73. "And now your two sons...who were born to you" (Beresheet 48:5): These are Yisrael below, who are in exile, the children of the Holy One, blessed be He, who are born among the nations. TO WIT, THE VERSE, "YOUR TWO SONS, EPHRAIM AND MENASHEH, WHO WERE BORN TO YOU IN THE LAND OF EGYPT" REFERS TO YISRAEL WHO IS IN EXILE AMONG THE NATIONS. FOR EGYPT INCLUDES ALL EXILES. We learned, Rabbi Yosi said, that Yisrael who will be in the Holy Land of Yisrael, dwelling in the land, at the coming of the Messiah, will be with their brothers in that place. For exile will be only for those who live in a foreign land, and they are called 'exiles.'
74. "I remember my Covenant with Jacob" (Vayikra 26:42). The Vav OF JACOB is superfluous, WHICH INDICATES that the Vav which was gone when the Temple was destroyed will help Jacob at the time OF REDEMPTION, and will be an everlasting possession for the holy son JACOB, whose descendants shall live in the country in which they lived before, happy is their portion.
75. The children who were exiled out of the Land of Yisrael and were forgotten (THE ASPECT OF MENASHEH) and multiplied (AND INCREASED ACCORDING TO THE ASPECT OF EPHRAIM: Supernal Jacob, ZEIR ANPIN) said to the one below, 'Your children who are out of the Land of Yisrael, born in exile in other lands, before I came to Egypt and sentenced them for their sins, I do not consider to be your children those who were born in exile in a foreign land, though they be many (THE ASPECT OF EPHRAIM) and forgotten (THE ASPECT OF MENASHEH) they are my own CHILDREN. But when I saw them in this exile, I healed their pains and heard their prayers, for Reuben, "Surely Hashem has looked upon my affliction" (Beresheet 29:32) and for Simeon, "Because Hashem has heard that I was hated" (Ibid. 33).' THIS IS THE MEANING OF THE VERSE "EPHRAIM AND MENASHEH" WHO MULTIPLIED AND WERE FORGOTTEN IN EXILE "AS REUBEN AND SIMEON THEY SHALL BE MINE," MEANING, HE WILL SEE THEIR POVERTY, HEAR THEIR PRAYER AND REDEEM THEM, ACCORDING TO THE MEANING OF THE NAMES REUBEN AND SIMEON. 'Think of it as if they were before Me, and when we shall return from Egypt, WHICH INCLUDES ALL THE EXILES, after executing Judgment on them, we shall take them out of the land of their exile.'
76. Rabbi Aba said, From this WE UNDERSTAND THAT AFTER HE WILL EXECUTE JUDGMENT UPON EGYPT, WHICH INCLUDES ALL THE NATIONS, YISRAEL WILL BE REDEEMED FROM EXILE, AS IT IS WRITTEN, "And they shall bring all your brethren out of all the nations for an offering to Hashem" (Yeshayah 66:20). This refers to the time when the Holy One, blessed be He, will execute Judgment upon Egypt; NAMELY UPON ALL THE NATIONS WHICH THE EARLIER VERSE MENTIONED, at that time, all the nations will bring an offering when they hear about the Holy One, blessed be He, "and all the nations shall flow to it" (Yeshayah 2:2).
77. We learned that Rabbi Shimon said, The Holy One, blessed be He, will make for every righteous man a canopy in Jerusalem. It is written, "The voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride" (Yirmeyah 16:9) when the Shechinah will return to the King and He will engage Her, as it is written, "Go forth, O daughters of Zion, and behold...on the day of his wedding, and on the day of the gladness of his heart" (Shir Hashirim 2:11). "The day of his wedding" is the giving of the Torah, and "the day of the gladness of his heart" is the building of the Temple, may it be built soon in our days.
78. "And your offspring, which you beget after them, shall be yours" (Beresheet 48:6). This is Yisrael below, WHO WILL BE BORN AFTER THE REDEMPTION to the fathers, who are Chariots, and their names will be in the secret of those born AFTER REDEMPTION. They will be named after their brothers in their inheritance.
79. We learned that Rabbi Shimon said, "And your issue (also: 'your homeland')" is Terrestrial Jerusalem. FOR THE WORDS "born at home" (Vayikra 18:9) in relation to the portion concerning sexual misconduct, refer to the Terrestrial Jerusalem. THE MEANING OF THE VERSE IS that people who will be born in that Jerusalem will not only return to their Master in heaven, but will also convert AFTER REDEMPTION. They will have only names of Yisrael, not according to their father, such as 'the proselyte of Cappadocia,' but a name of Yisrael.
80. "Shall be your ..." THE VERSE means that they will have names of Yisrael, after their brothers in their inheritance. And when they return, they will inherit together with Yisrael in the country, and each tribe will take its own, AND ALSO for people of their own, CONVERTS. Each will inherit the land according to its numbers.