23. Rabbi Yehuda began the discussion with the verse, "For the kings were assembled" (Tehilim 48:5): These are Judah and Joseph, who were both kings. The two of them came together to dispute, because Judah became surety for Benjamin and pledged himself before his father in this world and the World to Come. He therefore came to argue with Joseph on account of Benjamin, so he would not be banned from this world and the World to Come, as it is written, "I will be surety for him; of my hand shall you require him: If I bring him not to you, and set him before you" (Beresheet 43:9), " ...then I shall have sinned to my father for ever" (Beresheet 44:32) in this world and the World to Come.
24. Therefore, "the kings were assembled, they came on ? together" means that they quarreled together and were angry with each other because of Benjamin. Then, it is written, "As soon as they saw, they were astounded; they were affrighted; they rushed away. Fear took hold of them there" (Tehilim 48:6), of all those present.
25. "...And pain, like a woman in travail" (Tehilim 48:7), for they were fearful lest they would kill or be killed on account of Benjamin. For Joseph was sold by Judah and was lost to his father. Now that he became surety for Benjamin, he was fearful lest he would perish. Thus, it is written, "Judah came near to him."
26. Another explanation of the verse, "the kings were assembled," is that Judah and Joseph came to debate with each other as kings. They met to discuss, the one with the other - the one about Benjamin and the other about Benjamin. [THIS PARAGRAPH IS REDUNDANT, AND THE EXPLANATION IS CONTINUED IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH.]
27. Rabbi Yehuda said, " ...The kings" alludes to the secret of faith, THE NUKVA. For when desire was revealed and union adorned IN MALE AND FEMALE, both the MALE AND FEMALE worlds were joined together - the one, ZEIR ANPIN, to open the treasure, TO SPREAD IT, and the other, THE NUKVA, to gather and collect PLENTY within it. Then "the kings were assembled, they came on ? together," both worlds, the Supernal World, ZEIR ANPIN, and the Lower World, THE NUKVA.
28. "...They came on together (also: 'passed')," for no sin in the world is atoned for until THE MALE AND THE FEMALE are united, as it is written, "and forgives (lit. 'passes upon') the transgression" (Michah 7:18), and also "they passed together," the sins passed, because, WITH THE ILLUMINATION OF UNITY, all faces shine and all sins are atoned for.
29. Rabbi Chiya said, The secret of this verse applies to correction through offering, for when a sacrifice is offered, everyone receives his provision, each according to what he deserves, and then all is joined as one, all faces shine, and one bond prevails - NAMELY, ONE UNION. Then, "the kings were assembled" to atone for transgressions and make them pass away. When, "the kings were assembled," MALE AND FEMALE, and were connected, "they passed together" - NAMELY, THEY ATONED FOR THEIR SINS so as to cause all faces to shine and make all of one accord.
30. "As soon as they saw, they were astounded" (Tehilim 58:5-6). HE ASKS, Could it be that the kings SAW AND WERE ASTOUNDED? HE REPLIED, NOT THEY, but the accusers, who delight in executing justice, according to orders they receive. When the kings were assembled with mutual wishes, "they saw" the wish of both worlds, MALE AND FEMALE, and "they were astounded, they were affrighted; they rushed away" because all the accusers were subdued and passed out of the world, for they cannot rule. Both their existence and their government were then interrupted.
31. Rabbi Elazar said, "Then Judah came near to him." Why? HE ANSWERS, This is how it ought to have been, for he became surety, as it is written, "For your servant became surety for the boy." The secret is that Judah and Joseph should have approached each other simultaneously, because Joseph is righteous, NAMELY, YESOD OF ZEIR ANPIN and Judah is a king, NAMELY, MALCHUT, THE NUKVA OF ZEIR ANPIN. Therefore, "Then Judah came near to him," because their coming together produced many benefits for the world, resulted in peace among all the tribes, peace between themselves - BETWEEN JUDAH AND JOSEPH - and caused the spirit of Jacob to revive, as it is written, "the spirit of Jacob their father revived" (Beresheet 45:27). Hence, their joining together was needed by all sides, above and below.