44. "And Elohim said, 'Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters'" (Beresheet 1:6). THIS PHRASE alludes to a detailed reform of the separation of the upper from the lower waters according to the secret of the left. Here, the dispute according to the secret of the left occurred. Until this point, REFERRING TO THE FIRST DAY, reference is made to the right. But ON THE SECOND DAY, REFERENCE is to the secret of THE GOVERNING OF the left. Because of this, a great dispute broke out ON THE SECOND DAY between the two sides. THE LEFT WANTED TO CANCEL THE GOVERNING POWER OF THE RIGHT ENTIRELY, WHILE THE RIGHT WANTED TO CANCEL THE GOVERNING POWER OF THE LEFT ENTIRELY. The right, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF CHESED AND THE FIRST DAY, is the perfection of all. Because of this, everything was written in the right ON THE FIRST DAY. THIS MEANS THAT ALL THE SEVEN DAYS, WHICH ARE THE SEVEN SFIROT, EMERGED FROM IT AND ARE HINTED IN IT, BECAUSE EVERY PERFECTION DEPENDS ON THE RIGHT SIDE. When the rule of the left was aroused, its dispute with the right began and the fire of anger in that dispute became fierce. From this dispute, Gehenom was created. So Gehenom was awakened, and created by the left, and cleaved to it, WHICH MEANS THAT WHOEVER WANTS TO STRENGTHEN THE LEFT SHALL FALL INTO GEHENOM, WHICH ORIGINATES FROM IT.
44. וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים יְהִי רָקִיעַ בְּתוֹךְ הַמָּיִם וגו' הָכָא בִּפְרַט רָזָא לְאַפְרָשָׁא בֵּין מַיִין עִלָאִין לְתַתָּאֵי, בְּרָזָא דִשְׂמָאלָא הָכָא מַחְלוֹקֶת בְּרָזָא דִשְׂמָאלָא, דְעַד הָכָא רָזָא דְּיָמִינָא הוּא, וְהָכָא הוּא רָזָא דִשְׂמָאלָא. וּבְגִין כָּךְ אַסְגִיאוּ מַחְלוֹקֶת בֵּין דָּא לְיָמִינָא. יָמִינָא אִיהוּ שְׁלֵימָא דְכֹלָּא, וּבְגִין כָּךְ בְּיָמִינָא כְּתִיב כֹּלָּא, דְּהָא בֵּיהּ תַּלְיָיא כָּל שְׁלִימוּ. כַּד אִתְעַר שְׂמָאלָא אִתְעַר מַחְלוֹקֶת, וּבְהַהוּא מַחְלוֹקֶת אִתְתַּקַּף אֶשָׁא דְרוּגְזָא, וְנָפֵיק מִנֵּיהּ מֵהַהִיא מַחְלוֹקֶת גֵּיהִנֹּם, וְגֵיהִנֹּם בִּשְׂמָאלָא אִתְעַר וְאִתְדַּבַּק.
45. In his wisdom, Moses looked into this and learned about the work of Creation. In the work of Creation, there was a dispute between the left and the right. And in that dispute, which the left provoked, Gehenom was created and Gehenom held on to the left. The central pillar, WHICH IS TIFERET, entered between them on the third day, ending the dispute and bringing the two sides to an agreement. So Gehenom REMOVED ITSELF FROM THE LEFT AND descended below. The left joined the right, and there was peace everywhere.
45. חָכְמְתָא דְמֹשֶׁה בְּהָא אִסְתַּכַּל, וּבְעוֹבָדָא דִּבְרֵאשִׁית אַשְׁגַּח. בְּעוֹבָדָא דִּבְרֵאשִׁית הֲוָה מַחְלוֹקֶת שְׂמָאלָא בְּיָמִינָא, וּבְהַהוּא מַחְלוֹקֶת דְּאִתְעַר בֵּיהּ שְׂמָאלָא, נָפַק בֵּיהּ גֵּיהִנֹּם וְאִתְדְּבַק בֵּיהּ. עַמּוּדָא דְאֶמְצָעִיתָא דְאִיהוּ יוֹם תְּלִיתָאי עָאל בֵּינַיְיהוּ, וְאַפְרֵישׁ מַחְלוֹקֶת וְאַסְכֵּים לִתְרֵין סִטְרִין, וְגֵיהִנֹּם נָחֵית לְתַתָּא, וּשְׂמָאלָא אִתְכְּלֵיל בְּיָמִינָא וַהֲוָה שְׁלָמָא בְּכֹלָּא.
