60. Come and behold, Rabbi Shimon said: Who knows how to arrange a prayer to his Master, as did Moses, who knew how to lengthen and shorten his prayer as necessary. Rabbi Shimon said: I found written in ancient books the order of connecting THE GRADES - the inner secrets - into one unit, SO THAT THEY, UNITED, WILL PROJECT LIGHT TO THE LOWER WORLDS. Sometimes it is required to arrange a prayer so as to entice and soothe the Master to make the proper unifications, penetrate firmaments, and open gates and passages. One must arrange his prayers so that no one will stop him, NAMELY, THAT THE PROSECUTORS WILL NOT DISTURB HIM.
61. Blessed are the righteous who know how to appease their Master, cancel decrees, and cause the Shechinah to rest upon the world. They know how to draw down blessings and prevent the administrators of judgment from prevailing in the world. Rabbi Shimon rose and said: "Who can utter the mighty acts of Hashem?" (Tehilim 106:2). Who can remove the dust from your eyes, pious Abraham, the right hand of the Holy One, blessed be He? He revealed to you the ultimate of secrets and the beginning of prayer in the world (AS ABRAHAM INSTITUTED THE MORNING PRAYER), AS WELL AS the chambers of the supernal King.
62. There are seven holy chambers and they have well guarded gates, MEANING THAT ALL THE ADMINISTRATORS OF JUDGMENT HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THEM AND THEY OPEN ONLY TO THOSE WORTHY OF ENTERING. And into each and every CHAMBER the prayers of unity enter. For of he who knows how to appease his Master, make complete unification, make his way into those chambers, and connect THE CHAMBERS among themselves - spirit with spirit, LOWER SPIRIT WITH A HIGHER SPIRIT - it is said, "Hashem, in trouble have they visited You, they poured out a prayer when the chastening was upon them" (Yeshayah 26:16).