Vayigash: Chapter 9

"And he fell on his brother Benjamin's neck and wept"


The neck is like the Tower of David, it is not of this world, but rather of the celestial Jerusalem. Joseph weeps because he foresaw the destruction of the Temple and the exile of the tribes of Yisrael. He is able to see such things because the Holy Spirit dwells in him - although it does not dwell with his brothers. The destruction of the great Temple darkens the whole world, we learn. This was the painful foreknowledge Joseph was obliged to carry with him.


Our planet contains many spiritual energy centers. These serve as portals through which the supernal Light of the Upper Worlds flows into our dimension. Israel, we are told, is the energy center of the entire planet. The city of Jerusalem is the energy source of Israel. The Holy Temple is the primal source of energy for Jerusalem. And the Holy of Holies is the Fountainhead of spiritual energy for the Temple. Reading this passage connects us to Jerusalem, the Temple, and ultimately to he Holy of Holies. This ensures that all our prayers, deeds, and meditations draw their appropriate Light from this wellspring of spiritual energy.