46. A similar dispute occurred between Korah and Aaron, the left against the right. Moses studied the Creation and said, 'I am one who is able to eliminate the dispute between right and left.' MOSES tried his best to reconcile them, but the left did not want to be reconciled. So Korah become stronger AND OVERCAME AARON.
46. כְּגַוְונָא דָא, מַחְלוֹקֶת קֹרַח בְּאַהֲרֹן, שְׂמָאלָא בְּיָמִינָא. אִסְתַּכַּל מֹשֶׁה בְּעוֹבָדָא דִבְרֵאשִׁית, אֲמַר: לִי אִתְחַזֵּי לְאַפְרָשָׁא מַחְלוֹקֶת בֵּין יָמִינָא לִשְׂמָאלָא אֶשְׁתַּדַּל לְאַסְכָּמָא בֵּינַיְיהוּ, וְלָא בָּעֵי שְׂמָאלָא. וְאַתְקַף קֹרַח בְּתוּקְפֵיהּ.
47. MOSES said: Assuredly, because of the power of the disagreement of the left, Gehenom should cling to it, JUST AS IT WAS IN THE WORKS OF CREATION. KORAH did not wish to be attached above, NAMELY TO THE STRUCTURE OF HOLINESS, and join the right, LIKE THE LEFT ON HIGH. So assuredly, he shall descend below, DOWN INTO GEHENOM, because of the fierceness of his anger. AS HAPPENED IN THE WORKS OF CREATION, GEHENOM CAME OUT AND CLEAVED TO THE LEFT. MOSES KNEW THAT WITH THE STRENGTH OF KORAH'S ANGER, KORAH WOULD DESCEND TO GEHENOM AND BE ATTACHED TO IT.
47. אֲמַר: וַדַּאי גֵּיהִנֹּם, בְּתוֹקְפָא דְמַחְלוֹקֶת שְׂמָאלָא, אִצְטְרִיךְ לְאִתְדַּבְּקָא, הוּא לָא בָּעֵי לְאִתְדַבְּקָא לְעֵילָא וּלְאִתְכַּלְּלָא בְּיָמִינָא, וַדַּאי יֵחוֹת לְתַתָּא בְּתוֹקְפָא דְרוּגְזָא דִילֵיהּ.
48. Because of this, Korah did not want Moses to settle this dispute, since it was not for heaven's sake (with pure intentions). He had no respect for the celestial glory, WHICH IS THE SHECHINAH, and refused to acknowledge the work of Creation. THIS MEANS THAT HE DENIED THE SETTLEMENT OF THE CENTRAL COLUMN. IN THE WORK OF CREATION. HE WANTED ONLY THE LEFT TO GOVERN. As soon as Moses realized that he was denying the work of Creation and being rejected out OF HOLINESS, "Moses was much angered" (Bemidbar 16:15).
48. וְעַל דָּא לָא בָּעֵי קֹרַח לְאַסְכָּמָא הַאי מַחְלוֹקֶת בְּיָדָא דְמֹשֶׁה, בְּגִין דְּלָא הֲוָה לְשֵׁם שָׁמַיִם, וְלָא חָיֵישׁ לִיקָרָא דִלְעֵילָא, וְאַכְּחֵישׁ עוֹבָדָא דִבְרֵאשִׁית, כֵּיוָן דְּחָמָא מֹשֶׁה דַּהֲוָה מַכְּחֵישׁ עוֹבָדָא דִבְרֵאשִׁית וְאִתְדְּחָא אִיהוּ לְבַר, כְּדֵין וַיִּחַר לְמֹשֶׁה מְאֹד.
49. "And Moses was much angered," BECAUSE KORAH AND HIS COMPANY refused to acknowledge him and did not allow him to settle the dispute. IT IS WRITTEN "much," because they denied the acknowledgment of the work of Creation. So Korah denied everything above IN ZEIR ANPIN and below IN THE SOULS, as it is written: "When they strove against Hashem" (Bemidbar 26:9) - WHICH IS THE SECRET OF ZEIR ANPIN, FOR THE DAMAGE THAT HE DID REACHED BOTH above TO ZEIR ANPIN and below TO MOSES. Therefore, KORAH cleaved onto what he deserved; HE REACHED GEHENOM, AS WRITTEN: "THEY...WENT DOWN ALIVE INTO SHEOL" (BEMIDBAR 16:33).
