"Gad, raiders shall maraud him"
Rabbi Yisa explains the name Gad indicates that many hosts and legions are dependent on him, and that armies will issue from him and engage in war. The name Gad also signifies the sustenance that the water of the river flowing from the Garden of Eden provides to the poor and the needy. Indeed, if not for his lineage, Gad would have risen higher than all the tribes because of his name. We learn that, similar to Reuben, he was born at a propitious time. However, perfection later departed from him, and also like Reuben, he thus did not receive a portion in the Holy Land, but instead dwelt on the other side of the river Jordan.
The spiritual strength and fortitude to wage war on our own Evil Inclination is instilled within us. Additionally, we awaken the spiritual Light that brings forth sustenance into our lives, helping to remove both spiritual and physical poverty from the landscape of human civilization.