912. We have studied that Chochmah united with its paths and gathered the waters with its wind, (MEANING ITS SEVEN LOWER SFIROT, WHICH ARE CALLED 'WIND'), and the waters gathered into one place. The fifty gates of Binah opened. From these 32 paths, ten crowns emerged, WHICH ARE THE TEN SFIROT OF THE FIRST THREE SFIROT OF CHOCHMAH, with glorious crowns, and then there remain 22 paths, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE SEVEN LOWER SFIROT OF CHOCHMAH, BEING THE SECRET OF 22 LETTERS. THEREFORE, WHEN that wind beat upon the paths IN ORDER TO GATHER THE WATERS TO ONE PLACE, AS MENTIONED, the fifty Gates of Binah opened, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE FIRST THREE SFIROT OF BINAH. And 22 opened, WHICH ARE THE LOWER SEVEN SFIROT in the fifty Gates of Jubilee, MEANING IN THESE FIFTY GATES OF BINAH. THESE 22 OF BINAH ARE crowned with the Ayin-Bet (72) letters of the Holy Name, THAT ILLUMINATE WITH THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH, and opened to its aspect. BUT UPON THE FIFTY GATES OF BINAH, WHICH ARE THE FIRST THREE SFIROT OF BINAH, THE NAME MEM-BET (42) ILLUMINATES, AS JUST MENTIONED.
913. The 22 crowns of Mercy were adorned, WHICH ARE THE SEVEN LOWER SFIROT that are included in Atik Yomin, who illuminates upon them each one in his aspect. THEY ILLUMINATE IN COVERED CHASSADIM. FROM THEM are adorned fifty engravings, WHICH ARE THE FIFTY GATES OF BINAH, with the 42 holy letters of the Holy Name, with which heaven and earth were created. They were engraved into eight gates, which are the eight letters of Mercy, as it is written, "Hashem, Hashem, El, Merciful and Gracious... " (Shemot 34:6). THESE ARE THE EIGHT NAMES that emerge from Atika Kadisha, that emerge into ZEIR ANPIN. The Supernal Chochmah and Binah join these holy crowns and ascend, MEANING THAT THEY ILLUMINATE FROM BELOW UPWARDS. And Supernal Chesed emerges from this side, MEANING FROM CHOCHMAH. The Judgment of Gvurah emerges from this side, FROM BINAH, and the merit of Jacob, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE CENTRAL COLUMN, TIFERET, comes and unites them ONE WITH THE OTHER, for this is the supernal perfection.
914. We have learned that Rabbi Shimon said, This is the reason that he is called 'Yisrael.' We have learned that Jacob is below, MEANING THE ASPECT FROM THE CHEST DOWN OF ZEIR ANPIN. Yisrael is above, MEANING FROM THE CHEST UP OF ZEIR ANPIN. Jacob is not perfection, but Yisrael is complete perfection, and we have learned, "The saying of David the son of Yishai" (II Shmuel 23:1). David is not perfection because he is last, FOR HE IS THE LAST SFIRAH, MALCHUT, WHOSE PERFECTION LIES ONLY IN YESOD. Yishai is Yesod, which is highest, is perfect. This is what we learned, that the children of Yisrael were not exiled from their land until they denied the Holy One, blessed be He, and the Kingdom of David, WHICH ARE YESOD AND MALCHUT, as it is written, "We have no part in David" (II Shmuel 20:1), WHICH IS MALCHUT, "Neither have we inheritance in the son of Yishai," WHICH IS YESOD, "every man to his tents, O Yisrael" (Ibid.). What is the meaning of "each man to his tents (Heb. ohalav)," meaning to his deity (Heb. Elohav), which is the place where idol worshipping dwells among them.
915. Rabbi Yehuda said, When Chochmah started to engrave on all the crowns, NAMELY THE SFIROT, from which crown did it start? HE ANSWERS, From THAT CROWN that is called 'Binah,' as everything is included in Binah BECAUSE THE REVELATION OF CHOCHMAH STARTED IN IT. Therefore, fifty gates were opened in it, so it appears that everything was engraved with Chochmah. This is what is meant by, "In wisdom have you made them all" (Tehilim 104:24).