49. וַיִּחַר לְמֹשֶׁה, עַל דְּאַכְּחִישׁוּ לֵיהּ, דְּלָא אַסְכֵּים הַהוא מַחְלוֹקֶת. מְאֹד, עַל דְּאַכְּחֵישׁוּ עוֹבָדָא דִבְרֵאשִׁית. וּבְכֹלָּא אַכְּחֵישׁ קֹרַח, בְּעֵילָא וּבְתַתָּא. דִּכְתִיב בְּהַצּוֹתָם עַל ה', הָא תַּתָּא, וְעֵילָא. וְעַל דָּא אִתְדַּבֵּק בַּמֶּה דְאִתְחַזֵּי לֵיהּ.
50. Another dispute was settled like above. A dispute that rose and did not come down, and was based on decency, was that between Shammai and Hillel. SHAMMAI WAS THE ASPECT OF THE LEFT ON HIGH, WHILE HILLEL WAS THE ASPECT OF THE SUPERNAL RIGHT. And the Holy One, blessed be He, intervened between them and approved of them. THIS MEANS THAT THE DIFFERENCES AND ARGUMENTS BETWEEN SHAMMAI AND HILLEL REACHED THEM FROM THE CENTRAL COLUMN OF ABOVE, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE. This was a dispute for the sake (name) of heaven, and the heavens, ZEIR ANPIN, reconciled this dispute TO ESTABLISH BOTH. Because of this, THEIR ILLUMINATIONS CONTINUE to exist. This DISPUTE is like the work of Creation. IT IS SIMILAR TO WHAT THE CENTRAL COLUMN ACHIEVED FOR THE SAKE OF ESTABLISHING THE WORK OF CREATION. But Korah denied the establishing of the work of Creation and the dispute was toward the heavens, NAMELY ZEIR ANPIN, THAT IS, THE RECONCILING COLUMN. And he wanted to deny the principles of the Torah, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN. Assuredly this DISPUTE AND DENIAL was the result of the efforts of Gehenom, and its power of Judgment cleaved to KORAH and he to it. THUS, HE FELL INTO GEHENOM.
50. מַחְלוֹקֶת דְּאִתְתַּקֵּן כְּגַוְונָא דִלְעֵילָא, וְסָלֵיק וְלָא נָחֵית, וְאִתְקַיַּים בְּאֹרַח מֵישָׁר, דָּא מַחְלוֹקֶת דְּשַּׁמַּאי וְהִלֵּל. וקָדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא אַפְרֵישׁ בֵּינַיְיהוּ, וְאַסְכֵּים לוֹן. וְדָא הֲוָה מַחְלוֹקֶת לְשֵׁם שָׁמַיִם, וְשָׁמַיִם אַפְרֵישׁ מַחְלוֹקֶת, וְע"ד אִתְקַיַּים וְדָא הֲוָה כְּגַוְונָא דְּעוֹבָדָא דִבְרֵאשִׁית. וְקֹרַח, בְּעוֹבָדָא דִבְרֵאשִׁית אַכְּחֵישׁ בְּכֹלָּא וּפְלוּגְתָּא דְּשָׁמַיִם הֲוָה, וּבְעָא לְאַכְּחָשָׁא מִלֵּי דְאוֹרַיְיתָא, וַדַּאי בְּאִתְדַּבְּקוּתָא דְּגֵיהִנֹּם הֲוָה, וְעַל דָּא אִתְדַּבַּק בַּהֲדֵיהּ.
51. This secret appears in the Book of Adam. When darkness was aroused to take control, it emerged in all its might and created Gehenom within it, and GEHENOM cleaved to it in that dispute. As the anger and the might OF THE GVUROT were calmed down, the dispute was aroused in a different manner, as a dispute of love.
51. וְרָזָא דָא בְּסִפְרָא דְאָדָם. חֹשֶׁךְ כַּד אִתְעַר, אִתְעַר בְּתוּקְפֵּיהּ וּבְרָא בֵיהּ גֵּיהִנֹּם, וְאִתְדַּבַּק בַּהֲדֵיהּ בְּהַהוּא מַחְלוֹקֶת. כֵּיוָן דְּשָׁכֵיךְ רוּגְזָא וְתוּקְפָּא אִתְעַר מַחְלוֹקֶת כְּגַוְונָא אָחֳרָא מַחְלוֹקֶת דִּרְחִימוּ.
