS, Abraham knew and checked all the governors and rulers of the world that had dominion over the entire civilized world. And he was examining all those who govern and rule over the directions of the world's inhabited land, all those that have dominion over the stars and the constellations. He learned how they exercise their power over one another. In considering all the inhabited places in the world, he did well. But when he reached that place, THE POINT OF MALCHUT, he saw the force of the depths. And he could not withstand it.
28. As soon as the Holy One, blessed be He, noticed his awakening and his passion, He immediately revealed Himself to Abraham and said, "Get you out" in order to learn about and perfect yourself.
29. The words "Your country," AS USED WHEN HE SAID TO HIM, "GET YOU OUT," referred to that side of the inhabited world to which he was attached. THIS IS THE RIGHT SIDE ONLY; THE LEFT SIDE IS NOT INCLUDED. THE WORDS "and from your kindred," MEAN THAT HE TOLD HIM, "GET YOU OUT" from that Wisdom with which you study your horoscope, determined by watching and examining the moment, hour, and time of your birth, and the planet and the sign under which you were born. ALL OF THIS IS RELATED TO THE ILLUMINATION OF THE LEFT SIDE AND IS NOT INCLUDED WITHIN THE RIGHT.
30. The verse, "And from your father's house," MEANS THAT HE TOLD HIM "GET YOU OUT" and never look upon your father's house again, REFERRING TO CHARAN, AND NEVER SEEK TO DISCOVER if the root of your success in the world is from your father's house. Therefore, "Get you out" of this wisdom and this observance.