52. There were two kinds of disputes: One at the beginning and one at the end. This is the path of the righteous, which is hard in the beginning, because it is full of suffering, but ends in peace. Korach, BEING THE LEFT, was the beginning of the dispute BETWEEN THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT, which was full of anger and fierceness. EACH WANTED TO DIMINISH THE ILLUMINATION OF ITS NEIGHBOR. FROM THIS, GEHENOM EMERGED and Korach cleaved to Gehenom. Shammai was ALSO THE ASPECT OF THE LEFT, BUT at the end of the dispute BETWEEN THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT, when anger was forgotten and the dispute of love was set in motion so as to receive approval from the heavens, WHICH IS THE COLUMN THAT SETTLES THE DISPUTE.
52. וּתְרֵין מַחְלוֹקֶת הֲווֹ. חַד שֵׁירוּתָא וְחַד סִיּוּמָא, וְדָא אִיהוּ אָרְחֵהוֹן דְּצַדִּיקַיָּיא שֵׁירוּתָא דִלְהוֹן בְּקַשְׁיוּ וְסוֹפָא דִלְהוֹן בִּנְיָיחָא. קֹרַח הֲוָה שֵׁירוּתָא דְמַחְלוֹקֶת כְּפוּם רוּגְזָא וְתוּקְפָּא, וְאִתְדַּבַּק בַּגֵּיהִנֹּם. שַׁמַּאי, סוֹפָא דְמַחְלוֹקֶת. כַּד רוּגְזָא בִּנְיָיחָא אִצְטְרִיךְ לְאַתְעָרָא מַחְלוֹקֶת דִּרְחִימוּ, וּלְאַסְכָּמָא עַל יְדָא דְשָׁמַיִם.
53. This is the secret of the verse: "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide..." (Beresheet 1:6) This is the first dispute, aroused by anger and force, IN WHICH EACH WANTED TO OVERCOME AND ANNUL ITS NEIGHBOR. THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, wished to nullify the dispute and Gehenom was aroused until the anger and aggressiveness cooled down. Then IT IS WRITTEN: "And Elohim made the firmament AND DIVIDED..." (IBID. 7). THIS DIVISION IS the dispute, carried with love and friendship, which supports the world. According to this secret, (NAMELY THROUGH THE DISPUTE OF LOVE) is carried the dispute between Shammai and Hillel - NAMELY THE DIVIDING OF "AND ELOHIM MADE THE FIRMAMENT..." AT THE END OF THE DISPUTE. ON THE OTHER HAND, THE DISPUTE OF KORAH WAS ONE OF ANGER - WHICH IS THE DIVIDING OF "LET THERE BE A FIRMAMENT IN THE MIDST OF THE WATERS..." AT THE BEGINNING OF THE DISPUTE. SO THE DISPUTE OF SHAMMAI AND HILLEL WAS FOR THE SAKE OF HEAVEN, in which the Oral Torah, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE FEMALE PRINCIPLE, entered with love into the Written Torah, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN AND CALLED HEAVEN. And they were in perfect union.
53. וְרָזָא דָא, יְהִי רָקִיעַ בְּתוֹךְ הַמָּיִם וִיהִי מַבְדִּיל, דָּא מַחְלוֹקֶת קַדְמָאָה אִתְעָרוּ דְּרוּגְזָא וְתוּקְפָּא בָּעָא לְאַפְרָשָׁא, וְאִתְעַר גֵּיהִנֹּם, עַד דְּרוּגְזָא וְתוּקְפָּא אִצְטַנָּן. וּכְדֵין וַיַּעַשׁ אֱלֹהִים אֶת הָרָקִיעַ וגו', אִתְעַר מַחְלוֹקֶת דִּרְחִימוּ וַחֲבִיבוּ וְקִיּוּמָא דְּעָלְמָא. וּבְרָזָא דָא מַחְלוֹקֶת שַׁמַּאי וְהִלֵּל דְּתוֹרָה שֶׁבְעַל פֶּה עָאלַת בִּרְחִימוּ גַּבֵּי תּוֹרָה שֶׁבִּכְתַב, וַהֲווֹ בְּקִיּוּמָא שְׁלִים.